02-13-28 Regularr • ~~ 5 ' ~. , COUNCIh ROOM ~.~ " February 13th, 1928. , ,. .~ ~. F,,,_ _ _.. .The Counci,l_met- in regula"r session, presid+ent...J..1,..-Tr.oup_.....a. '"' presiding. The Mayor and all Councilmen were present. The minutes•of the meetings of January 23rd, 30th and February 3rd and 6th ,were read and approved. ,. f ,::.i A, communication from Bor. C. Y. Byrd, attorney, _offering. to compromise with the City in behalf.of his client; 14ir.,Thomas ~f,". Finuoan, if the pity would withdraw the lien assessment for` aide walk against Mr. ~'inuoans property, mss read to the Council. '!! It; was moved, seQOnded and_ carried that the offer be refused. ;'rg•: ~• .~. ,~ _ ~r. A communication from b'!r. Edgar P. Ettenheim regarding the "` sidewalk assessment on hots 11 and 12 Block 112 tgas referred to %~ the~Gity Attorney for recommendation. „, * ~ ~~ A letter from Dr. F. J. Brainard regarding the paying ;`_ , 24 Bl k 58'" referred to the'9tree+' - ~~^ assessment agaznst,l,ot oo was Gommittee. ~. Mr"Smith, ~hairman.of, the Stre~tCommittee, rego~t~d he had investigated the City recorde regarding she pavrig'ec c , ~~``~ _, the, proper ertjr ovine they had the`nc~~or street be" cuasion t' tgation. . . Th seauritie third,, .tY. °of: thee.sE & .Trust" ,~ in `the, ee Bank ~ Ti .~' Aj • and seoox School BE e second block North*~of Atlantic Avenue on the Di mar d had found that,.the city had kept its. agreement,<~i;tY ty owners on the East-side of the street but-the~prv7 rs had not themselves deeded five feet to the;~ity.as agreed." Bfrr. Smithreoommendedthat the Couno~l abide: ds:"as they now stand. It was also reeommendeciT'that' tF repaired to secure better-drainage. .After some'dis`= he president instructed Mrr,Smith to 4ontinue`the;inv~ e committee composed of Mr. Smith and the 'City Clerk; to consulta~tinters Nc Foskett, attorneys, in`regaxd ti ~y foreolosure suit reported that;" first, it'was adv3 .he City to remain silent in this case second, the°;.• r should be placed with the receivers ~e1!~oolleotion';: It the ques ion of the Cur's having leg's $poss'~ss#~Y~; D ,,.,, , ;unities for~-deposi-~ in~the~"Ooean City>and~ e~ray~a~~&~t: impany,would be solved by the case now being nstitu arts between 0. d.'Myers, reoever~for the Palm Beach ist~ Company, and the .City-oP PJest 'Palm Beach.' per oonsiderable discussion it. was moved; by Mr. Smith led by. Mr. Jacobs that the!Counoil agree to furnish t; Ord all the`pipe included in the':eatimate`as prepared a . . ~, . ,. ~. ' K _ u4' _ . s ;'x. _ .. ~~ COUNCIL ROOAi :February 13th, 1928. „ . „. by Air. L. A. gdkins, City-Engineer, for the school grounds. t~ -The motion was carried. ' ` It was moved, seconded ~ carried. that the Council in ;:. street AIr. C. A. Baker to ins 'the pipe at the school grounds - , , the School -Board to pay the- Ci for AIr,- Bakers time-and °the-~C"rt"y----~ to donate the labor of the prisoners available. The Mayor brought. up the matter of having the City's books audited month~.y and the Finance Committee was instructed to re- port on the advisability,Yof this. „' .-~ ~ w >i It was moved by Mr. Aeen and seconded,b~ Airs. '~arfield , that it is the sense of the. City Council. that. the k'eder$l Highhway~" , should be paved o a width of thirty feet through the 'old town '~ limits,: namely, one=half mile N;o~.th and South of Atlanllic AQe nue ~, ; ", . , ~ . the additional width to be assessed to the abutting property'! ,~_ owners. The motion was carried. - , It was moved, seconded and carried that Mr. C. A. B.; Zook °~: be granted a permit for moving the building owned by him and~~now° ~" loested~;on hot: 19 Bloc3t 100, provided, he deposit 200.00"-w=~th- ~"' the Cit'~r to indemnify the City against any damage resulting from ~°_ ; the mavin~` of the building,-.the building to ;$e` moved 'along Nv~rth' " , First" Street . ~' - ' , . ,r~ Current bills were referred-to the_Finance Committee Yor~"F¢ . audit and were then referred back to the Gouneil'and ordere& pa~ d a•,~ . . t, as indicated by the Finance-Committee. ,- n~< ' Orckinanee No. 1. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE- SALARIES OF.~ <~y ;~i . CITY OFFICIALS OF THE-CITY OF DEhRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, v+as.br`ougfr ; up .for its second reading.;' Mrs. warfield asked unanimous eon ', "' .sent that" .the riles be suspended and the ordinance be read' for a'"~ trhe seeorzl time by caption only., Unanimous consent having been= "`~';' given the 'ordinance was read for the second time by caption only. , h` ~t was then moved and seconded that'the ordinance be passed on ~,"t~;" second and fin~.l reading. On roll> call the vote was unanimou .~~,'r ~; ` R ` Ordinance No. 2. AN ORDINANCE PRO ~r G F0~ THE GREAT~ON , r OF A FIRE DEPARTPeLENT IYd THE CITY OF: DELRAY BE AC FLORIDA, AND t~ ~~ L N ~ ~1N'}Q1~.. DEFI ING-ITS JURISDICTION was Airs'. ~ParPield asked unanimous ~°,~ and""~the~" or~dinanae~ be'read" fb~' Unanimous consent having been second time by caption only, the,'ordinence be passed on iti vote was unanimous. brought up Ar it and reading consent tha£ the r'~ be susp`ead the' second` timZ°' by capton~ari~ given the ord}nance was read fQx It was then moved and-seconded"ah final, reading. On roll .call;-the It was"moved, seconded and parried that the above two.:: ' ord3~iances be published in the Delray Beach Developer the require ," ~, ~~ ;'~= , ,.~ „,,3-~ '~~~y, COLTNCII, ROOt4 -February 13th, 1928. Vi'i' Y-