09-04-28 Adjourned Regular
co~TcI~ .ccr~;:
Septerrbtr" 4th, 1928.
~~it Council met in tajnurrad regular session raith the
follot~rin,F,~ mtrnbtrs ?~res~nt: L;r. Jaaco'os, Iir. Keen, LIr. ;mii;h
and T:_r . Troup .
PIr. Troup rtnorted t'rrat t'rre ccr~tractors t:~ert nor complet-
in~; the pavir.~ at the intersection of i~tlaritic r,vernre and the
Federal Highvray aril suggested tllst a 1^ratchman be pl~;ced there
to protect the new paving. It t°ras ruovcd 'off I..r. Sr,ith acid
seconded Uh L'r. Jacobs that the Street Ccrmittee w~:it on the
I;:a;;~or aria request him to ap,>oint a ~~iatchraan ",,ith police author-
it3- to G~iatch t:`ie street ;suing for file r?e.:t to;ent~--foi~.r hours.
The r,~otiori wa`s carried ruiarii~"~ouslJ.
It ;•ac;s roved, seconded and carried that the ria~ttr of
custodianship for the old Chamber of Comr~~trce IIall oe referred
to the Chair:~ian Tor consideration and offer rtcor~rraendations.
It ~^~as rioved `oy P°r. ~~een, srcor:dtd b;,~ Ir. daeoba az~d un-
anir~uusi; carried that the Street Com:,ittee 'oe authorized to
purchase ~ car of rock for str.ett rtpairs.
Tht report oP I~'r. Smith on 1;Yrc road leading; to the golf
course ;vas a;-sin taken up ~.nd it t~ras roved, seconded 2nd
carried th£it the Corincil c`iee1: at the Cit~r =Ia11 at 2 P. Tai.
aent•^ibtr 5th for the puriost of irisnectir..S tY,is road.
It ivas moved, seconded a;id carried that the ratter of
stock running at lame he reported to the L:a~or.with the re-
qu~ust that tile. s~~.cie '~e called to tiie attention of ti"<e police
dtpe.rtment . `
,. .~.. ~, ,,,. m.~L ~T
ni. Or.Dl~`aT~~y PROHI?LrI7~G !,i?Y 7ullD Lf.f=r2 1. c -. o..X-
T%r.II Y..i:RS i0 Di?1`r-; r'si?y nUTQi0Bl1'r: OR C.'_^IWF? I:CTOR `T;d=CIu.
:~~`I^'`TI_ T?i CITY 0? I) T~IitiY BEkCIi, i^+LO IDk, came up for tare
second readirr~;. It cuss moved, seroridtd <<^x~d carrie_ unanir.-
ousl},: that the same be adopted.
The 1928-29 bud{et was then taken up and discussed at
len~,th 2s d_ t"nt fallo~~ing figures were arrived at for the
different departr2erits, includ_iri~~ interest, sinking- fund and
publicit~~ aniountini; to X146,467.17.
Cour_c it :~oorn - Sept ember 4th, 1.928 .
I:Iayor arC~_ C~ancil y4,320.00
Cite Clerk's Office 6,000.00
City ;,ttorne~r 6CO.O~D
;iuditor 600.00
~idvertisinC; - ya~;~al 1, 000.00
Ger:cr-ul ~r?er!sc 300.00
Cemetcr~= ~"cntene.nec 1, GCO.CiO
City Ball, Carafe and Jail
(I,isir_tenance of bnild.ir~;s) 750.00
Golf C~~urse i:ainten~nce 9,246.00
lark ;:air!tenar,cc 1,500.00
Sanitary Department 6,000.60
~~'ire De>>artrnent
Calarics 3,000.00
~cu_ii~m~r_t 1, 000 .CO
Polio.. Depart;;er~t 6,000.00
Strut Liz;irtinS 12,000.00
Strut i'aintenanee 8~ Repairs 10,000.00
~" ~ Z;isccllaneous
rOlections 100.OC
Irlsurancc 900.00
"'"" G"ifice perise 500.00
Sewer T.:aintenancc 500.00
Telephone aril Tele.~raph 150.00
Reserve 2,500.00
Publicity (^romw- mill taz) 3,605.50
Interest ar!d P,inkinC S'und
G"yard Gne 3,550.00
'yd'~rd it•ro 71,321.67
TG1i~L X146,467.17
It races moved ay T:_r. ieen, sfiaondefl
" ~~ ! r (> iith and un-
anin: t ~ e cried that a rnilJ_a~e o~
aY -
~ ~,, 01: one mild
-~-, ~, purposes, makir.~~ a total
°or ~~~
' of !;~clve r~illscbe
1 f
ard One :rid that
adopted for
' or as
~~sc, 2
~--~; be adoptec_ for ';,
,,,,~ ~s~; pur_~oses ^tivo.
~vV~iC its «
It 1'J~ 5 tflen mOVed, SeCOnded and C2.r r'1P,d tYlf:t vOllr!C11 ad-
journ to rc et at 2 P. Ti. September 5th.
~ ~'a
Pr sidert of he C nci..
M 4 h
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