06-16-28 Special__ CCUAiCI.L ROOM June 16th, 1928. _~® The Council met in special session, the Itla~*or and all Councilmen were present. The bid of A. 0. Greymolds Company, Irrc., was opened and read before the Council, which was as follows; i~'or the suer of x"1600.00 we vvi11 apply asphalt and sand covering to 16,000 square yards of streets, sweeping all streets before app 13*ing t7ie asphalt . r^or the sum of x"500.00 we will apply sand and asphalt as above on fifty-four (54) intersec- tions. In the event that you have additignal work of this nature it can be done on the same bal3is of payment. It tivas moved by I:~Ir. Keen, and seconded by li4r. Smith that the bid be accepted and on roll call the motion was unanimous- ,. ly carried. hlr. Smith, chairman of the Street Comr<iittee was instruc- ted to designate the place on the ocean beach tiv'rxere-sand was to be secured for this contract. It was moved by ir. Keen and seconded by Iulr. Smith that the matter of connecting and repairing the road way between the two highways be referred to the Street Committee. The motion was carried unanimously. The question of employing an engineer to supervise the oiling and finishing of the streets was discussed and it was moved by NIr. Jacobs and seconded by &Ir. Smith that the Council recuest the County Engineer to furnish a competent man for this place. A corrrnunication from I;Sr. C. C. Humphreys and I:Ir. 4Y. TI. Jones in regard to a contract for tine tivorking out of prelimin- ary plans for a ester filteration plant was read and tine Clerk was instructed to notify tYrese gentlemen that the Council was x_43 Council Rooei - June 16th, 1928. not as yet ready to taxe any deFinite action in this matter. Council adjourned. o ~-1 esi en o e ncil. ~. . .