11-30-29 Special~~i
nTOVember 30th, 1929.
The Council met in special session at 9 A. M. with the
following members present: Mr. Porter, Mr. Smith and~_M..r..~~T,r,~oup.
Pdr. ~7. P7. Lotspe3ch placed his semi-monthly est~nate~on
w€~ter plant contract, amounting to X1245.70, before the Council.
The estimate was 0. K.'d by the Engineers in charge. Mr. PorteF
then offered the following motion: The the City Clerk be author-
ized and instructed to draw a voucher in favor of Mr. w. w. Lots-
peieh in payment of the above estimate. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Troup and on roll call unanimously carried.
Council adjourned.
C ty Clerk.
dj ~ ~ ~-~'/YS 1 ~ _
President of the Council. ire ~~+~'~