09-05-28 Adjourned Regular1 ~3 COliIG1L FC'i? Senttmber Stn, 19 u8. '==>. P Ie Cotnci7. met in aC, ol:rr> d r~ ll,~r stssior ti~ith the follot ir_~ rnemb.~rs (resent ir:r .?aco ~, ;r. :e rn, "r. 519i th, I;r. Troup aria i:rs. '~;arfield. The presiaent announced the I~ettin,~ for the nury~ose of ]. r: S?l E'Ct 1Ii" tiLC rOa u. 1C&d.iri~; frol:? ~_t lc^;.Yit i.C i.V i'.Yil1C tG ti1C ~Olf court>e so all mcmbexs of tiro U,ulicil oroccrded to that point for tine p~ir_~ose of ma::i.~ the inspection. The GouYicil hav~!~; made the -_nspection rct??sne-& to the Council vhur?ber and it eatis moved 'o3T iir. :een, seconded bf~ I•:r. e?SCO OS, c.Yi l'L llnCYllmOUSl;;r CarrlCil thct the metre@t XX^oPlr',1ttC@ bC authorized to pureilase thr. nece~aar~~ raateriala~repair and oil said road. ` The matter of a sel^aer inlet at tilt intersection of Atl- antic Avenue 2s!d the Federal ii~hti~aa~r vats referred- to the Gtreet GonYmittet for invtsti~stion. 'T'here btiY~ no further business to come '~aefore the mtet- in~; tilt Council adjourned. i ~r ler t. A?i RO Val) : m ~,w-~.~. j~ i tsiden of he ounci~. - 1~ the Honos. able t5r Council lray Beach, Fla. - In order to eosn,lete the plans for our rvice station prior to n7a'~in~; application For rnit for same, we v~tisYi to raati.e application? for writ to run U, pine line, 2 inches in dio~aeter, ore our Hess station site, Lots 1, 2, 3, B1oek 117 rough the public al~.ey runs:in~ parallel to and e-half b1ocY south°the Atlantic Avenue throw? the I'lorida East Coast Railroad. Also this wait to include the sinking; of tv;o ten-t'r_ousa~td llon (at the most) stora~~e tanks on the above ntioned lots. The purpose of installinv this uinsrcnt is to unload and store gasoline frori xilc-c~xs. The cross-streets ~s•i11 not 11avo to be rn ian but can be drilled under. ~Ie trust that this a?->plication ~c:ill rereivo ur iavor<:ble consideration. Res_~ect "ally, Delia; ~,uicr, Tix Service, Inc. Bar President,,