08-30-29 Regular Adjourned237
covrrczL Room
August 30, 1929.
Council met in regular adjourned session. The May and
all members of the Council were present.
A communication was read Prom Mr John w. Hall, in which he
offered to surrender to the City, one 1000: dollar Light Bond, date$
July 1, 1914 due July 1, 19#4, at its face value and accrued interest
since July 1st, 1929, on the following conditionst That the whole
amount to be used in payment oP due and to become due taxes as he may
elect, which Mould amount to approximately 700. Mr. Troup moved that
Mr. Hall+s proposition be accepted. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Porter and on roll call carried.
Mr. Porter reported that in the matter of Trnatee+s receipts
referred to his Committee, he had gotten the opinion oP The Hon. E.S.
Donnell, which was to the effect that the City had no chance to recover
on these receipts.
Mr. Smith was instructed to have Mr. Hankins complete a map
oP The City of Delray Beach.
Mr. Troup'y to whom the colored cemetery matter had been
referred to, reported that he had gotten bids Prom O~Bra'9ndrews and
Charlie Miller, which were30.00 and28,00 reppectively. This matter
was continued with Mr, Troup with power to act,
Council adjourned, "
C y erk,
President of the Council.
September 3, 1929,
In keeping with the Charter of The City of De1r ay Beach, the:
Council met in special session at 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of adopting
the 1929-30 Budget and fining the tan millage. The Mayor and all
members of the Council were present.
` Mr. Porter then introduced the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
^BE IT RESOLVED by the City Qiiuncil of the City of Delray Beach;
Florida, that the following be, and the same is hereby adopted as t}~
Budget for the City of Delray Beach Florida, for the fiscal year
beginning October 1, 1929 and ending September 30 1930 :
.r Ward One - 2;380:00
{'yard Two - 78,170.00 Wig
Special Improvement Bonds, hard Two 16'576.78; , ..S
Constructing 49ater Plant - 2d~Ob000
Beach Improvements - 1x000.00
Cemetery- Maintenance - 1",000.00
City Halle Gargge and Tail - Maintenance 350.00
Golf Courses - Maintenance - 4000.00
Park - Maintmanee - ,
Street Lighting - 7x500;00
Street Maintenance and Repairs Sx50U~00 '~
Mayor & Council - 4'x320.00
City Clerk*s Offices - 5,400,00
City Attorney - 600,00
Advertising - Legal 500,00
Auditor - 600.00
General Expense - 300.00
Sanitary Department - 5,000:00
Fire Departments ~
Salaries 3000.00
Eqquipment - 3i000~00
Police IDepartment - 5,500':00
Miscellaneous: ~`
Elections - 100:00
Insurance - 1400.00-
- Office-~rpense - 500.00
Sewer Maintenance 500.00-
- Telephone & Telegraph 150:00
Reserve - ,500:00
' Publicity
TOTAL - * 1 200.00
b 6.78
~, x
~ ~ ~ , ~
XP ,
. w ~ .!
- t .. - ~ . S~ n,
BE IT FDRTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Delray. Beach, Florida, that a millage for total expense of 44-3/5 and
-- 2/5 of one mill for publicity purposes, making a total of 45 iaills be
and the same is hereby adopted for that district included within the
limits of the old City of Delray and that a millage for total expense
of 29-3/5 and 2/5 of one mill for publicity purposes, making a total o£
30 mills be, and the same is hereby adopted for that district within
the limits of the old Town of Delray Beach,
BE IT FURTRER RESOLVID that ten [10) mills of the total millage
levied against that district included within the limits of the old Town
of Delray Beach, be and the same is hereby set aside to be used in pay-
ment of interest and principal of the outstanding bonds in said district,
the amormnt derived from above ten mills to be deposited in a separate
Fund to be used for no other purpose';
President of t e Counci
ATTEST: --J~/,~/ -
City Cleri.~
E~€.AMINPTI AND APPROVED by me this day of
A.D'. 1929,
The resolution was seconded by Mr. Keen and on rell call
unanimously adopted.
Mr. Murphy of The n4iami Daily News came before thy: Council
with a proposition to sell a page oYi advertising in a spacial edition
to be gotten out and distributed by The American Legion, said ad. to be
on the back page of this special edition, and the City to be supplied
with 500 extra copies, at a cost of 271,04.
The Mayor and all members of the Council being present
was unanimously agreed that the notice and call of this meeting be
waived for the purpose of taking inanediate action on this matter.
was moved by Mr. Troup, that the City contract with Mr. Murphy for
page ad. The motion was seconded by Mr. Keen, and ,on roll call the
vote was as follows: Mr. Keen yea~'Mr. Porter pa$s, Mr. Smith No,
Mr. Troup Yea, Mrs. warfield yea, Motion was declared carried.
Council then adjourned.
President of the Co ei