08-01-27 Regular Adjourned,~..,~.~.~.~. ._,~._.,_~~.,,,,,w,__ ..,_ _ _ _.. , ~ .__
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.The Counc;l
in special session
Equalization Board
r assessments".
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August 1st, 1927.
met in regular adjourned
as publiclGily advertised
to hear complaints on the
pre~idedr All councilmen
session end a
to TM5"it as
1927 tax
Several taxpayers made;complaint in regard: to :tneirrA#~
assessments and'sad assessments were adjust@d satisfactor~~.~
ily. .'
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The rlfayor appointed P,rIr. I,. Z. Barwick to aet on they ~:
Finance Coctmittee in place of ~+ir. Evans' in=the matter.~.of:~ .~+,A
working out a satisfactory solution of financing the new'" ''"
water>plant. bir. Z. 'V. Peaoock', presdent~of the'~el~ay,~; ~*
'~ Bank ~ Trust Company, presented a proposition whereb~,ath," ~;~
bank .would .give the City b~ interest and give ample se'cr~'#';K
ity in return for an extension `of the'. time: of° payment7of ~a~~"x~=~',
portion of Atha Citys' certificate's of deposit.
It was moved that , a committee composed of fvtZ' ~ Slzrid; „ ~°
dir. Barwick, PdIr. j'elk§ and Bps. Johnson'`he appointed to eo'r%~~
sider'the,~ropositmon and to make a recommendation to the,.„,;;
Council. "The motion was'seconded and carried uns;nimousl~~:;
on roll wall. ~ '
The Council adjourned to a P P,i. Augtirst 2nd; 192,7,:;; .`
at Sshcn-time it dill continue. to sit'as'an Equalization' {'
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