10-14-29 Regular2G'
October 14th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M.
.The Mayor and the following members of the Council were present:
Mr. Keen, Mr. Porter, Mr. Smith anal Mr. Troup.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried Mr. Smith
was sleeted president pro tem to preside at this meeting.
Minutes of meetings held September 23rd and October
4th were read and approved.
Mr. Seestedt game before the Council in the interest
of the Shuffle Board Club and recommended pertain improvements
.3va be made to the courts and that a custodian be employed to
look after the same. The matter was referred to the Park
Committee for recommendations.
Owing to the absence of Chairman warfield, Mr. Troup
was appointed a member of the Park Committee pro tem.
Mr. Troup reported that complaints had been made re-
garding prices charged for the digging of graves in the cemetery.
On motion my made, seconded and carried the matter of regulat-
ing this was referred to a committee composed of Mr..
Troup and Mr. Keen, with power to act.
Mr. Troup moved that a vote of thanks be extended to
Mr. Mike L. Blank for contributing and setting out twenty-seven
palm trees in the cemetery. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Keen and unanimously carried.
Mr. Porter reported that an offer of X3,000.00 had
been made for the Sculthorp lot on the beach. The offer was
taken under consideration.
Mr. Porter offered the following motion: That the
Mayor be requested to issue a proclamation calling the attention <'.
of the citizens to the Red Cross drive which is to be put on in
the near future, and that the Mayor also be requested to write
a letter d~~ the American Red Cross Society thanking them for
the relief work done in this section during the past year. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Keen and unanimously carried. '
It was moved, seconded and carried that current bills
be referred to the Finance Committee.
Council Room - October 14th, 1929.
Mr. Smith reported that the Street Committee had
reached an agreement with the F. E. C. Railroad allowing them
to install automatic signal lights at the Atlantic Avenue
A report was received from Mr. w. 0. winn, who had
been employed to audit and check the special improvement bond~j.%' `
liens of the City. This report was accompanied by a bill for
X125.00 which was ordered paid.
Current bills having been audited and 0. K. 'd by the
Finance Committee were referred back to the Council and ordered
The Council adjourned.
City Clerk..
~o-Y~' ,,
President of the ouncil.