06-10-29 Regular1.81
June 10th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. The
Mayor and the following r~mbers were present: Mr. Keen, Mr.
Porter, Mr. Smith and Mr. Troup.
Owing to the absence of president warfield, Mr. Smith was
on motion duly made, seconded and carried elected president pro
tem to preside at this meeting.
9. communication was read from the Central Farmers Trust
Company requesting that a portion of the collateral held by the /
City against bank deposits be returned. The Clerk was instruc-
ted to return such collateral as was in excess of the City depos-
Mr. Smith re~orted that he had received a report from the
Main Engineering ompany.but had not had time to go over it and
make recommendations at this time.
Mr. Porter reported that he had had certain repairs made to
the roof of the Muscle building and that he had agreed to bear
50°0 of the cost of installing a water sink in the kitchen of the
Sweet Shoppe, the City's portion of the cost of installing said
sink not to exceed 16.00.
Mr. Porter reported he had received a check from Dr. J. R.
Cason, Sr. for ~40Q.00 in settlement of certain street, sidewalk `'
and gutter improvements not covered by liens. It was moved by
Mr. Porter and seconded by iti4r. Keen that the 400.00 be accepted
in payment of these improvements when a receipt was furnished by
Mr. A. E. Cason showing that all claims held by him against the
City for street damages be included in this settlement. On roll
call the vote was as follows: Mr. Keen yea, Mr. Porter yea, Mr.
Smith yea and Mr. Troup no. The motion was declared carried.
Mr. Keen reported that the Light Committee had made a survey
of the street and white way lights and recommended that certain
lights be discontinued and requested that the committee be author-
ized to proceed along these lines. Mr. Porter then moved that
the Light Committee be authorized to negotiate with the Florida
Pov~rer & Light Company and enter into the drafting of a new contract ~'.
and take such other steps as might become necessary in order to
secure the reduction of these lights. The motion was seconded
_ by Mr. Troup and unanimously carried.
Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Street Committee, reported that
the work of extending the parking space at the beach had been com- `.
pleted and that the City forces were now engaged in installing the
water mains on North Swinton Avenue.
Council Room - June 10th, 1929.
Il4r. Smith reported that the palms in Del Ida Park were badly
in need of attention. It was moved by Mr. Porter, seconded by
Mr. Troup and unanimously carried that the Street Committee be
authorized to fertilize and otherwise care for these palms.'
Mr. C. Y. Byrd, representing the American Legion Post, pre-
sented a petition to the Council requesting the signature of the
City as a depositor in the defunct Delray Bank & Trust Ccxnpany ~
requesting the receiver of said bank to make a compromise settle-
went of a mortgage given by the Legion Post to said bank. It
was moved by Mr. Porter and seconded by Mr. Keen that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign the Citys name to this petition
and on roll call the motion was unanimously carried.
The follovaing emergency ordinance was then introduced and
read: "BE ST ORDAIP?ED by the authority trested in the City Council
of the Oity of Delray Beach, Florida, that one certain ordinance
designated as "AIN EMERGER7CY ORDIPSANCE Passed by the Cocmcil of
the City of Delray Beach, Regulating the R?ethod and Procedure in
Issuing Building Pei~.nits within Said City", which said ordinance
was-passed and approved as an emergency ordinance by the authority
aforesaid, on the 8th day of October, 1928, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
BE IT FURTI3ER ORDIINED that and and all other ordinances of
said City touching the regulation of buildings in said City are
hereby declared to be in full force and effect as though said em-
ergency ordinance had never been passed.
This ordinance is passed. and is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance repealing an emergency= ordinance, the necess-
ity for the ordinance hereby being repealed no longer existing."
It was moved by Mr. Keen and seconded by Mr. Porter that the
ordinance be adopted as read. On roll call the ordinance was
declared unanimously adopted.
Mr. Hicks reported that the nursery at the golf course had
been established and that cuttings of various kinds of shrubs had
been set out, the entire cost of which was estimated to run con-
siderably under the amount the committee had been limited to. The
matter of erecting a half shade was left to the discretion of the
Mr. Porter reported that an agreement had been reached with
the Palm Beach Corgpany whereby the company was to pay the City of
Delray Beach their pro rata share of certain outstanding indebted-
ness for releasing certain lots lying within the corporate limits
of the City of Delray Beach to the Town of Gulf Stream. As evi-
dence of good faith the Palm Beach Ccsa.pany had deposited approxi-
mately p1200.00 in escrow with the Palm Beach BanY> & Trust Company
for v,hich they agree to furnish one of the long time bonds of the
Town of Delray Beach, now held by the Palm Beach Company, to the
City of Delray Beach not later than July 1st, 1929.