08-29-28 Adjourned Regular „ --r„ - - {,'.,~~.tst 29th, 1923. Tn:~ Council raet ir. .~.;;,uri;ed reliu2_~_r session eritlr the ol.iosi~:,~ tsersbcrs ~~resant: .,:r. J<cobs, : r. ~:een, _r. ~r~,itti and :;:r . Troup . It ti°a~.. roved, secendea ~.rc.. carrie~~. th2t ',yid: for tires for the fire truck be opened ar~d tabulated: Service Garage ;130.00 iob Zee's Service Ntatio2i 135.00 Seacrest Garage 131.00 D~;1r~~.5r Irotor Conr~~an~~ 120.50 palm Service Statior_ 130.00 D~lxay ti~zick Tire Service 120.00 Tne Delra~r ::;nick Tire Service havir:~ subriitted the lowr- est bid it ~qas moved, seconded anu carri:•d that tine~* bey av~~e:rcted the contract. ]a :vas r~~oved, seconded 2s~d carrica first the Council ad- ~ourn to meet Friday, 1,u~;ust 31st, at 2 P. T.:. 1 .jr STK. . ~~ esident of ?,e C until. <,