05-27-29 Regular1..79
May 27th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. 911
members of the Council were present.
The minutes of meetings held May 13th and 18th were read
and after corrections approved.
A communication was read from the Carpenters Union request-
ing the Council to establish a"line between the white and colored
sections of the City. It was found this could not be legally
done and the Clerk was instructed to so advise the committee.
A communication from S. K. Sw~Pt-Somlyo in reference to
securing certain photographs of the ity was read and the Clerk
was instructed to secure these pictures and forward them to Mr.
Swift-Somlyo as requested.
The Clerk was authorized to cancel the following tea sale
certificates on the property of the Florida East Coast Railway
Company: The west 100 of that part of Block 90 west of the rail-
road,. #2783 for the year 1924 and X6224 for the year 1928 and
also to have the 1928 taxes stricken from the roll.
It was moved bq Mr. Keen that the committee be authorized s
to accept the settlement offered and agreed upon by the Palm Beach
Company in reference to releasing a certain part of their property r
to the Town of Gulf Stream. The motion was seconded by Mr. Troup
and carried.
The complaint of Mr. A. George in reference to being annoyed
by smoke from the Dixie Cafe was referred to the fire chief for
Mr. Smith, chairman of the committee on building permits,
reported that certain buildings had been constructed without the
owners obtaining permits and that othexs had been constructed of
different kinds of materials than that mentioned in the application
for permits. It was moved by Mr. Keen and seconded by Mr. Smith
that the Chief of Police be instructed to file charges against all
such violators of the building ordinance. The motion was unani-
mously carried.
APPROVED: ~ ~ ~ City 1erk.
President of 'the Council.