08-27-28 Regular1 ~G~i::CiL ~tCCl: ~`~ /iLi~1%St 27 t'!!, 1928, lilt, vOLLY1C 7.1 ilCt 1Yi T~'t.llar SC Sail OTi S'i ]. tit i;~lt° fO l1 GC!l.n Y:er.L2)ers pr )sent; .r. Jacobs, :.r. i,.eeYl, i,x ~,r!.i;ll i,.l,~i i:r. ro~lp . - the rairrates of the pr~vio~zs t e;etin~;s were read and ~:np- rOVf•G.. Lr. Smith, ehairtaan o;- the StreetCor::mittee, renortrd that ile had inspected the road le;a~~.ir_~~ to the i;oL- c11,.'o'fro:'~1 nt laY.lt1C <iV CYILi"" ciT"itt fOtlt:d SY!d Cl~i1t I.Y1Cii rO C;: bade QYt th P, 'cast and ~ies~ portion and three to five inches on file P;ortY! " an~~_ mouth portion. it wa.r:; rJOVed, secor<<.ied arTd carT°ied that ~ the eL`.rrent 'Hills br, referred to the FinaYlee Con>initter. i.r. utlith offered the, follovrirt~; motion, .•~lich eras secon- ded by s. :c:cYl aria LYSlanimousl~ carried: I,:cvcd ti><.t the superintendent of public work be instructed to place a six inch date or valve iY: t:~le L~rater :gain at the Canal for the purpose of Plus>liY~i vaater wain, a_nd further that he be iYtstructefi to 1nV Cut l~;atC aIld rCpOrt 07. t'Il iv 8'.LV l:oaulht~r Of 111aCi Tll; SUG"1 ~atCS at Ot2CT' p1aCCS OYl thE'' ilalY:S the OL1~'T1C!Llt t'r1C alt v' for LLC it pur,,)ose. . "x. Smith tiieTi of='rr~c the fol7.o~ ink seconued 'u~ "r. daeobs and Lurtanino'.zs1~- ca .1naPtC ~: v0T'1"?ltt Cf'. bC `.•CiU. P.S tCI': t0 CO Y.Slilt at once after '[lis return or. the ~:atter cf ;i)otion, L~~h-_en Leas cried: .,:eyed the.t the L•ri.t11 tltc Cit;; itttcrne~~ r+fundind rnaturit ies Of~.OTidS ~,Y!Cl. lt:t:reSt an( ].:i pra.CtiCal ~l"!C COYLSiStc.Tit 41c-VC j;PC rlatt~r laid bcfor?^ this Com~LCil at their rleetir!=~ 2eptember 1Gth, 1923 for action. It L'la5 moved bar ~i. Smith, sc ee nded bV iar. r_Cen ~1~a '~L'lcni- i~lOUS1"„' Cari'lCCI th E,t tf1C "iOi%11011 T)Llr CnaSe f1VC llll cr e;d iCE;t Of flee i1JSe Of 811Cr1 u12C and Cy11 r..ht5r aS tPC i~lrv v.!_C ~' C1aJ,`' rCCOPI- ' iale Yld, a1S0 that the lee CI11 Cf JC rC ~tLC StCd t0 obta lT. pI'i CeS Oii nC~, t1reS fOr 'i ]7C trllCk and t:i (; cS!i C~llnt Of ~',11.OF!;:',nCC 0Y1 prc.SCY!t f., tires. t r !~ Co~~.ncil .eo:n - ~,ur*ust 27th, 192. Currcr:t i~il]L~ havinL 'ne°„ 0.'_.'d br ti~^ ?'in~:r ce Corn~iittee A' on i~otioi~ dul;r made, saconueu ~1id c~.rried v;~ere re:ierreil bacl~ to tae Council and ordere~_ pc id . There 't~C1Yit~," T"i0 fU Y'`il?r '7 ~1-liiC SS t0 CORC cJB Pere ttte ~iOLY~C11 It l9uS laOV ed, SeCOT1C1Cd aYlti CF..r riC(~_ tii Flti tY1C~' a0_~i~urn t0 P1CCt ~~iVvCl.n~'SCL EI ire ~,,11F"llSt 29 t'Li &~ 2 i. __. ~~ ,~-.t. ~,,,,_~ ~. AP~'~.U ~- ~L _ f esidrn~ o~t"rte ~neil. l.!