03-11-29 Regular1.39 COIINCIL ROOM March 11th, 1929. The council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M, the Mayor and all members of the Council were present. The miaut®s of the meetings held February 25th, march 4th and March 7th were read and approved. Mr. Porter reported that in aocordanee with the instruc- tions given him by the Counoil he ha8 employed Mr. Dewey Bdorris to make certain repairs to the old .Chamber of Commerce Hall and the Zook property. The work on the Chamber of Commerce Hall was completed and that locks had been placed on all doors so that the building from now on could be kept closed from the public. It was moved, seconded and carried that a rental of X1.00 for afternoons and ~2~00 per night b® charged for the Chamber of Commerce Hall beginning April 1st, 1929. Mr. Smith reported that Mr. Roberts, one of the engin- errs of the Florida Power and Liglst Company, had met with the 9Pater Cemraittee and gone over the plans ea made by the Committ®e in reference to the sinking of test wells and installing a pump on the recently purchased water plant site in Section 20. Mr. Roberts requested certain data, upon receipt of which he would give a detalled outline of such recom<aendations as in his opinion should be followed in eatabllshing a water plant. Mr. Smith reported that in the matter of the air port he had made certain investigaticais in reference to the ~6ilton tract on the Germantown Road and had found that there were tsaes now due amounting to $275.00 and he was also investigating a tract of land on west Atlantlc Avenue ne=r the Harry Breze prop- erty. The committee was continued. Mr. 2'roup of the sanitary department reported in the matter of street cleaning and garbage disposal a saving of X136.00 during the month of February over the previous month by having the work done under the supervision of the Street Depart- ment. The following resolution was then introduced: WHSREAB the City of Delray Beach has heretofore declared a lien on an8 issued oertain certificates of indebtedness against the herein- after deserlbed property for speoiel improvements, which said eertifieates have not been paid as assessed by the said K3ity, and are now in default. 14~ Council Room - March 11th, 1929. NOVf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the authority afore- said that they do elect to declare all installments due and pay- able on all property having oertifioates of indebtedness against same, where any installment for special improvements are in de- fault. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to turn a list of said property, together with the certificates, amounts, due dates, etc., over to J. H. Adams, City Attorney, as soon hereafter as same can be ccmipiled, and said Oity Attorney is hereby authorized, directed and instraoted to institute foreclosure proceedings on all lien oertifioates whie h are now in default as hereinafter described." It was moved by Mr. Troup and seconded by Mr. Smith that the resolution be adopted as read and on roll call the resolution was unanimously adopted. The matter of ad~ustfng the sidewalk assessment against Mr. A. Simon in Block 71 was on motion duly made, seconded and carried referred to the Street Committee. reference Nine. 0 (erred to A communication was read Yr to the adjustment of tease o n motion duly made, seconded the Finance Co~nittee. om Mr. Arthur McDermott in n his property in Section and parried this was re- The following notice of application to have the City Charter amended was then read and referred to the Legislative .Committee: "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, the undersigned officers oP said City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, will. apply to the 1`gialature of the State oY Florida, at its regular 1929 aesaion for the introduction and passage of a special bill entitled: " A BILL TO AMEND AN ACT CREATING THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, AND STATE OF FLORIDA", amending the existing charter of said pity so ea to' enable said city to float refunding bonds, payable over a long period of years; else enabling said city to properly ley ant and zone said city into zones Por business, residents and otherwise, and to further generally describe its powers and privileges. This notice to be published once a week Yor eight (8) eonseoutive weeks, in the Delray Beach News, a newspaper published in Palm Beach County, Florida, and of general circulation in the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. READ, APPROVED AND ORDERED PITBLISHED By the authority of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, this the ll~th day of March, A. D. 1929." The contract made with the Gity by the gnighta of Pythla. Lodge for the purchase of five cemetery lots was then taken up and dscussed. It was brought out that the lodge had paid the city 75,00 or an amount eugal to the price of three lots. It 1.43 Council Room - March 11th, 1929. was moved by Mr. Smith and seconded"by Mr. Been that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to eaecute a deed for these three lots and cannel the old contract. On roll sell the motion was unanimously parried. with the CountylSphool Boarduinoconstruptingptennishoourts wasnthen Delray Beach, Florida givingycertaintcreditsit othehCounty Board of Edupation. Clerk is authorizedLand direptedutoopredit~theaCountyaBoard ofty buildingntennistpourt~s, th~eegin©number,utodbeobuiltaonithe school grounds in the City of Delray Beach, when a popy of the minutes of-the County Board pertaining thereto is received, together tivith a pertifipate that the tennis pourts have been oompleted.n Mr. Porter moved the adoption of the resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Keen and on roll pall the vote was as follows; Mr. Keen yea, Mr. Porter yea, Mr. Smith yea, Mr. Troup no, Mrs. Warfield yea. The resolution was deplared adopted. It was moved, sgponded and parried that current bills be referre8 to the Finance ~'ommittee. and Clerk=bewauthorizedv#nd direpted todreaewithetpontraot with Bdr. R. G. Hipks, manager of the golf course, for a period of twelve months at a salary of $150.0 per month. Current bills having been audited and 0. K.~fl by the Finance Committee were on motion duly made, seconded and parried referred back to the Council and ordered paid. The Council adjourned. ~tyy CferTc.- APPROYSD: ~'/~-r~ eaident of t e o ei .