11-11-29 Regular~~~.
November 11th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p. M. with the
following members present: Mr. Keen, Mr. Porter, Mr. Smith and
Mr. Troup.
Mr. Smith was on motion duly made, seconded and carried
elected president pro tem.
The minutes of meetings held October 28th and November 2nd
were read and approved.
The Clerk was instructed to cancel certain tax certificates
on property owned by the City which was sold during the past year.
The Clerk was instructed to investigate the accident and
indemnity policy with a view of having the firemen protected.
~ ` The Oity Attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance pro-
hibiting dogs running at large on the bathing beach.
The application of Mr. "Mobile" Bill Jackson for the position
of life guard at the beach was read and ordered filed.
It was regularly moved,~seconded and carried that current
bills be referred to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Keen was instructed to secure bids for the repairing of
the roof on the sewage disposal plant in the City park.
Current bills having been audited and 0. K. td by the Finance
Committee were on motion duly made, seconded and carried referred
back to the Council and ordered paid.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council
adjourn to meet November 16th, 1929 at 9 A. M.
President of the Council.