02-08-26 Regular'`
Feb ruary,8th.,1926.
The council met in regular session, the Mayor
presiding. Councilmen Barwick, Je1ks,0'I~eal, and Sundt'
were present. Mr.Evans was absent.
The minutes of the previous meetings were ready
,. ~,
and approved. --
The request of Mr.B.ti9.Mitchell, and Mr.S.F.Smith,
for approval of the construction of betties in the Atlantic
Ocean was referred to the City Engineers for recommendation.
Mr.R.C.Ellis of the Florida bight and Power Company
appeared before the council and after some discussion the
council agreed to permit P1Ir.Ellis to present a detailed
prop®sition for ftirnishing light and power.to the city at
a meeting on March lst,1926.
Mr.ZeRoy Diggans,President of the Chamber of Commerc
addressed the council in regard to a hospital project static
that Mr.Mathes , Developer of Del Rat mi Park had agreed to
donate a block of land to the city for a hospital under
certain conditions. It was moved by Mr. Jelks,seeonded by
Mr.Barwick that A4r.Mathes be given the thanks of the city
oouncil for his generosity and be requested to hold the
matter in abeyance mntil the city obtains #ge opinion oY
its attorneys as to whether it would be legal for the city
to issue bonds for the purpose of erecting a hospital. On
roll call the vote was unanimous.
It was moved by P~Zr.Jelks, and seconded by Mr.Barwiek that
.the Rtayor interview Pvr.J.L.Troup and make some arrangements
with him to have either Mr.Troup or some other peraon take
charge oY improvements and beautification of the cemetery.
The motion was carried.
It was moved,seconded,and carried that the Mayor and
Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with Mr.
M.D.Gates to complete the city hall, the work to be done
on a basis of labor and materials plus 100; the motion was
It was moved by Mr.Jelks, seconded by Mr.Barwiek,
and carried on roll call that the following plats of
subdivisions be approved:
Baldwin Heights,
C.Y.Byrd's Subdivision
Subdivision of Block 85,
South Lake Ida Addition,
The following requesta.d for building permits in
the fire zone were granted,-
addition to Delray Bank and Trust Company, on lot 2,
Bi®ek 92, - construction to be concrete blocks,and reinforced
concrete, built up composition roof,to cost X8,000.00
D.J.Morrision - hot 9, Block 92, clay brink and reinfrir'~e
concrete , built up composition roof - cost X13,000.
Irey Juries Company, Block lO1,Lot 20, Filling Station
and wash Rack, cement block construction, composition roof,
to cost 5,000. The permit for the construction of a garage
and wash rac]a by the Irey Jones Company vras granted on
~r S9
oondition that the v~ash raok be connected to the
sewer before it is put into use.
It was moved by iar.OTNeal, seconded by Per.
IBarwiek that all oonstruotion work on the golf course
be temporarily discontinued and that no more work be
done at the present except that required for maintainenoe.
Current bills having been audited by the finance
committee were referred baok to the counoil and ordered
The counoil adjourned.
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City Clerle.