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November 7th, 1928.
The Council met at 4 P. Il~I. on call of the Mayor. The
Mayor and all members of the Council were present.
The matter of repairing the City houses damaged by the
recent hurricane wad discussed. It was moved by P4r. Keen
that the Finance Committee be instructed to get in touch with
agents and contractors and work out plans to repair and condi-
tion these properties and report back to the Council at the
next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Mrs. VJar-.
field and carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr. Keen and seconded by Mr. Jacobs that
the City Attorney be instructed to prooeed to secure a deed
Prom the Mussle heirs to the Atlantic Avenue property on which
the City now holds a second mortgage. The motion was unani-
mously carried.
The Mayor recommended that certain improvements be made
at the Ooean Beach in the way of bulk heading, constructing a
board walk and installing seats etc. The Council agreed to
make a personal inspection of the beach at the close of the
meeting with a view of. working out plans as suggested.
It was moved by rrSr. Jacobs, seconded by Ilir. been and unan-
imously carried that the sidewalk be repaired at the old Delray
Iv:otor Company site on Atlantic Avenue.
Mr. Jacobs requested tYiat he be relieved of the duties of
serving on the committee on building permits, his request was
granted and the E4ayor appointed LSr. J. C. Keen to fill this
In the matter of the request for a permit of 2~.4r. Clark to.~'
make certain repairs to the Zook property on the mouth Dixie '
on motion of Mr. Keen, seconded by Mrs. VJarfield, and unanimous-'
ly carried the request was rejected.
~ In the matter of the applic~.tion of h'Ir. Grover C. Baker to
construct a building with sheet iron sides near the Seaboard
depot it was moved by Mrs. Warfield and seconded by ~4r. Keen -
that a permit be granted Mr. Baker provided he strengthened '*~'
certain walls as .provided by the permit committee.