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12-14-31 Regular
~~, . COUnTCIL CHAMMBER December 14th, 1931. .».~~; The Council met in regular session at 7:3p P, M. The Mayor end all members of the Council and a large number :~- of citizens were present. The minutes ~' meetings held November 23rd, November 30th and December 7th were read and approved. The following ordinance was then brought up for' 6 ', second reading and adoption: AN ORDINANCE BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY pF DELRAY REACH, PALM BEACH COIINTY, FLORIDA, PL6.CING A LICENSE ON, DESIGNATING AND DESCRIBING ITINERANT MERGHaNTS. Mr. Berg moved that the ordinance be passed on second and final reading and adoption. The motion was seconded by Mr. Diggans and on roll call unanimously carried. Mr. Diggans reported that he had investigated the matter of constructing a walk at the Shuffle-Board Courts in r*, the City Park and recommended that the work be done,. It waB, moved, seconded and carried that the Superintendent of Public :~' Utilities be authorized and instructed to construct this walk. `yt~ ~ ; Mr. Diggans also reported that .ropes and other "~! material for the purpose of constructing the safety ropes at ~` the beach had been ordered. -. ~:; A eommunicaticm was received from Mr. w, p, winn re- s;.i questing payment for services rendered as auditor. It'wss '` regularly moved, seconded and carried that the matter be laid ~" over. .~, The resignation of George 6P. Croft as police officer wes read and on moti ari duly made, seecmded and carried Ras accepted and the 61erk instructed to so advise Mr, Cre?ft, and extend him a vote of thanks of the Council for the manner in which he had performed his duty while an officer. i The resignation of w, M. Croft as Chief of Pol read and on motion duly made, seconded and carried was ted and the Clerk instructed to so advise Mr. Croft, a him for the efficient manner in which he has performed duties while Chief of Police, this resignation to take upon the apppointment of his successor. pn motion duly made, seconded and serried was authorized and iimstrneted to pay the officers was; ° ;,,. ,~ Leap=~`~r~ thank.. i s Pee t the .Clerk of the ~,, ; ~~ ~' ' Council Chamber - December 14th, 1931. election board, who served on December 8th, the 4,00 ea eh. anm of On motion duly made, seconded and carrie bill d current s were referred to the Finance Committee. The follow- ing bills haPing been audited and 0. K.*d by the Finance Committee were. referred baok to the Council and on roll . . r call ordered paid: . .» .,,...,. Tourist Garags ~ 1.00 R. C. Guptill 9.75 '.s Delray Lumber Company 17.8U L. J. Nichols 169.6® Brennan & Plastridge 121.05 s~ Farquhar Machinery Co. 5.35 "~"~. ...~. >,~;.; It was regularly nawed, aeconded and oarried that the Clerk be instructed to open the ballot boa oontaining the returns of December 8th election, The boa was ©pened and returns canvassed by the Counei L The fol.3.owing resolution was then offered by Mr Diggansz wHERLlv,S in keeping with the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach and pursuant to the Meyyors gall the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did hold an eleotion on Toes- day, the 8th day of December, A. D. 1931, for the purpose of elevating a Mayc>r, one councilman from ward one, one Counoilman fran ward Two and one Councilman at Large, AND wHER}~AS the election board appointed to hold said election. has made the following returns and tabulat ions of said eleotion: For Mayor: Councilman ward One Councilman ward Two Councilman at Large L. R. Benfamin John w. Hall J. C . Keen Lot L. Smith C. N. Mol.aren Willard waters besides soattered dotes Frank Crego J. L. Love R. P. Endsley Frank N. Brown J. L. Troup 25 272 25°~ 2363 "17 385 237 3E?3 24tf 2' ~'r: Council Chamber - bec~ber 14th, 1931. 7e 1POw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the authority of oresaid that we declare Tohn w: Hall elected mayor Lot , L. Smith councilman-from ward one, Frank Credo councilman "" from ward two, and R. P. Endsley councilman at large for ~- the ensuing $erm. Mr. Diggans moved the adoption, seconded by Mr. Ber d g an on roll call unanimou sly carried. President Smith then administered the oath of office t o Mayor John w. Hall. t. It was then moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn sine die. Mayor Hall then cozened the Council and adminis- ter d th e e oath of oiYice to Councilmen Crego, Endsley and Smith. Mr. Endsley Etffered•the following motion: That Mr. Lot L S . mith be elected president of the Council Par the ensuing year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berg and unan- imously carried. Mr. Diggans moved that the duties oP the standing committees remain the same as last ,gear. The motion was .seconded by Mr. Berg and on roll Dell unanimously carried. • Mayor Hall then announced the a~~ ~4 • Willard wate tp tv rs as polies officer to fiL the aeancsy ®re~sted by the resignation of Mr. George w C ft . ro . Mr. Berg moved that the appointment of Mr'. waters be approved. The motioa was seconded by Mr. .Diggans and on roll call unanimousl y carried. _ x Hr. Hall then administered the oath of office to Mr,. waters d r an p esented him with an officers badge. Mr. Hall addressed the Council with reference to t$e'F~ ,~~~;~ ~'~ appointment of ccammittees and requested that the Council ~ K't prepare a li st of the standing committees and .submit same t® him Po ~ ~ r consideration. '~ar- Mr. Berg offered a list of salary re due tions f0•P the Bonsideration of th C e ouncil. # S) ' ' ; 5 ~ ` c el .,. _~ ~~ d_ ~r Council Chamber -December 14th, 1931. ~'` Applications for the office of City Clerk were received from Mr. Jc M. Douglass and Messrs. T, A. Rawls _,.. ,._.~„. and T. M. McEachern. It was regular7,y moved, seoonded and oarried that the Councll adjourn to meet Monday, December 21st at 7:30 p. M. i y Gler~ APpRCVED: ~O'/ President of the Counoi 1. apR °a:~:a~ ,a,. ~,z ~.y} F '. b9. I~ X~ ~j X51 A f~~~ ~ 5 ~ ~ y ~ ~~~ r r A~ ' l<