01-11-26 Regular:~:- E6 COL'TvCII, CH~2.,BEP January 11th, 1926. The council met in regular session the PRayor presiding. Councilmen -Barwick, Jelks, and Sundy were present, councilmen - OTNeal, and Evans were absent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A resolution advancing telephone rates in the `~~:: City of Delray, and providing for the installation of 'a common battery syster was laid before the council. It was moved by P.~r.Jelks-that the resolution be adopted with the reservation that the west 1/2 of seetio3'i 17 be eliminated from the base area, and 1/2 mile be added both to the north and the south of the base area. The motion was seconded by Ia.r.Barwick, and was carried unanimously on roll call. ~: It was moved by 2;2r. Jelks, and seconded by A4r.Barwick t~ata committee be appointed to interview PvIr.John CT.Y:all in regard to the purchase of five feet of his property in the North East Corner of Block 101 for street purposes and that the committee be authorized to offer I:ir.Fall a price not exceeding 10,000. for the five feet desired. The motion was carried unanimousl:- on roll call. The 'ayor then a~~point ed the following committee - nir.Jelks, 2rr.Sundy, and I:'r. Barwick. It was moved by _ar.Jelks, seconded by 2;ir.Barwick ~. E7 that the city manager be authorized to employ a watch- .. railway man at the Atlantic lvenue/crossing -said watchman to i be on duty during the busy hours of the day. The motion was carried. `y AN ORDIi~9PICE.pROVIDING FOR THE ISSUA'"CE OF '=ONDS OF THE CITY OF ??ELP,~iY,FLORIDA,TO BE IZDTO~N'I .zStD TF'SIG'~i",TED AS TMIPvTPROVETs"~~T BONDS OF TI'F CZTY OF DELR4Y,FLORIDA,ISSLT' p. OF .1926" DESIG"ATIPdG TAP PURPOSE FOR WHICH SAID BOPTDS SHALL BF EXPED'DED,PRESCRIBING THE FORi'_ ^F TH?' BOAIDS ATdD TFIE PAR- TICULARS THEREOF, AND CREATING AS? IPTTERFST n.PTD SIN?ING FUP:D r APTD PROVIDI_TG FOR TH° PAYi:.'I"TdT THER?"OF, was laid before the council for its second reading. It was moved by 2r,r.Jelks , seconded by T,?r.Barwic'~c, and carried unanimously on roll call that the rules be sus,,ended and. the ordinance be read i for the second time by caption only. FIaving been read for ~ the seoond time by caption only, it was moved,seconded , 3 and carried that the ordinance be placed on its third readin end final passage. The ordinance was ti,en read for the third time and in full. It was moved by L~r.Jelks,seconded by I~ir.Barwi tYiat the ordinance be adopted. ^n roll call f ~ `~ those voting in the affirmative were PTr.Barwick, :r.Jelks , ~, and i~r.Sundy. Those voting in the negative -none - ~ s.. ~ A1V' ORDI ~APdCE '~F TL'E CITY C^LIIICIL ^F TIFF CITY OF DELRAY,FL^RII?A DrCLARI„G C:G'RTAI?ST STRFETB LAC^TED T! SAIr CITY Tn F.T? PUBLIC STRTt'~'TS %a''?` Tn DF,CLARE TF1?T PO~mIO*~ nF SA_TD STREETS '"!RICH CR^SS TITL' F7,ORIDA ^AST C'~AST R4IL9dAY ~ RIGHT_OF_WAY TO BE PL~LIC CP.~S~''T?GS AND RE UIRII'G SAID FLORIDA ?'AST C^AST R.~_IL"JAY T^ C~NSTR'"CT A Si_'ITABI,P GRADE ~' CROSSITTG AT T'~F I TERS~CTTOi? OF SAID STR?'F.TS '^!ITI' S•" ID S . . RIGF?T-OF-WAY IPI ACC^I?Da? r ~~ T.C:• `.ITF TFr PLN'`dS ~r-D 5''rCIFrCATI!!Id' ON FILT'; IN THE CITY CI,T'3YTS OFFIC?" -was laid before the 4 council by the city attorney and was read for the first time 3 ~:ase.-, ~ ~~ .. ,~?~ ~ ,, ~~ ~~_ 28 fir. and in full. It was then moved by t<r.Jelks,seconded by -Tr. Barwic'w that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read for tre second time by caption only. The motion having was p revailed the ordinance/read for the second time by caption only. The ordinance reading that it was an emergency ordinance i:'s.Jelks moved that the ordinance be placed nn its third reading. On roll call the motion was carried and the ordinance was then read for the third time and in full. On its final passage those voting in the affirmative were P,~r.Barwiek, T<?r.Jelks, and Inr.Sundy. Those voting in the negative - none - . The condition of south Aiken Street was brought to the attention of the council and after some discussion it was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that action be deferred until the bond money is available. The 2:4ayor appointed Nr.Barwick, .and ;:ir. Jelks,to act on the finance committee in place of i:ir.Fvans and ~:ir. O~Neal who were: absent. Current bills Yiaving been audited were referred back to the council ~;.nd ordered paid. It was moved , seconded, ~~nd carried on roll call that the follovring building permits for construction in the fire zone be granted. Pd.r. Dana ",'.Foley, Lot u5, Block 9u,store• room - cost 12,000. Geo.A.Todd - repairs to Stag Hotel, I'.F.4th.Ave. to cost - 98100.00. Thos.A.ic?ontmeny Organization , Lots 7.~2,Bloek 100, Office -Cost w4~000. T.A.Nessler, Store, Lot 1, Block 53, cost -. w10,000.00. ~F ~a .~ 29 It was moved, seconded, and carried on ro11 cr=11 that the following plats of subdivisions be approved:- The 2dina '"!ilcox Putnam Estates - 2ditehells Addition. The resignation of i,~r.2i.D.Pdorris, as fire chief,was presented to the couxicil. The city cleric was instructed to write P:.r.-LD.2,~orris expressing the appreciation of the Mayor and Council for his services as fire chief. 2?r. 2~?syor then upon the recommendation of the city manager ~.uthorized the appointment of i~ir.A.J.Adams, as fire chief , appointment affective at once. The council adjourned. ~p~,J ~ ~~ ~: