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11-09-31 Regular
Y~ com~ClL CH~MS~x 1Povember 9th, 1931. t~ The Council met in re gular sessi®n at 7:30 P. M. All members of the Counvil were present. ' The minutes of meeting held Ovtober 26th, 1931, were read and approved. A vommunivation was read from Mrs. Croak, owner of the geatueky House, stating that a State Inspevtor had coademaed . -two of the date palms on the South side of her property. It was moped by Mr. Diggaas that the City remove these trees in question. The motion was sewn dad by Dovtor Love and varried. °A vmmmunivation was read Prom the E'lorids State Bank. regarding the Charges made for a chevking acseount. The same. was ordered filed; • A vovanunivation was read from Blackwell, bennell & "~ Moore with referelaee to securing a reduvtion of taxes in "~ Sevticsi 21, known ss Del Mar Subdivision. Doctor Love effer- ,~ ed the f©llowing moti®n: That the clerk be instraeted to advise these parties that the delinquent taxes on the above property would be paid by purvhasing bonds en the City of Delray and that the Counvil did not feel Suatified in making a Ytxrther redueti~. The motscn was seconded by Mr. Diggans and unanimously varried. ` • A vvmmunivatiom was reveived fron Mr. T. L. Svttltharp „. . with reference to severing a refiivtion on his property in Lake Ida Gardens. It was moved, see©nded and varried that the Clerk be instructed to advise Mr. Svnl4~wrp that 1n as much as he would settle these taxes by purchasing City bonds . the Counvil did not feel fustified in making further reduv- bons. ' On motion duly made, seconded and carried the Clerk •was instravted to have the pivture of George Washington, ,. whivh was. presented by Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owens, framed and, ,,. hung in the .,Counvil Chenber. Mr. D. H. Parker yams before the Counvil with refer- anus to a lot purvhased in the vemetery under the old plat. The matter wea discussed at vonsiderable length but no avtion ~~ taken. ~u fy ~: Council dhember - Ra4ember 9th, 1931. The following motion was offered by Bar. Diggana: That Mr. Henry Ostro be relieved of his contract with the City whereby he agreed to operate a minature golf course in the Gity Park and that he be permitted to remove certain portions of the ecxirse. The motion was seconded by Doctor Love and oa roll call unanimously carried. The Park Committee was authorized to purchase and place locks in doors of the pump house in the City Park. Mr. John Beacham of Piest Palm Beach then addressed the Council in referenee to a cooperative agreement on occupational licences. No action was taken. Fire Chief Cook then came before the Council*and recommended that 'additional hose be purchased for the Fire Department,~~~~'. Berg offered the following motion: That the Fire C`'~a#"authorized tc purchase five hundred feet oY standard fire-hose from the Goodrich Rubber Company. The motion was ae©onded by Mr. Diggans and on roll call uaanimous- ly carried. ~ The following motion was offered by Mr. Bexg: That the Clerk be instracted to notify the County school Board that unless some arrangements were made by ~7eaember 80th, 1931, water aerviee at the public schools would b® discontin- ued. This motion was lost for want of a second. The following motion was then offered by Mx. Diggans: That-the Clerk be instructed to notify the County Sehocl Board that the City of Delray Beach had an ordinance which required that water aerviee be discontinued at the public scshool buildings on November 20th. The motion was seconded by Doctor Lov®. ~. Ddr. Berg moved that this mcstion be tabled. The motion was seconded by Mr. Endaley and on roll gall the vote to table was as follows: fir. Berg;~s, fix'. Diggans no, Fdr, Lndsley yes, Doctor Love no and Mr. Smith no. The motion was declared lost. The result of the vote on the Diggsas motion was.tss ;,, follows: Mr. Berg ao, Mr. Dggans yea, Mr. Endsley no, D®ct®r~ Love yea and Bgr. Smith yes. The motion was declared serried. s The following motion wen offered by Mr. Berg: 'Pbat '~ " 1 ~ the Clerk be authorized and instructed to pay the deli~~uent ~ drainage taaea in Section Eighteen and Nineteen of the~Gty ~-- of Delray Beach. The motion was 8eccsided by Boator Lope and ~, on roll. call unanimou sly carried. ~ ~_ ` Council Chamber -November 9th, 1931. On motion duly made, seconded and oarried the Park Committee was instructed to Dell for sealed bids for the painting of the pavilions and bath houses oa the beach. Oa motion duly made, seconded and oarried the t'ire Chief was instructed to pleas a sign at the beach regarding the removal of benches from the pavilions and elsewhere. On motion duly made, seoonded and oarried the Street ~, Committee was authorized to repair a short seotion of Ingsham Street on the beach. The Street Committee was-slay authorized to bl8ok patoh and mll 9ndrews Street leading North Prom ~tlantio Avenue at the Doctor Goulais residence. It was moved, seoonded and oarried that ourrent bills be referred to the Finaave Committee. The following bills having been audited and 0, A.*d by the Finance Committee were referred b8ok to the Carncil and on roll 0811 ordered paid: Fisher, Inc.: X1.10 . Delray Beaoba News .75 VP. A. Tones 6.60 The Paint Store 1.50 A Adams fIardware 3.17 L. w. Cook S.Of? Delray Beach Fire Dept. 44.5 Delray Lumber Company 38.81 Firestone Service Stores 3.10 Standard 031 Co~psny 81.00 The Council ad~ourne d. City Glerk. APPRO'PED: President oP the Dune il. i ,_ e~ "l ~3 ~' i_ In eooordanoe with Artiole 12 Section 74 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach and by virture of authority in me vested as Mayor of said City, I hereby proclaim Tuesday, beoember 8th, 1931,. as the date .for holdiag an sleation for the purpose of electing a City Mayor, one City Gounoilman froze YVard One, Cne City Cmun- oilman from YPard TWO, snd eae City Councilman at Large. Mayor of the iiy of Delray Beach, Florida. ,, ..,