03-04-29 Special135 COir?CIL RGO,~^: T,arch 4t n, 1929. The Council met in special session at 9:30 A, Tci,, the TrIayor and the following members were present: T,,ir. Been, TIr. sorter, i_r, r3*nith and :Ir. Troup, On accour_t of the president, T_;irs, ':"~'arfield, being absent ~Ir. S;rith was on inotior. duly made, seconded anal car~•ied elected president pro tem, to preside at this r,ieetirig. The matter of play ground improve•.rents was taT_er. un and discussed at length by different members of the Council. ~ It ~7as n•:oved by ~=:r. Troup t'iat the City proceed at once to con- struct four additional shuffle board courts, `i'he _~notion was seconded by TrTr, F=een and c arri ed, On account of the sand acctu:iulatin~° around the sides of the shuffle boards recently installed it was -;owed, seconded and carried that t're con~:iittee be authorized to concrete a strip tyro feet wide around said courts. It was moved by Nr. Troup and seconded by D?r. Porter that the shuffle board and horse shoe courts be operated under the direction of the shuffle board club arith the understardin~ that .non me?ribers of the club are not Ero be barred from playing on said courts and that this resolution ma~I be rec;nded at the will a_rd p7.easure of the Council. The motion was carried. It ti ~.s ,:cved by ~r. i:een, seconded b * T.''r. r orter and un- ani:iously c~rr9.ed that t -.e Chairman of t~~e Water Con~iittee be authorized to proceed drilling more test arell;~ on the nevrly acquired land in Section 20, On notion dulj m.;.de, seconded and carried t're Srw.tary Com,~ittee l,u . a~:zt_ .~:;..~;~,,d to have the necessary plu;nbin;; done at the old Ciw:n_ber of ~o~aerce Mall. • It ,=ras -aved, seconded and carried that t'-.e Council ad- journ. City Cler1:, AS'PROTTED C, _ President of the Co°~~n ' 1.