02-22-26 Regular4a COUNCII~ CHAMBER February 22nd,1926 The regular session of the council was called to order by the Mayor, with councilmen Barwick, Jelks, and O~iVeal present -councilmen Evans, and Sundy were absent. It was moved by dir. Barwick, seconded by NIr.O'Neal i. that a permit be granted to Jelks and Bradshaw , for the eonstruotion of a Bement block store with composition roof,;. in Zot 2, Block 101 - oost X5,000. The motion was carried. t Its was moved,seeonded,and carried on roll Dell thats" ~~' the city contribute ~500.0(Y towards the X2,000. quota `' being raised by Delray for the Sesqui Centennial Exhibit at Philadelphia. It was agreed to order in the construction of side walks on praotieally all streets in the old city limits, east of Second Avenue west, and the matter was referred to the Street Committee and City Engineers for reeommendatton. The street committee reported in regard to their conference with Mr.Baker, of the East Coast Construction Co., and as a result of this conference the following motion was- made by Mr. Jelks " That Is4r.Baker be instructed to complete the streets as specified by the Street Committee, namely all those streets where rock has been placed except Swinton Avenue and the alleys, and that the remainder of the contract be cancelled." The motion was seconded by 44 Mr.Barwiok, and carried on roll Dell. The Mayor appointed Mr.Barwiok, and Mr.Jelks to act on the finance committee in place of Mr.Sundy and Mr. Evans who were absent. Current bills having been audited by the committee were referred back to the council and ordered paid. The council adjourned until Monday.P~iarch lst.1926. ~ CJ City Clerk. ~~~"WI~ Mayor.