09-18-29 Regular~Jl COUNCIL ROOM September 18th, 1929. The Council met in regular adjourned session at 10 A. M. The fi~eyor, Mr. Keen, Mr. Smith and Mr. Troup were present. Representatives of the 1'lorida Power and Light Company met with the Gounoil by appointment for the purpose of discussing and working out a sew oontraet for the furnishing of electric power to the City. The matter was discussed until twelve anon, at which time a recess was dee]ared until 2:30 P. M. The Council then resumed its session. Representatives of the Power Company submitted figures as to rates etc., after which the Council went into executive session and ce~tain modifications and additions ~rere agreed upon. The Power ompany representatives w®re then ©alled in and agreed to make such changes in the oontraet as requested by the City. Mr. Keen then offered the following motion: That the eotion of the Gounoii on September 18th, awarding the contracts for water plant improvements and maohinery,is by mutual agreement and by unanimous consent of all parties concerned be and is hereby reconsidered. The motion was seconded by Mr. Troup and on roll pall unanimously carried. Mr. Troup then offered the following motion: That the contract for all water works improvements, eaoept that p®rtion contemplated by the City, and that furnishing and the installing of ail pumps and machinery be awarded to Mr. 1P. W. Lotspeiph as per the bid submitted by the Fairbanks, Morse Company, at a total coat of X12,668.90. The motion was seconded by Mr. Keen and oa roll gall unanimously parried. The Council then adjourned to meet September 21st, 1929, at 1C A. M. ity Glerk. APPROVED: President of th@ Council.