05-31-28 Adjourned Regular~.~J COUNCIL ROOi~i ItRay 31st, 1928. The Council met in regular adjourned session. Councilmen Jacobs, Keen,.: Smith and Troup were present. hSr. Johnson and Nlrs. 4Yarfield were absent. It was moved by bs. Smith and seconded by nir, i;een that the bid of Mr. Clint h!foore be accepted for the paving of South Ridge Boulevard and on roll call ttie vote was unanimous. It was moved by Mr. Keen, seoonded by Mr. Smith, and oarried• unanimously that the P4ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a contract for the paving of South Ridge Boulevard in accordance- with the bid just accepted. It was moved by nlr. Keen and seconded by Mr. Smith that the aommunieation from Abbott and Gaulden, attorneys, regarding the D:iussle mortgage be referred to the City Attorney. The motion was oarried unanimously. It was moved by Peir. Jacobs and seoonded by 14r. Keen that the . second floor of the City Hall building be screened and the matter... was referred to hir. Jacobs to have same done. This motion was. unanimously carried. The following were appointed as a Board oY Health, Dr. K: M. Davis, h'Ir. J. S. Pleupper and bIr. Pvt. T. Knox. It was moved by Mr Jacobs, seeon~ed by D?r. Keen and unani~gously carried that the same be approved. It was moved by Ivir. Keen and seconded by h4r. Jacobs that th®. matter of oiling the recently constructed street corners be re- ferred to the Street~Cocunittee. The motion was carried unanim- ously . '~ . It was moved by P~Ir. Keen, seconded by P.4r. Smith and unanimous- ly carried that the matter of repairing the roof of the City Hall' building be referred to the Chief of the Fire Department. Council adjourned. icy r1erT-" Z_ APPROVED- Presiden o h ounc 1.