04-23-28 Regular2~ '~:"., COUNCIL ROONT. April 23rd, 1928. The Council met in regular session, the NIaayor and all members of the Council were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were. read and approved. A eommunioation from the State Board of Health reEarding the bacterialogical oontent of the City water was read and ordered~± published. A sommunieation from Collins Pavir~ Company, relative to the returh of deposit on plans and speeificsatione was read and ~°~~ it was moved, seconded and carried that this metter be referred `~ to the City Clerk to handle.. ~~, A communication from S. L. Filby, Secretary of the State y;! Seotiom•oP the American Water Works Association was`read and „" ordered filed. ,~ Communication from W. N. Bones inviting a committee Prom ~ the Council to visit and inspect a filteration plant at Tampa 'was"~'~ referred to ~3r. Jacobs. .. The resignation of Dootor W. C. Williams as City Health >~~-~ Officer was read. It was moved by Mr. Jacobs and seoonded;bjr Mr. Keen that the same be accepted-end that the Clerk be inatrttet ed to write Doctor Williams a letter of thanks and that the rem 4: commendations. made by Doctor Williams be referred to_the Ordinan '' oe Qommittee. The motion-was carried unanimiously. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELR®Y BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULATING TRAFFIC CROSSING SIDEWALKS was read by ,. Mr. Jacobs who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Adr: Keen and passed unanimously on its first reading. Mr. Jacobs introduced the following resolution and moved ~~ its adr~gti:on; i RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~F THE GITY~'tI~"" DELRAY;BEA,CIi, FLORIDA, THAT PURSUANT. TO A PETITON ON. FI71E B~~a ~; MAJORITY OF THE PROPERTY OYYNERS PETITIONING FOR THE ,SUxk'A,~ NG';: ~ ' WITH SLAG AND ASPHALT AND OILED SURFACE COURSE OF DIR.IE_BE~VARD,"..'< IN THE SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHRIDGE OF THE CITY OF DEI,RAY BEAC$'FROM..,' `. SOUTH S-PZNTON AVENUE TO .ITS INTERESTZON WITH SOUTHWEST FOURTH AVENiJE. The motion wasseesonded and the resolution oarria~ una~„-~: imously. . _. K '._ ~ r.- °uS-'~~ .. _ i B~~s' D. 'J. Heffernan, has this day been credited with ~~ 257.86, which ':has been applied in payment of'taxes obis properties, for the years 1926 and X927. ,Tki~~ sti1T leases a credit i~~lanee due fir. Heffernan of 242.14, fio be applied onxfutnre taxes. .: ,. SGD. iy ar, ;~, x: ~~~ Council Room - April 23rd, 1928. Mr. Jacobs introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE„CITY OF DELRAY BEACH THAT IT BE AND.IS HEREBY ORDERED NECESSARY TO PAVE AND SURFACE WITH SLAG, ASPHALT AND OILED SURFACE COURSE, DIXIE BOULEVARD AVEfiTUE FROM SOUTH SWINTON AVENUE TO ITS IIQTER- SECTION WITH SOUTHWEST FOURTH AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF APPRO%IMATE- LY 1820 FEET AND TO A VdIDTH OF APPROXIMATELY 17.5 FEET, CONTAIN- . ING APPROXIMATELY 3560 SQUARE YARDS OF SURFACING. The motion was seconded and the resolution parried unanimously. It was moved by dir. Keen and seconded by b2r. Jacobs that the claim of D. J. Heffernan and T. b7. MoEaphern on water pontrapt in Dell Park be settled in the sum of1500.00, the same to be allowed in taxes now due and to become due and that the same be referred to the City Attorney Pox final dispositioh, with.=the understanding that a quit-plaim deed or bill of sale as nepessary covering the property in general be obtained. The notion was parried. It was moved, seconded and .carried that the matter :of sidewalk adjustment with Mr. Morrison be referred to the (city Attorney, e It was moved by Mrs. 14arfield and seconded by Mr. Keen that the pheeks now held by the Water Department on defunct banks be oharged off. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Street Committee, recommended that the tax claim of bir. C. E. Bieitton be dennied. Mr. Txoup reporting adversely. It was moved, seconded and carried that Mr. Smith's recommendation be adopted. Mr. Smith reported that he was unable to locate pertain property lines in investigating the claim of the Delray Septio Tank Company. The Chairman granted further time in which to .obtain sufficient information. It was moved by Mr. Keen and seconded by Mr. Smith that Mr. Finucan be allowed $40.00 in full settlement of demands for ~, damage claimed to lawn and shrubs resulting from the con~truotion `~d of pertain street improvements. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Mr. Keen and seconded by`Mr. Smith that Mrs. Warfield and Mr. Jacobs be a committee to purchase a United States flag and other decorations for the City Hall Building. The motion was carried unanimously. ~~ Council Room - ~Ipril 23rd, 1928. The Glerk was authorized to purchase the necessary office / supplies for making up the tax roll. It was moved by bir. Jacobs, seconded by bsr. Keen and unan- imously carried that the action of the Sanitary Department•in hiring additional help during the clean up campaign be approved. The matter oP grading pertain streets across the Florida East Coast Railway was referred to the City Attorney. The Clerk was instructed to open a separate sinking Hind account with the Central Farmers Bank 8c Trust Company in the amount of X2,816.66 to be kept separate from other Funds for the purpose oP meeting certain improvement bonds, viz. 1914 & 1920 General I s sue . I't was moved by Mr. Jacobs and seconded by 34r. Keen that it is the sense of .the City Council that they do not relinquish., any right to any road which they may appear to have along the b~iks of the Florida East Coast nine Canal. This motion was carried unanimously. s~ It was moved, seconded and carried that the Glerk draw: ~ on the Funds now in the Central Farmers Bank & Trust Company to +4% the amount oP 7,798.20 to meet coupons and bonds maturing on ~,y~° May First. ~ ,; It was moved,seconded and carried that the Florida Eastx .Coast Railway Company be requested to extend a thirty day aredit~ on the freight bills oP the 'ity and that the City would be re- ~~° sponsible for carrier charges and pay same monthly on or about the first day of eaQh month. ,.; The Street Committee, to whom the Following tax adjust- menta had been referred, made the Following recommendation; ''"~` Cert. ~ 5308 E~ of hot 5 Seat3.on 21-46-43 X167.09 ,~` 4 " ~ 5106-5112 13.8 acres in Section 9-$6-43 ~I73.75 ~• _; •, " ~ 5103 S. 100' of; hot 5, Seation 9-46-43 6$,18. " ~ 5276 hot 15 W oP Ry, Seation 20-46-43 128.30 4 (Plus interest) " ~ 5066 Seation 8-46-43 26.93 " ~ 5104 7~ sores Section 9-46-43 148.80