02-11-29 Regularllf cor~rrclL Roor.R February 11th, 1929. The Council met in regular session at 7 :30 P. TT. the `ayor and all members of the Council were present. The minutes of the meetings held January 2£ith, Fel.~s^aary 1st and February IIth crere read and approved. The Street Conrnittee, 'to whom the application of Parr. Roy Friedlander for a permit to install a gas tank was referred, reported that the corznitteerad granted the permit as applied for. In the mmatter of reducing the occupational license tax on moving picture shows, which had been referred to the Ordin- ance Committee, recora:.ended that no reductions be made. A commwlication was read fro.:. the Florida Trust Com- pany, who are in ch~sge of the Alterep Hotel, in reference to damages resulting from the housing of refugees during the September storm and it was moved, seconded and carried that this be referred to the American Red Cross. A com~unication was received from I;Prs. Lucy J, Burd in reference to the adjustment of bac'r, taxes w:~s on motion d~..1;;~ *rade, seconded and carried referred to the 1''inance Commi- ttee. A com-.uni_cation ryas received fro:ri P•;?rs. .T. J. Schabin- ger requesting the cancellation of the 1926 street paving assessment against t1_e North two hundred feet o° Block Fifty- sever_, amounting to ;x424.00. It was moved by P:4r. Been, seconded by ~r. Troup and carried that the Clerk be directed to cancel this assess~~ent. In the -:hatter of the request of P+rs. Elizabeth Ten- brool_.to have the street assessr^ent against her nror~erty in block Sixty-four cancelled, it bras ~:~oved bar Tvir. smith and seconded by P,~r. Been that the Council refuse to relieve Parrs. Tenbrooh of this assess:;.ent. On roll call the vote i,ras as follows: P,Tr. been yea, PTr. Porter pass, Isir. Smith yea, T's. Troup no, P:rxs, `."arfield yea. The motion. ~:7as declared carried. 'The following applications for the position of life ward at the beach vrere read: C. Psi awh, A. E. Cason and Ernest t A. _Tdessler. It was moved b3T Pair. orter, seconded by Tvir. been and carried that the City employ T,Pr. 1iPohawlc as life guard at a salary of Four Dollars per day. d~ a ~_1 Council Room - February 11th, 1929. It was moved, seconded and carried that sufficient lumber be nurc'rased to complete the tool shed at the golf, course. E~` T;Ir. Troup presented the proposition of TcSr. 0. A. Seestedt in which he offered to furnish all materials and ~ ~y-.,~~a labor"'9£oi '~~e folloaaing part improvements for the sum c~fNp' `_, ~_--- ~~ive ~<undred Dollars: ^ ~'~ ~~' `' - ~~ , 2 horse shoe courts, 1 tennis court and erect a shed twenty-two by thirty-six feet for the Checker Club. It was roved by T+Ir. Veen, seconded by l~Ir. Porter and unanimously carried that the proposition of T:Ir. Seestedt be accented. The Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion were granted permission to hold a tent show without paying a lic- ense charge. P,Ir, Porter reported that I.2r. C. .~. Britton had made an offer of ~;>5,000.00 cash for the Rista Hotel property and as an evidence of good faith had posted a one hundred dollar option on same for thirty days. ~'lr. Porter also requested instructions as to the rent of the T,4ussle property and on motion. duly made, seconded and carried this matter was referred to the Finance Committee, with power to act.' The City Attorney was on _~notion duly made, seconde d and carried authorized to deliver all papers in,G,'~is ossession belonging to PrTrs. T~~Iussle to her in as much as ~'' y a~`en cancelled.Ly~.u...,.9t~~~ y ~ sG~ ~%/-~j ATv' ORDIl`1AI`?CE T~;AI£ID?G A,SS}"~,SSTLr:2'TS AGAIT?ST PROPERTI' IN THE CITY OF DBLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO COVER TF~ COST OI' PAVING C~TAIN STREETS Ib? SAID CITY ABUTTITTG 0"' SAID I~20PERTY came up for second and final reading and adoption. The ordinance was read in full. T:4r. Robinson, an engineer representing the Florida East Coast Railroad,protested the assessment against that com- pany ~s fixed by the City Engineer. It having been shown that this assessment was out of line it eras moved by llr. Smith and seconded by T~Tr. Porter that the assessment roll be reduced to 240.16' or a total assessment of ??168.78. On roll call the motion was unanimously carried. After the above correction T~"r. Porter moved that the ordinance be passed oh final reading and adoption. The motion eras seconded by tilr. Troup and unanimously carried. The application of the Southeastern Ice F~ Cold Storage Company for a building permit to erect a garage with galvanized iron sides was on motion duly made, seconded and carried refused 115 Council Room - February 11th, 1929. NIr. Banker appeared before the Council in referer_ce to the assessment of his property ir_ the Southeast section of the City. The matter was referred to the tax assessor. I~ir. Smith reported that the new roof on the City water tank had been completed. He also reported the comple- tion of the drilling on the new well but had not tested the watter sufficiently to determine the result. Permission was given fire chief Cook to sell fire extinguishers. P:I~. Smith. was instructed to have the superintendent of public utilities remove the safe, scales and such other fixtures now in the old Givens building to the Cit~Z Hall. The Street Committee was requested to get an estimate of the cost for the paving of the strip of road between the two highways in the Sophia Frey Subdivision. The Clerk was instructed to secure prices on six and eight inch cast iron pipe for the new water mains in Dell Park. Current bills having been audited and 0. ?~. *d by the Finance Cort~ittee were on motion duly made, seconded and carried referred back to the Council and ordered paid. The Clerk was instructed to issue an occupational license to Dr. A. ~1. Priiller in lieu of professional services rendered a city prisoner. adjourn. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council ,,a~ City 1(-'4, erk. APPROVED:. ~. resident of the ounc