02-06-28 Adjournediy" ~~ ~""Y'~'-"'6 ~ ~,n'Rn '~' ntis. ew K ...<s.'v>' rw',+Lli6o.w~ ~ ,ex~ xae-~uz, , ~l ~ P ?~.3.r.Y ... -;.n mom. ;a: COUNCIh R00&i ~ . `;ww . ', : t February 6th, 1928;. n , ., ~ r "~ ~' ~ ~~ The Council met in adjourned session, president J~ Troup presiding. All councihmen were present. ~ It was moved by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Jaeo ' . that the bond of Doctor Roy webb, former bond txustea,ii leased ..and the.Glerk informed to sign said release. 2'h"-_ was-carried unanimously. ~~ps'" '~ ,. 4rX 'An ordinance PRQVIDING FOR:THE CREaTI0~1 OF .~ FI ' MENT IN THE CITY OF ~EI,RAY BEACH, FDORIDA, AND DEFIN~DT J[TRISDICaION wars laid before the Ccuncil'by IJr.' Jacobs,,; man `of the ordinance committee,; who recommended that it ti& placed on its first reading. The ordinance was then xea the first time in Pull. It was moved by BHra, Warfielc~~c ~ seconded by bir. Jaoobs~that he ordinance be passed o` first`, reading. On roll call the vote was unanimous.„,~,~ . ~~ .~ < <birs. warfield,;chairman of the Finance Gommite:, ' which had been referred,the audit report, recommendedt~, . rep"ort~ba~ aceepted~and;:plaee_d on"°Y;ileaaril the audit, anprotred. It was Dyed by Mr. `Seen;`,seconded by'Ed~.~`k ; and caYt'red unar~imizsly that the report-be aoeepted.~„~~, ~,~. .t ~ - The ordinance csommittee~was instructed to ~repa ordinance amending the ordinance providing a lioense~~~~~" zeal estate brokers. and salesmen;, reducing said lice," X5:00- per year.: a. ~ , . ~" *~. ~- Mr. Troup, ehs.irman of the °sanitary oommittee„v.p to-the Council bids he had received Prom colored eitsze csleaning~ up tne. cali~red cemetery. It was moved hy~~A4r~,Y and seconded-by PJIrs. Warfield that Jim Snith be emp~.o e ` this work for the sum`of X25.00. The motion was care `.Further.eommunicatior~s regarding a board walk;,, beach were referred to the street committee. .~;. ' ` ~ t „ ~~