09-26-27 Regular .~cT3 . 'COUNCIL ROOM September 26th, 1927. _; __The Council met-in-regular session,..the-Mayor-prea3ding.---=- ' Councilmen Barwick, Evans, Jelks and Johnson were present: . Councilman Sandy was absent. In complianoe with s written request~Yrom MrJ W.'J.,John~ ; -aton the Council•instrueted the City Engineer tp grepaxe~data~ on the 'cost oY ~onatruot~i~ng the new base ball ,Yield at the ': golY oourse. ~;; `~ ' A letter Yrom the West Palm Beach TraYYp Bureau in regard, p Yreight rates waa read to the 0ounol. The Clerk;~~a Was instructed to ask the membere o~ the Bureau to"agpear`.be Yore the Cpunoil at an early date. T2~e Clerk v0as authorized .tp issue a l:Qense without .` `,~ charge to the Snighta oY Pythias:Yor a:pharity minstrel shpw,."; * ,, z Zt was moved by Mr. Johnson and seconded that the Clerlo~~." ' be instructed to puroha~se Yive' thousand'.. eoooanuta Yor nurse~*yy~'`" ,~~ -~ ~. ` purposes: The motion was parried unanimously: ~~ * ~T2e~,Maypr appointed IJr. Johnson to sot ;ap me~~berxpxo;',~~`' tem on :the F'inanoe Gpmmittee in place. oY Mr. 3undy°~wha Wa,s ' ~ ~~ absent. Current bills having been audited by he Fin~ae'=~" ~? :Committee-were referred to the Cpuncil'and'ordered paid" x A <bill for painting, at the _gA1Y club hose and. orie~ Yore ;~~ PurnisYiinga was reYerred to a committee compo"sed oY the•Mayor, B2r. Johnson acid Mr. Sandy Yor Yurther investigation. r" ,w Cpunoil adjourned to 8 P. M. October"3rd, 1927, at' which time the registration book will be revised as re"quired" by ordina.noe. ~ .y- ~,. _,' ' 4 ~ or ,, ffi` .. .. •, ~; +~~ . ,:~ ,.. k ~ _ ~,.~~. ., y ,,. f,. .,, v. ~., .~,. ,~„~... ~.. x ~ ATTEST:~~ ~ ,_: « ,,•, ~` y er , .: _ s a ~. ~ ~ ,3i_ e t' ~ r `.} ~. ~ 1 <~~R~ .~b't3u..4