06-11-28 Regular3E'i coUrlc II, T~ooR4 June 11th, 1928. The Council met ih regular session. All members of the Council and the R~tayor were present. The minutes of the previous meetings were read grid approv- ed. In tie matter of the claim of R4r. U. B. Ylilliams, Mr. Keen reported that the Committee had secured a bill of sale and made settlement in full for the sum of X800.00. It was moved,. and seconded that the action of the Committee be ap;roved. On roll call the vote was unanimous. It was moved by R4r, Keen and seconded by R4r, Smith and unanimously carried that the report of Mr. Jacobs regarding the screening of the second floor of the City .Hall building be accepted. It was moved by Dlr. Jacobs and seconded by R4r. Smith that the R4ayor be requested to instruct the Ghief of Police to have the jail thoroughly cleaned and in the future to have same kept. in as sanitary condition as possible. The motion was oarried unanimously. It was moved by R4r. Keen and seconded by bYr. Jacobs that the Chairman of the Sanitary Committee be instructed to have the old Chamber of Commerce building cleaned and put in condition. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Keen that in the. absence of the judge of the City Court, Hon. J. 8.. Cason, that the R4ayor act as judge pro tem during his absence. The motion was carried unaniTously. The City t~ttorney, R~Ir. Adams, reported that in the matter of the Muscle mortgage he had made satisfactory arrangements with the attorneys and had the matter stayed for the time being.. R4r. Keen repotted that his committee had investigated the matter of purehasin Ford fire apparatur and after having in- spected the one at ~~~"recommended that the same be purchased provided satisfactory arrangements could be made to finance same. On motion by bir._Smith, seconded by A:Trs. 4Yarfield, a committee composed of bor. Jacobs, rdr. Smith and R4r. Keen was appointed to investigate this matter further. ~.3r~ council Room - June 11th, 1928. Mr. Keen reported on the trip to Tampa in the interest of the ~"later Department. The plant inspected was difference Prom most,plants and the Committee reported as having been much im- pressed with the simplicity of tine construction of the Tampa plant, which cost about X25,000.00. It was moved by Ivr, Smith and seconded by Ix. Keen that samples of water be taken frori the well on the golf links and sent to the chemist at Test Palm Beach to be analyzed. The motion was carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to wire the State Highway Depart- ment at Tallahassee calling attention to the condition of the new Federal Highway through the City and request them to have the rubbish removed and the holes filled along said highwa~T at once, I~•ir. Jacobs introduced the following ordinance which was read in full and passed on its first reading; ~N ORDITT?.I~TCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Gr^ DP;LRAY BEACH., FLORIDA, IN RE- GU.LAR SESSION SITTIPTG, REQUIRIPTG PHYSICAIdS TO REPORT ALL IN- FECTIOL'S AND COITTAGIOUS DISEASES AIdD FIXING PENALTY FOR THE FAILUR;; TO DO S0. Zt was moved by Trirs. VJarfield, seconded by Pir, Jacobs and unanimously carried ths,t the, Clerk be authorized to draw suoh funds from the bank as would meet bonds and interest maturing on July first. Irir. Frank Crego appeared before the Council and discussed t.ie assessed valuation of his four and a half acres in the South-. east Quarter of Section Eight. No action was taken. Mr. Myera headed,a committee ~f property owners living in the Southwest section of the City reporting that the Holy Roller Church was disturbing them by tolling the bell and in loud forms of worship. It was moved by Rir. Keen and seconded by Mr. Smith that the matter be referred to the Aiayor, City Attorney and Police Department. The motion was carried unanimously. A communication was read from bIr. E, C. Hall requesting relief from street assessment in Blook 137 deserihed as North 107 feet„item A. It was moved by Pir. Keen, seconded by h-Irs. Warfield arid unanimously carried that this matter be referred to the Street Committee. L4r. Johnson, repres8nting the local Elks Club appeared before the Council requesting financial assistance in entertain- . ing the visiting Elks in July. It was moved by ISrs. Warfield ~ a~ Council Room - June 11th, 1928. seconded by Ilir. Jacobs and unanimously carried that ~3U0.00 be appropriated for publicity purposes. It was rnoved, seconded acid carried that current bills be referred to the Finance Committee. The bills. having been O.K.'d by the Finanee Committee were returned to the Council and ordered paid. It was moved by a,r. Jacobs, seconded by H,Zr. Smith and carried unanimously that the street approach to the drive way of Air. L. F. Ranson's residence be rocked. The Street Committ- ee was instructed to complete the work. It was moved by Mr. Smith and. seconded by D:r. Keen tnat the Street Committee be instructed to contract with trre oiling company with power to act in the matter of oiling and finishing the recently cosatrueted street corners.. The motion was carried unanimously. A communication was read from A. L. Iiungerford in referee- ce to road signs. On motion duly made, seoonded and carried the Council ordered the Clerk to file same for future reference. Cotmeil adjourned. ~~~ i y er . j ~: ~~ APPROVED s en o e o ei ~~9 ~, ,. TO ALL bTELIBER5 OF THE COUNCIL: You are hereby notified that there will,be a special meeting of the City Council held at eleven o'clock A. P,4., Saturda;,T, June 16th, 1928, at the City 3ia11 for the pur- pose of taking up the matter of oiling certain streets and such other business as may regularly some before the meeting. AIaS~or . r 4r • ~,- _ _ . _. -- -_ ---_ _u__ ~-- !The City Gommssionera~ -- Delray Beach, Fla. i Gentlemen:- Confirming conversation with members of your Commission relative to sand and_oil surface treatment on ' atr®ets and intersections ir- Delray BeacYi, we are pleased to submit for your acceptance the following prices: For the sum of ~I600.00 we'will apply asphalt and sand covering to 15,00 square yards of f, streets, sweeping all streets beYore applying ~ the asphalt. For the sum of $8©0..00 we a*ill apply sand and asphalt ea above on fifty-four (54) intersections, f In the event that you hav® additional work of this nature it can be done on the. same basis of paymeht. It is understood that these figures are based os a'oash.payment upon the eomgletion of the: work satisfactory tc y~nr Board ®r its representativ®-, it is further. understood that you will make the necessary arrangements for us to procure sand from the Ocean Beach for this Rork. 11111 you please adeise us_:that the above ~ ,been accepted and dir®at us to prices have proceed with the work. Very truly yours, A. 0. Q1~©LD3 CO. I~G. ~_~_ N. ~yd V rR~ i"A~~a~ ~~' ~~re$ -tA~y~~///~.1 4 _ _ ~' "' {t I