10-28-29 Regular27
October 28th, 1929.
The Council met in reqular session at 7:30 P. M. The
following members of the Council were present: Mr. Keen, Mr.
Porter, Mr. Smith and Mr. Troup.
Mr. Smith was on motion duly made, seconded and carried
elected president pro tem.
The minutes of meetings held on October 14th and 24th
were read and approved.
Mr. Keen reported that a oontraet for the new minature
golf course had not been drawn on account of Mr. Erskine having
failed to provide the City Attorney with certain data that he
had requested.
City Attorney Adams reported that he and Mr. Keen had
made a trip to Ft. Pierce for the purpose of investigating
their plan of refinancing for bonds, but as their plan had not
been worked out to a conclusion nothing real definite along
this line could be gotten.
Mr. Troup reported that an agreement had been made with
the sexton at the cemetery whereby the charges for grave digging
in the future would be X7.50 for adults and X3.75 for children
under twelve years of age. This report was received and adopted.
The Ordinance Committee, together with the City Attorney
and Fire Chief, were instructed to draft a building and fire
waste ordinance covering the points recommended by the South-
eastern Underwriters Association.
A petition was received from the colored citizens in the
Western part of the City requesting the closing of certain dis-
orderly houses and was referred to the Mayor and police.
The bill of Waco Webb Por $8.85 for the use of his truck
at the City Park and Cemetery was allowed and ordered paid.
The Street Committee was authorized to order a car of
rock_for the purpose of repairing the road leading from Atlantic
Avenue South to the golf club.
' It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Park
Committee be authorized to purchase a waxing machine Por use at
the shuffle board courts, the cost of same not to exceed 140.00.
Mr. Porter reported the sale of foar pamm trees in Osceola
Park for 100.00 cash.
Council Room - October 28th, 1929.
Mr. Porter introduced the following resolution, which
was seconded by Mr. Troup and unanimously carried: BE IT
RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, hereby requests the Florida Power and Light Company
to move that certain pole on the Ocean Boulevard at the East
end of Atlantic Avenue, a distance of approximately.thizty
feet North, in order to permit the construction of a pavilion
as now planned, said pole to be rived immediately at the ex-
pense of the Company.
The complaint of Mrs. waeo webb in reference to a street
light on North Swinton Avenue near her residence was referred
to the Light Committee.
Professor C. H. Lander was given permission to move three
palm trees Prom Block 63 to Block 66.
A communication Prom the Palm Beach Company in reference
to opening a sinking fund was referred to the Finance Committee.
Council adjourned to meet at 2 P. M, Wednesday, Oetobe r
30th, 1929.
~U"l Ulm. C(/l
President of the Council.