08-12-29 Regular219 COUNCIL ROOM August ]3~ 1929. Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. The Mayor and all members of the Council were present. MinutAs of previous meetings vrere read and approved. Mr. Seen to whom the matter of securing some financial assis- tance from The Trust Company of Florida toward the upkeep of the Golf Course e reported that he had had an interview with these people but as yet had nothing definite to -eport. It was moved and seconded and carried that Mr. Keen b;ontinue as a committee of one to look after tnis matter. A communication was read from the rlomen`s Club requesting a contribution of X50.00 for the purpose of purchasing new books for the library and it was moved by P,Ir. Porter, seconded by Mr. Troup and unanimously carried that this request be granted. A communication was read frcgn It2r. Fred G. Benson in reference to purchasing the tax sales certificates novr held by the City on eight lots in section 5. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried : that the City would dispose of these certificates on the same terms as those recently sold on adjacent property which~'~Oj of their face val"ue, It was moved, seconded and carried that the rules be suspended and the following ordinance be read for the second time by catpion only. "AN ORDINANCy OF TT7T; CITY OT_~' DI;IR,-,Y B'ACH~ FLORIDA TO REGULATE miL; USE OF C.AItI;ObT BISULPFIID7; AT;rJ GASOLITdE, RTAI'HTlitl~ BEITZOLK ATTD 0`"I:;R LIG.'~T P,'~ETROLT'UM ~'dTD COAL TAR PRODUCTS IN DRY CL-;:li:<IITG _'iIT~~ D',iY DYEITSG ST^,73LISH- NP:y,,"'S IIT TI'1 CITY GF D~~ ~' R'-ACII, ~ OITIDA~" a ----------------- The ordinance was then presented on its second reading and final passage and t~.e vote in the a°firmative was unanimous. Ordinance i~~as then declared adopted. A communication eras readrrom Iiir. Jno. I. Thieme requesting a perm;t to make certain repairs to '."he zlalper Bldg. on Atlantic Ave. It LP1S regularly moved, seconded and carried ti~,at this ~rr~it be granted. A communication from PIr. y.0~. Steele in reference to purchase of City-owned tax certificates was read and referred to the City Clerk. Permission was granted Mr. J.L". Troup to withdraw the ordinance; presented at the"last meeting in reference to reduction oP penalties on tax certificates. ~' i. iF'`;*. 221 Council Room - Au•~ust 12, 1929 Mr. Glover representing The Orange State Oil Company came before the Council with a new set of plans and specifica>ions for a wholesale and retail oil station to be located on the corner of The Federal I3ighway and S.E. 4th Streets aiid requested a permit to construct the same. It was moved by IL~Tr. Porter, seconded by P,Tr. Troup and unanimously carried that this permit be granted. Mr. G.Y. Byrd representing Mr. Nlike L. Blank appeared before the Council in reference to planting of p lms alo tl~e new ederal Highway from the City limits North to the~r o~t a cost of X2.00 per palm, the cost of same to apply on taxes now due the Gity of Delray Beach by the said Mike L. Blank. It was moved, seconded and carried that a comnLi.ttee be appointed to act in conjunction with The American Legion and Mr. Blank to work out a feasible elan for the setting out of these palms. Mr. Keen and Mr. Smith were appointed on this committee. It raas regularly moved, seconded and carried that current bills be referred to the Finance Corunittee for audit. Mr. Smith then introduced the following resolution, and moved its adoption. A RESOLUTION BY TH1 COUIICIL OF TIC CIT" OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING CERTAITd MONEYS ASIDE TO BE SPECII'ICALLY USED FOR L`v'ATER ~1IORKS IMPROVEM~'NTS. IVPiEREAS the City of Delray Beach is muchly in need of certain water works improvements to the present equipment, AIJ~wHEREA,S FURTHER the City* Council of laid City deems that it is to the best interest of said Gity~ and for public health algid safety that said improvements be made within the near future AND 44HEREAS FURTI3ER the City Council I,~s caused certain plans, specifications and estimates to be prepared and compiled by Main Engineering Corporation, N04`J THPREFORE be it resolved by tha authority afore- said that twenty thousand dollars of the funds now on hand or such portion as may be necessary, be desi~ated, appropriated and set aside for the sole and specific purpose of erecting, constructing and paying for such water works improvements. PASSED by the authority of aforesaid, this the 12th .G day of August, A.D~. 1929 in regular session my assetbled. ~ '~/~residen of the C cit. ATTEST• Clerz. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Keen and on roll call unanimously adopted. Council Room - August 12, 1929. Current bills }laving been audited and O.Kfd by the Finance Committee, were on motion duly made, seconded and carried referred back'to the Council and ordered paid. The ouncil then adjourned to meet Tuesday, August 13th, 1929 at 9:00 9:.M. " .T 7, ity Cler A1~PROVT~.D: Presiders of t Co ci 223