05-13-29 Regular16
May 13th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7130 P. M., the
Mayor and all members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the meetings held April 22nd, 29th. and May 7th
were read and approved after corrections.
The City Attorney reported that in the matter of out oP
town bakeries selling bread to local gropers, that, in his
opinion, there was no way by which the City could collect a
license tax.
Mr. Smith reported that Mr. Main, of the Main Engineering
Company, Daytona Beach, Florida, had spent praetioally the entire
day with his committee and in order that the other members of
the Council might hear his proposition in reference to the new'
water plant he had invited him to come before the Council. Mr.
Main then addressed the Council at considerable length and agreed
to serve as professional engineers in the matter of water plant
improvements for the sum of X25.00 per-day and expenses, the total
cost of which would not exceed X450.00. It was moved by Mr.
Smith that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a
contract with the Main Engineering Company as just outlined. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Keen and on roll call unanimously
It was moved by Mr. Troup, seconded by Mr. Porter and
carried that the Florida Trust Company be relieved of a 2~ penalty
on the 1928 taxes against the Alterep Hotel, with the understand-
ing that no further contention by made in reference to taxes on
this property.
The Clerk was instructed to permit the Central Farmers
Bank to clip coupons due on the bonds now held by the City as
collateral against bank deposits.
A communication Prom 4V. J. Lambert in reference to City
taxes was read and referred to the City Attorney.
A communication was received from the Delray Relief Fund
Committee, accompanied by a check for 433.57, with e•request
that the Council appoint a committee of two, one of which is now
a member of the Council, to take charge of this fund, arrange Por
a depository etc.
Council Room - May 13th, 1929.
It-was moved, seconded and carried that Mrs. C. P. War-
Pield and C. Y. Byrd be appointed as this co~nittee.
A communication was read from Mr. McDermott in reference
to past due taxes and was referred to the Finance Committee.
The City Attorney submitted an enabling act to be presen-
ted to the State Legislature in reference to amending a certain
portion of the City Charter. After the reading of this bill
it was again referred back to the City Attorney.
Mr. Porter then introduced the Following resolution, and
moved its adoption, in reference to the settlement oY a pertain
street improvement charged against Mrs. Amanda W. Sypert:
"BE IT RESOLVED by the authority aforesaid that Mrs. Amanda
Sypert be relieved oP any and all charges which the City now has
against her for side-walk, curb and gutter improvements, located
on the South side of Zot Sixteen (16), Block Sixty-seven (67),
City of Delray Beach, Florida, when and at such time as she ex-
eeutes to the City of Delray Beach a Quit-claim deed to the East
Five (5) Peet, more or less of the South Eleven and five-tenths
(11.5) Peet of Lot Fifteen {15 ), and the East Five (5) Peet,
more or less, of Lot Sixteen (16), Block Sixty-seven (67), City
of Delray Beach; and also a strip Five (5) feet, more or less,
off of the West side of the West Eighty (80)Peet of Lot Seven
(7), and five (5) feet, more or less, off of the West side of
the West Eighty (80) feet of Lot Eight (8), Block Seventy-five
(75) Gity of Delray Beach, Florida, the saws being the property
over and upon which certain side-walk improvements have hereto-
fore been made.
BE IT FURTFIER RESOLVED That said strip so conveyed to the
City is accepted by the City in full settlement oP all charges
against Mrs. Amanda Sypert Por work heretofore done by the laying
of sidewalk and placing of butter across the South side of Lot
Sixteen (16), Block Sixty-seven, City oP Delray Beach, Florida,
For which improvements so made on the property last aforesaid
there has been no lien by the City placed against same, it being
the intention of said Council to relieve only the charges against
Mrs. Amanda Sypert for which no assessments have been placed,
and that all assessments heretofore placed shall remain as a
valid lien against said property."
The resolution was seconded by Mr. Troup and on roll call
Mr. Troup, of the Sanitary Committee, asked permission to
employ two men to do general clean up work and it was moved,
seconded and carried that Mr. Troup be granted permission is re-
Council Room - I~Iay 13th, 1929.
P.?r. Troup also recommended that a piece of ground be set
aside near the golf links for the purpose of growing shrubs etc.,
but after the natter was taken up further it was found that this
would mean an expenditure of more money than the City could
afford and no action was taken.
Mr. Smith reported that in the matter of the septic tank
at the Seacrest Hotel the certain improvements in the way of a
new septic tank or sewer would be necessary. No ection was
taken in this matter.
It was moved, seconded and
be authorized to secure estimates
parking space at the beach.
carried that the Street Committee
with a view of extending the
Current bills having been audited and 0. K. td by the Finance
Committee were on motion duly made, seconded and carried referred
back to the Council and ordered paid.
Council adjourned.
President of the.