03-01-26 Adjourned Regular48
2hARCH lst.1926.
The Mayor called the adjourned regular session of
the council to order at 8.15 PM. with Councilmen
Barwick, Jelks, O'1Vea1, and Sundy present Counoilman-
Evans was absent.
A proposition for furnishing $~ electric current
to the city was presented by the Florida bight and Power
Company, and said proposition was taken under advisement
by the council pending flzrther investigation. It was
moved by Mr. Barwick, and seconded by Mr.Jelks that a -.
competent Electrical Engineer be employed to make a
survey and advise tk:e city in regard to the advisability
of granting a franchise to the Florida Light and Power
Co. On roll osll the motion was carried. It was moved
by Mr. Jelks, and seconded by Mr.~~Ba"~~r`v~"i'c that the council
appropriate an amount not to eaeeed~~;500~. 0 for the
expense of this investigation. The motion was carried.
The council adjourned.
~~ ~
City Glerk.