10-26-31 Regular~; COUPdCIL CHAb'IBER October 26th, 1931. ~" ~t;• The Couneil met in regular session at 7:30 _.. p, Pq, __ ....~.:iycc The following members were present: ' Mr. Berg, Mr. Endsley r. ~ Doctor Love and &Sr. Smith. , f; The minutes of meeting held October 12th, 1931 were •a'3 • read and approved. _..,~; ; Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Street Committee, reported that his department was in need of a ear of rock. It was `' hasedrly moved, seconded and carried that the same be pur- v' ~. ~, Mr. Endsley moved that &Iiss. Lupton be given permiss- ~' ion to use the Chamber of Ccanmerce Hall for a Hallowe'en party without charge. The motion was seconded by Doctor Love and unanimously Carrie d. PHr. A. E. Cason came bef ore the Couneil in reference &~ to installing a gasoline tank at the wrater plant. It was °*• moved,by Mr. Berg, seconded b y Mr. Endsley and csarried that ~ this matter be laid over for future consideration. ~'i The following resolution was then offered by IV1r. Berg, who moved its adoption: wHEREgS the City of Delray Beach issued certificates of indebtedness to the contractor who constructed the paving of Atlantic Avenue from the Florida Coast Line Canal to the intersection of Sixth Avenue and Southridge Boulevard, and ... WHEREAS at the time the resolution was passed author- _„ izing the Tax GolTector to accept bonds and interest coupons 'd+~ in payment of taxes and improvement liens the aforesaid cert- ~ ~' ficates were excluded. x ~~' +~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOZVED that that portion of y 1 the aforesaid resolution excluding said certificates be re- ~~ scinded and that the City Clerk and Tax Collector be and is, F° " hereby authorized and instructed to accept said certificates at par in payt~nt of taxes for the year 1929 and prior thereto, ~„~s' ~,~ The motion was seconded by Doctor Love and on roll call. ~~,i unanimously carried. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the Clerk was ~~ instructed to secure an assignment of they Masonic Temple Associ- 'iT _ ,M? M.'. ; ~:~." ~- Council Chamber -October 26th, 1931. at ion bond now held by the City from Mr. L. L. Barwick. . The ti7ater Conunittee was ffiuthorized to exchange nine ths~ee quarter inch water nE ~ters for one inch water meters. It eras moved, seconded and carried that the matter of granting Mr. E. C. Hall's request fora special water rate "`""°"" be referred to the 47ater committee for investigation. It was moved, seconded and carried that the ti~ater Committee be authorized to paint or creosote the shed at the water plant. It was moved by Doctor Love, seconded by Nr. Berg and carried that the Clerk be authorized to rearrange the collat- eral security at the Central Farmers Trust Company. It was nerved, seconded and carried that current bills be referred to the Finance Cormmittee. The follovring bills having been audited and 0. >.~d by the Finance Committee were ,'3 referred back to the Counci 1 and on roll call ordered paid: { ~~; J. L. Nichols ~ 54.62 .' Addre ssograph Sales Agency 1.10 Southern Bell Telephone Co. 15.35 ~ R. C. Guptill 38.26 Delray Beach Fire Dept. 41.50 Delray Lumber Company 37.65 Delray Beach dews 39.00 The Council adjourned. f <d i City Clerk. P . 4:{'.~ APPROVED: !.'~ ~'~-1 President of the Council.