03-02-27 Adjourned Regular----_ ___
The Council met at 8:30 P. M. in adjourned regular.. >
.session with the b'fayor presiding. All eounai]xuen were "
present. "-
It was moved and regularly seconded that all eerti-
fied checks'~be returned to the bidders with the~exoeptien
o£ those belonging to the contractors presenting he two ~--'
~' lowest bids on each contract: The_ motion was parried unaii-; '~?
imously on roll call.
The Pour lowest bidders above mentioned were then
interviewed individually by the Council. It"was then mov,~ed ~+
by Mr. Evans' and seconded 'by Mr Barwick that,` the sdewal~C~„ _ ,a'S;
bid be awarded to ;the Ted B. Johns Company.- On rol] 4a11.?; ~`
'the vote was as ~£ohows: ,Barwick yea, ,Evans "•~Cea, "~e~ka^~no;";~ ~,
Johnson yea, Sundy yea. ' ;~
~r° ~ y ~r~ , ` x f ~
' It was moved by Mr. Evans and seconded by Mr~J'ok}risd°n ~'`
that the contraatrfox pavng,be awarded to Ie~r. Clint Moore`. r`.e
On roll call the vote was as follows: Barwick"yea, Evans~yea,~
• Jelks_no, Johnson yea, Sundy yea, ~tz~
k ; ~ .,
The aontrac`ts were~"'the"refore declared "awarded to Ted
z~P~ ray ~ `" , ,
~,Johns~a Company" and Mr:`Clinta~ Moore resp,eotiir~e~:y. ~ .,
~It was! moved-and regularly seconded that the 'contraet~~^;`
for street sweeping:and removal of garbage be awarded to~;Mr'
L. ~. CroYt, work to begin March- 7th and" that«Mr."~Allens~xa ~~~**-w
services as Sanitary Inspector be continued tQ 6pri]: lst.,`:•Thes~
emotion was unanimouslyoarried.on roll ca1T.~ ~ F,a ~,
~, It was moved 'and regularly seconded tYia~~ the'~Mayor~~~and~ } ~^
~ ,,_' 'Clerk be instructed to execute .the contracts~~ in behalf o£ 'the~~~~~,
i City that were let at thia meeting. emotion cd'as~"~aarriea ~'
`" unanimously on "roll=-pail"...,~. ~ t =-~~'~fi~~a~»=~
~ ~ ve
,the CounaYt adjourned. ~<~ ~ ~ ,,
ayor_. * ~~
~ ~ 5y2.
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