09-21-29 Adjourned Regular253 COIINCIL ROOM September 21st, 1929. The Council met in ad'ourned regular session at 10 A. M. The following members were present: HIr. Keen, Mr. Smith and Mr. Troup. The following resolution wen then introduoeds WBERE9S the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did on September 19th, 1929, award the contract for the conatrnCtion of certain water works improvements to Mr. W. W. T,otspeich~and in sAid contract was a clause requiring said contractor to give bond in the cum of fifty per cent of his bid AND WAEREA.4 it developed in executing the said bond that it was necessary to increase the .same to one hundred per Dent entailing an additional Bost of 95.00, NOW, TBP1tEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City clerk be and is hereby authorized end directed to reimburse Mr. W. W. Lvts- peioh the sum of $95,00 covering the additional amount eapended by him for said bond. Mr. Been moved the adoption of the resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Troup anti unanimously carried. Mra Keen then introduced the following resolutivnt Wf~REA,S the City of elray Beaeh, Florida, did on September 19th, 1929, award Mr. W. w. Lvtspeioh the contract for all water works im- provements, including the installing of pumps and machinery, for the. sum of $12,668.9 AIJD Wf~RE~,S, the said A. W. Lotspeioh having made band in the sum required and furnished satiafaetory evidence ea to his ability to complete the said plant NOW, TAEREFOR$, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and €ity Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to sign and eaeoute the co ntraet for the water works impre>vementa as prepared and approved by the City Engineers. The motion was seconded by Mr. Traxp and on roll call unanimously carried. _ Mr. Keen then made the followingmotion: That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and inatrueted tv sign the letter supple- . mentiag the contract made September list, 1929, for the furnishing - vP power for the operation of the addition to the water works 255 Council Room - September 21st, 1929. plant. The motion was seconded Dy Mr. Troup and on roll call unanimously carried. On motion made by Mr. Troup and seconded by Mr. Keen the following resolution was duly passed and adopted: AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF AND OId BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA, TO ENTER INTO AND ESECUTE WITH FLORIDA POWER Fc LIGHT COMPANY AN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLY AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND ENERGY FOR AND IN COA7NECTION WITH THE CITY*S WATER PCE4PING SYSTEM FOR A PERIOD OF TEN (10) YEARS, AND SUPERSEDING T$E AGREEMENT MADE AND ENTERED INTO DY AND BETWEEN THE CITY gND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TN RESPECT TO THE SUPPLY AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND ENERGY FOR THE CITY'S WATER PFIMPING PLANT, DATED THE 1ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1926. WF~REA,S, there is in effect between the City of belray Beach, successor to the City of 1>elray, and Florida Power 8c Light Company an Agreement dated the lst day of petober, 1926, covering "all power and energy required for and in connection with the City's water pumgt~hg plank boated at S3elray, Florida", and WHEREAS, the Qity proposed to make additions to its Aresent F water ping system and has requested Florida Power & Light- . Company to Rirnish all power sad energy required for and in ooa- neetion with the Gity-s municipal water pumping system for a period of tea (1A) gears, and WHEREAS, Florida Power & Light Company is willing to supply the requested electric power and energy in accordance with the terms-and provisions of a new greement which has heretofore been submitted to the City.Gouneil of the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City Councll deems it to the best interests of the City that the said Agreement dated the 1st day of October, 1926, be cancelled and terminated and approves the proposed new Agreement as to form and substance and deems it to the best inter- ests of the City that the same be executed with Florida Power & Light Company, NOW, TiiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on beh~f of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and eaeonte with Florida Power & Light Company a new Agreement providing for the supply and purchase of sll eleotric power and energy required for and in connection with the municipal water pumping system of the City boated at Delray Beach, T'lorida, said Agreement being set forth hereinafter in form, words and figures as follows: A copy of the agreement on file in the office of the City Clerk being a part of these minutes. 157 Council Room - September 21st, 1929, IIpon motion ride by Councilman Been ea8 seconded by Councilman Troup, the following resolution was duly passed and adopted: AIITHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF AND ON BEH3LF OF THE CITY OF.DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO ENTER INTO AND E%ECIITE WITH FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT C~ANY AN AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE FDRNISffiNG BY FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY AT THE REQIIEST OF THE CITY, THE LA BOR NECESSARY TO OPERATE THE ELECTRIC DRIVEN WATER PIII~S OF THE CITY LOCATED ON PREMISES LEASED BY FLORIDA POWER 8c LIGHT COMPANY TO THE CITY I1Q ACCORDANCE WITH A LEASE AND AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, DATED THE 1st day OF OCTOBER, 1926, AND ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY OF DELRAY REACH, FLORIDA. ~elra Hem Florida 1st day of October, 1926, the City of y , predecessor oP the Gity of Delray Beach, Florida, and Florida Power ~ Light Oompany entered into a lease and Agreement wherein the said Company leased to the City the pBem- ises on which the then existing water equipment and supplies of the water system of the City are located on the property of the said Oompany in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and WHEREAS, the City is constructing additional equipment for the operation of its water system at another location than on the • Companyts premises so leased to the C1ty, and YVFDJREAS, the City has requested the Company to furnish the labor necessary to operate the electric driven pumps of the City located on said premises leased by the company to the City sad also at the location of the said additional equipment, and tRIiEREAS, the Company is. willing to comply with the request of the Oity in accordance with the terms and provisions of an Agreement heretofore submitted to the City, and WHEREAS, the City approves the said ggreement as to form and substance and deems it to the best interests of the City that the said Agreement be eaeouted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RffiOLVED HY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDAt That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on behalf of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to eaeoute and enter into with Florida Power & bight company an Agreement providing for the Yur- nishing of labor necessary to operate the eleottic driven water pumps of the City located upon the property of the Company leased to the City ender a Lease and Agreement between the City and the Company dated the 1st day of October, 1926, snd elsewhere in the city of Delray Beaeh,~the said Agreement being hereafter set forth in Porm, words and figures as follows: (A Dopy of the agreement on Pile in the office oP the City Clerk being a part of these minutes.) Mr. Smith was authorized to purchase rook and such other materials as he deemed necessary for the repairing of streets. 2J~ CCIINCII. RCCM - September 21st, 1929. The CCUneil adjourned. ity erk. APPROVED: h /. President oY t 'ounoil.