09-16-29 Adjourned Regular247 CCIINCIL ROOM S®ptember 16th, 1929. The Council met in adjourned regular session at 1A b, M. The following members were present: Mayor Johnson, Mr. Keen, Mr. Smith and Mr. Troup. Mrs. Warfield and Mr. Porter were absent. Mr. Smith was on motion duly made, seconded and carried elected president pro tem. It was moved by Mr. Keen and seconded by Mr. Troup that the receipt of bids for the oonatraction of improvements and machinery for the new water plant be oloaed. The motion was carried. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Clerk and engineers proceed to ®pen the bids and refer to the engineers for tabulation. The following is a list of the bids submitted: Heat and Johnson, Ft. Lauderdale; Dadiey Murphy, 9Pest Palm Beach; Kinney Hrotliers, Orlandi; J. M. Cromer and Son, West Palm Beach; Fair- banks Morse and Ctmpat~v, Jacksonville; W. W. Lotspeioh, Miami and the Morris Machinery Works, Charlotte, ldorth Carolina. Sach of the above bidders who had representatives present weae given an oppoatunity t© come before the Council in order to eaplain any portion of their bid. r. b; /~,lt 1'he Counoil then recessed to meet at the completion tabulation of the bide on osll of the chair. City C erk. APPRCVLD: ~~ n~ President of the ounoil.