12-09-29 Regular297
December 9th, 1929.
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M., the '"
Mayor and the following members of the Council were present:
Mr. Keen, nSr. Porter, Mr. Smith and Mr. Troup.
Mr. Porter was elected president pro tem.
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.
Mr. C. Y. Byrd came before the Council in the interest
of a disabled world war veteran who is now in Delray Beach
in a destitute condition, and requested the City to contri-
Bute X48.00 from the Special Chanty Fund for his relief.
It was moved by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Troup and unan-
imously carried that this contribution be made.
It was moved, seconded and carried that current bills be
referred to the Finance Corr~nnittee. Current bills having been
audited and 0. K.'d by the Finance Committee were referred
' back to the Council and ordered paid.
The Clerk was then instructed to open the ballot boa
used in the recent City election and take there from the re-
turns as made by the Election Board. The. following resolution
was then introduced by P~4r. Keen and unanimously adopted:
"WI~f??~A,S said City held an election on the Third day of
December,. 1929, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three
Councilmen; AP?D, PVIIC•;REAS, said election board has made the
returns and tabulations of the votes cast at said election;
APTD, ~?TETiEAS, Prom said returns, vre find as follovrs:
L. R. Benjamin 197 votes
Lysle ~'1. Johnson 246 votes
Lot L. Smith 368
V~. A. Jacobs 116
J. L. Love 167
J. L. Troup 108 _
"7. E. 47ilcox 30
LeRoy Diggans 207
R. P. Endsley 231 ~`?
Council Roorn -December 9th, 1si29.
1~IOW, TFIFREFORE, BE IT RESOLTTED By the authority afore-
sFAid that we do declare the following persons duly elected
t'o fill the respective places set opposite their 3~ames; for
the ensuing terms respectively:
Lysle W. Johnson , Mayor.
R. P. Endsley, Councilman at Large.
J. L. Love, Councilman from Ward 2
Lot L. Smith, Councilman from Ward 1.
"~= PASSED AND APPROVED by the authority aforesaid, this the
,~ 9th day of December, A. D. L929.
~ It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council ad-
~ yo urn sine die.
'~.' ~i ~ * * * * ~
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The new Council was then called to order by Mr. Porter,
~a tin as
g president pro tem, who administered the oath of
i ~ o., ce to Lysle W. Johnson, Mayor. Mayor Johnson then ad-
_~ ! ministered the oath of office to the following councilmen:
.~. Endsley, J. L. Love and Lot L. Smith.
Mr. Keen then offered the following motion: That Mr.
Lot L. Smith be elected president of the Council for the en-
suing year. The motion was seconded b;* Mr. Endsley and unan-
im0$sly carried.
i ~P
On motion duly made, seconded and carried the Council
adjourned to meet Saturday, December 14th, 1929, at 9 A, P~7.
~ .
City Clerk.
,, A.~'OVED
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`! Pz~esident of the ouncil.