04-08-29 Regular1 ~~
cotrnrclL cxAMBER
gpril 8th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M., the
Mayor and the following members of the Council were present:
Mr. Keen, Mr. Porter, Mr: Smith and Mr. Troup: Owing to the
absence of Mrs. Warfield, Mr. Smith was on motion duly made '
seconded and carried elected president pro tem to preside at
this meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held March 25th were read and
after corrections approved.
A communication was read from the Central Farmers Bank
oP West Pa]sa Beach ree_uesting thR release of certain portions v
of tthere security which is held by the City as collateral
against bank deposits. The Clerk w&s instructed to make
this ad3ustment.
The following resolution regarding the flood control of
Lake Okeechobee was read and on motion duly made seconded and
carried adopted: "WHEREAS, The necessity of providing proper
and adecuate flood control for the Lake Okeechobee section has
been conceded by all thinking citizens of this area and eorro-
borated by the Engineers of the United States Army, in a report
submitted to the Federal Government, and
WHEREAS, The shocking disaster of September 1928, which
host the unnecessary loss of more than two thousand lives and
hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to property when
Lake Okeechobee flooded a helpless countryside, and
WHEREAS, The Florida Flood Control
profit making, non-partisan organization,
ing and compiling data to present at the
gress to substantiate the consensus of of
this area that the entire cost of such Y]
bore by the Federal Government,
Association, a non-
is engaged Yn gather-
next session of Con-
~inion of the people of
.cod control should be
~fD~3EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the City Councll of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, do hereby heartily endorse
the efforts of the Florida Flood Control Association in this
humanitarian as well as highly improtant economic effort in be-
half oP the welfare, safety, progress and prosperity of our com-
Done at Delray Beach this the 8th day of April, A. D. 1929."
Council Roam - April 8th, 1929.
&Ir. Porter, to whom the tag matter of Mr. Sievers had been
Deferred, introduced the following resolution, which was unanimous-
ly adopted: ^wfH+RE9S, there &Ie certain-city taxes for the year
1926 assessed against the SE4 of the SE4 of SE4 of Section~5,
Township 46, South of Range 43 East, in the amount of X350.00, and
interest and fees thereon amounting to X57.00; and
~F.AS, Mr. P. Sievers has offered to pay the sum of X161.65
in full settlement of taxes covering said property, less a lot in
the Northeast corner of said tract 150x200 feet, and also lass
certain lots numbered from l to 8, inclusive, of a subdivision
known as Delray Shore Plaza, as shown by a plat of same on file
~n the office of the Jerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach
ounty, Flori~a, in Plat Book 4, at page 48, same being a subdiv-
ision of the outh seven acres of the SE4 of the SE4 of the SE4
of Section 5, Township 46, South of Range 43 East;
City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the said offer oS settlement
made by P. Sievers, as herein act forth, be aocepted in full
settlement of -the taxes on the SE4 of the SE4 of the-SE4 of Section
5, Township 46, South of Range 43 East, less a lot in the Northeast
corner of said tract 150200 feet, and also less certain lots
numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, of a subdivision mown as Delray
Shores Plaza, as shown by a plat of same on Pile in the office of
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach-County, Florida, in
Plat Book 4, at page 48, same being a subdivision of the South-
aeven acres of the SE4 of the SE4 of the SE4 of Section 5, Town-
ship 46 South of Range 43 East,-and the Clerk of the City of Delray
Beac h, Florida, is hereby authorized to cancel tax sale-oertifi-
cates on this property and accept tiie said sum of 161.65 in full
settlement of the taxes due thereon, and to issue receipts to the
said P. Sievers covering such property."
PQr. Porter, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that+
he had been requested to make certain repairs on the Miller Barber
Shop property and it was moved by Mr. Troup, seconded by Mr. Keen
and carried that the Committee be authorized to make these repairs..
Mr. Smith, Chairman of the V7ater and Light Co~pmittee, report-
ed that the program of well drilling"was being Carr-ied out, that
three wells had already been completed and that the fourth was
down to a depth of nearly seventy feet.
In the matter of adjusting the sidewalk assessment against
the property of Mr. A. Simon in Block 71, Mr. Smith reported that
all evidence showed that the sidewalk in question had been com-
pleted sometime prior to the making of this assessment, which was
evidently done in error and it was moved by Iv1r. Porter and secon-
ded by Mr. Keen that the Clerk be directed to remove this assess-
ment from the roll. The motion was unanimously carried.
In the matter of extending the water line for the boy scouts
in Osceola Park was referred to the water and Light Committee with
power to act.
The following or dinanee was then introduced and read in full:
Council Room - April 8th, 1929.
"BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED By the authority afcjresaid that
the ordinance creating and establishing a Pire department in the
City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, and defining its Jurisdiction,`be
end the same is hereby amended so that Section 21 of said ordinance
shall read as Follows:
"Section 21 - The Chief oP fire shall receive such compen-
sation as the City Council may"by resolution from time to time-see
fit to pay: The assistant chitP of fire shall receive as a re- ,
muneration, for his services as such, suer. sum or sums as the City
Council Prom"time to time, by resolution, m2y see 'fit to pay:
Each fireman, or in his absence a reserve fireman, shall receive
a compensation for his attendance at each fire, an amount to be
designated by resolution of the City Council. Each fireman and
officer shall receive a compensation of an amount to be fixed by
resolution of the City Council, For his attendance at the regular .
Piremanrs paactices."
BE IT F[JRTFD;R ORDAINED By the authority aforesaid that the
office of chief of Pire can be combined with anyother office of ~'
said City, and one and the same person hold two or more of such
This ordinance amending an ordinance as above designated
shall take effect and be in force Prom its passage as provided
by law.
-All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed."
fir. Troup moved that the ordinance be passed on first read-
ing, which was seconded by Mr: Keen and on roll call the vote was
as Follows: Mr. Keen yea, Mr. Porter yea, Mr: smith no, Mr.
Troup yea. The ordinance was passed on the first reading.
On motion made, seconded and carried the Clerk was instru-
oted to amend the assessment roll oP the Seaboard Air Line Rail-
way Company to conform to the return made by the State Comptroller."
Mrs. Amanda Sypert then Dame before the Council and presented
a letter from former Mayor Sundy in reference to sidewalk constru-
ction abutting her property on Northeast First Street. Bdr: Troup
moved that this assessment against Adrs. Sypert be cancelled. The
motion was seconded by fir. Keen but after certain developments in
the discussion Mr. Keen withdrew his second and the motion was
lost on that account. Mr. Porter then moved that this matter be
referred to the Street Committee for further investigation. The -~
motion was seconded by Mr. Keen and carried.
In the matter of improvement assessments against Dr. J. R.
Cason, Sr., this was continued with the Street Committee.
Mr. Porter reported that he had a proposition Prom Mr Prin-''''
gle in which he offers to purchase the Cline property on the South
Dixie: The proposition is as follows: Purchase price to be
3200.00, 160.00 cash, X800 i91 one year, X1120 the second year and:
_. ~
Council Room - April 8th, 1929.
~1I20,00-the third year. It was moved, seconded and csarried that
this matter be referred to the`City Attorney to investigate"and
prepare a contract to submit to the Council at the nett regular
Mr. Porter then presented the following proposition Prom
Bdr. C. F. warfield, Jr: and wife in reference to a compromise
settlement oP a note and mortgage and taxes due the City. The
proposition presented was as follows: That Por the consideration
of said C. P. YParfield 8r. and wipe executing warranty dead to"
the City Por four lots in Pompano Beach and on payment of $100.00
that the City deliver said mortgage and notes to Mr..77arfield
and a receipt in Pull to date Por taxes on the North 65' of"Lot
15 in Block 67 in the City oP Del say Beach. Mr. Porter then
offered the following motion: That this proposition be accepted
and that the Mayor and C1er K be authorized to e$ecute a satis-
faction oP the mortgage and receive deeds to the Pour lots in
Pompano Beach and X100.00 in Pull settlement of said note and
mortgage and"taxes on the N. 65' oP Lot 15 in Block 67, provid-
ing, however, that there are no second mortgages against the
said Pompano lots. The motion was seconded Dy Mr. Troup and un-
animously carried.
Current bills having been audited by the finance Committee
ovate on motion duly made, "seconded and carried referred book to
the Counoil and ordered paid.
Council adjourned.
ity let .
resident of the Coune