08-13-28 Regular~6~
August 13th, 1928.
The Council met in regular session with the followir~ mem-
bars present: i,iayor Johnson, :r. i;een, 1Ir. Jacobs, i;ir. Smith and
hIr . Troup .
The minutes of the previous meetings vrere read and approved.
A cotununicatiori from A. C. A11yn & Company in reference to
interest maturities due September 1st on bonds was read and on
inotiorr duly made, se corided and ca.rrie~ the Clerk was instructed to
forward suf_icient funds to tine Seaboard 1Vational Bank of Plew York'' _
to meet same.
A communication from Ada Govrinr:endri clc, C. ::. Business .
School, was read ar,d on motion duly made, seconded and carried saurc~~,
was referred to the Ordinance Committee.
Iv'r. Smith, Chairman of the Street Committee, was gxante.d
further tir,;e in the mat+.,er of removing the word "Shrine" from the
sign boards along the highvray.
I~Ir. Jacobs introduced the following ordinance, which wras
read and passed on its first reading: "A11 ORDI~i:,STCE PROHIBITING
Ai?Y CH1I,D L'IID'i 'i H; I;GI' O~ S1XT~'~'ri Y3ARS TO DRIVE i,IyY i.UTOP'OBII~E °±
OR C1'H,,i2 E:OTOR L':iCI,r; 'rliT:IIbI T~Ii: CITY OF DEZ1~iY isF,ACII, 'r'I,OP.IDA'T.
x y.
D s. 7. id. Iviartin then addressed the Council and asked for
an apnropriatiof: for the public library. It eras moved by-1~tr.
Smith, seconded by I:'r. Jacobs zs~d unanir;ousl~- carried that the:mem-
bers of the Council were in sympathy and accord with the work being.''
done by the public librar~* and would likely sup_~ort the same brT
contributing to the purchase of books etc. provided a list of said --
books be presented to the Council for their approval.
L, communication was read from the Milwaukee Apron Company
• at Oconomowoc, ~+isconsin, in reference to a factory location and.
the Clerk was instructed to repl;r to the same that the Cit3> was
ready and willing to do anyt:-ring rcasonablo- in making eoncessi9ns...
if they were considering locating a factoru~ 'rrere. , -~~~ LL~
The matter of a nevr water plr.nt locsaion eras then discussed `:
at eonsiderab7.e length vrithout~any definite action being taken.
It ti^aas then moved, seconded and earried;~he council adjourn
until Tuesday morning, 1iu~vst 14th, at IO k. 1;'I:
ter"-,t ~.U or e ~.oi~. il. L