07-09-28 Regular~_:~© eovzcc II, Rocn~L July 9tii, 1928. The Council met in regular session, all members of the Council were present, the hFiayor was absent. The minutes of the previous meetings vrere read and apprpv- ed. The committee appointed at the last regular meeting to in- vestigate the advisability of establishing a City nursery on a portion of the golf grounds requested and was granted Further `' ` time. ~r A communication was read From the engineer in charge .o F' ~'' the State Road Department in reply to a w'i.re sent him and Yke-- ga~te every assurance that the unfinished portions of the new': "~~=' Federal Highway through the City would be completed at the' ~'~'" earliest date possible. A communication From S.4rs. A. A. Doyle vans read and the Clerk was instructed to write Iuirs. Doyle a courtemus letter and ,ti': explain to her that the City Council was in no way responsible "`"` For her property having been annexed to the City. A comri~unication from Tdessrs. ~+ideman 8c 6Nideman in reference to an unpaid check on a defunct bank was on motion d,ly made, seconded and carried, referred to the City Attorney. srn, The chief of the fixe department reported that the repair- ing of the roof of the City Ha11 building had been completed. Bids were submitted for the painting of the woodwork of the-screens recently installed in the City Hall building and'i~, was Pound that the bid of J. J. Dawson was the lowest. It was,~'^°~ moved by b,r. been and secorided by Lars. SG`arfield and unanimously.,' carried that the contract be awarded to T;"r. Dawson. ,~_~ ~.~ P::r. Smith, chairman of the Street Committee, reported progress on street work and it was moved by T:Ir. Keen and seconded, by T;"r. Jacobs that P;Ir. Smith be authorized to purchase the nea- essary slag or rock for street finishing. The motion was carried unanimously. ~J~ Council Room - July 9th, 1928. i r, The matter of placing an overhead traffic light at the intersection of Atlantic t.venue and the Federal 3ighway was referred to the Police Department. It was moved, seconded and carried that the current bills be referred to the Finance Comr^ittee. It was moved by tar, rieen, seconded by P._r. Jacobs and unan- imousl~~ carried that Mr. Smith, chairman of the Street Committee,": be furnished gas for his automobile from the City tank gratis. Tur. T{een, chairman of the 59ater ~ T,ight Committee, reported 'r' that an option had been secured on an acreage tract provided:. the City desires it for a water plant. fir. Jacobs also repor ' ted t'rre offer of an smaller tract. After some discussiori;`Eahe committee was continued to report at a future meeting. r,' The current bills having been O. K.'d by the Finance Cot~tni ~ tee or, motion duly made, seconded and carried were referred baek:'"~"°' to the Council and ordered paid. ~~, Mr. ~Jilson, representing the Florida East Coast Railway'Oo~ .~' pany,and other utilities, being present was invited to address the Council, which he did in quite a lengthy mannex. rlIr. John I. Thieme requested a permit to repair the ~rorr~er `' Building. After presenting plans and specifications it was "~' moved, seconded grid carded that the permit be granted. Council adjourned. y er APPROVED: /L- Pre iden of he C until..