10-10-27 Regular„.
The Council met in regular session, the Mayor presicb`
ing. Councilmen $arwick, Evans, Jelka'and Johnson were
present,-Gounoi:lman Sundy was absent. '
The minutes oY the two previous meetings,were-read an
approved with ooxreetions.
It was moved and seQOnded that the City_Clerk be in „,
atiruoted to pay the election,bpard,~4:00 per .day each Yore
the eleotions;oY July 12th and.,Deoember 6th. On roll oa~:~~
the vote waa as Yollowsc Barwiok yea, Evans yea, Jelks yea
Johnson no. The motion was parried.
It was moved, seoonded and carried unanimously that
the Clerk be authorized to txanst~er the `names oY regiatexedr
voters prom the old registration book=to a new:one~. ~'"
Tae Mayor appo~inted'Mr. Johnson to act as membex ~r
tem*oY the F~nanoe,Qpmmittee ~in~ place, o~ Mr:~~Sundy°who w~,
absent.` Cure®nt bi3ls having been audited by. the H'inai~ad;4,-;
C`ommitt~e wer®' reYersed bank to the Council aid ordered '=r
,I~ waa moved, seoonded and oarried.unanimouslythat~,.f
the proposition o~ Mr. E~`R. 4stlurid, whereby he~Ci~y wi]~=
purohase"a"pertain amount of Your' inoh`cast~iron pipe at `""'
the ourrent~market price, less 10~, the payment to be appli
' ed on Mr: Ostlunds taxes Yor 1926 and I927,beaocepted.
It: waa moved, seoonded and carried unanimously.that
the City Engineer be authorized to take, up tk1"e-small .pipe:
,line on"Sixth `Avenue and replace 1t with a four inohlin®,-;
.the work to be done by the regular City Yoree: .
The"Cle,rk was,instruoted totlpurchase a quantify oY4
i`"' winter rye:~Yor:the school grounds, ~~
' readin
in ful
on its-
Mr. Jel
a hat
"'* Council Room - October 10th, 1927.
~' .
unanimously.that-the rules-be Suspended and-she ord-finance-~=
, be read for the second time by oaption only. The ordinanale
~ was read for the second time by caption only and was pasae~l
unanimously of its seoond reading.
;,:,, ~:
The City Engineer was granted two weeks vaoation `;;
beginning O~etober 20th.. ~ ~ ~.