08-31-28 Adjourned Regular'7 , cctT-~l~, ~"e'= tiu~ust 31st, 192E3. isle Council riet in ad. j~urr,ed re~,ilar session t:itiT the fOliO'ri iT.(; I11eII]b"Y'S pees': nt : ix' . J'~:C ObS ~ :.r . i_CeYI, r'.r . :iLll th and i,!r. Troup. ir:r. -tare, thc* eorltractor drilling tYlr, neva test v~;c~lls, reportcct haviri~ ir~isiled th^ «ell to a i!c,pth of fift;,r-six sect arrc~_ rcadar for plunpin~. It l.as r.TOVec u;; ?:r. 3nTith, 3P.COlided 1Y~~ ir. J'8.C0(J .~i aTI O_ Lln&T11 Y~1Qll:i 1'`- CarrlCd t}L'c,t t~'1C LYat Or corT~:i tcce b@ authorized to p-roceec~_ dto~ Nave the vae11 tested at once. It ¢~as :coved b~- i°s. Jacobs that tilt l~i~?t and ;later Com- mittce be i.structed to place a light at the corner of Seoorid r.V eI1l1C alid -~OlLtht9C 3t inlrCi_ JtrCCt au reC~U.C itCd b'" ::.T. ~i'l. ~v. Sye r5. ~he TlOt10T1 ~`v'aS sCCOYTd Cd '0 ~~ i~r. 5191 t'11 and LLTlanlr'lOls l;,' carried. it e;as ;-roved by i:"s. Jacobs that a stree~ l_' 'ht be pleced or: tire core :-r of rust ~;venue ana S ~,_tin~rest °' ~' t;trect. The S 10 ~u1027 19x5 9C COnded ~0 ~* n1r . SCI:. t 11 aTld LLT tE~_rr1L'l OllS l~r CarrlCd ~ounciā€¢1 ad journed to r;ect Sm.pt~:mber 4th, 1928, at 2 P. IS. i ~r C e r~- aPPRCV~.D President o~ ,he ouncil.