03-23-26 Regular~:
Council Chamber
March 23rd,1926.
The council met in regular session Mayor Smith
residing. Councilmen, Barwick, Evans, Jelks, and Sundy
present. Councilman - O'Neal was absent.
The minutes of the previous meetings were read and
After some discussion the question of re- numbering
the houses was referred to the Street Committee and Cit~r
Judge Donnell of West Palm Beach laid before the
council a petition requesting the removal of the Tourist
Camp located on Block 94 The Mayor appointed the following
committee to consult Pfir. Zeder in regard to moving the camp.
fir. Barwick,
Mr. Evans,
Mr. O'Neal
The City Attorney was instructed to report on the legal
phases of the question.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that a plat
known as Addition ~1 to villa Mar be approved subJeet to the
recommendation of the City Engineer.
It was moved, seconded, and carried on roll call
that the street and sidewalk construction completed by the
East Coast Construction Co., be checked up by the City
Engineer as soon as possible.
The communication from Bo¢a Raton Estates Inc.,
together with !'uit Claim Deed for a street adjoining
~ Block 122 was laid before the council. It was moved,
~ seconded, and carried that the communication be tabled
until the deeds Yrom the other property owners are
~~ obtained.
~ A communication requesting the paving oY
South ~7est 4th. Ave., between S.w.4th. St., and S.PJ.5th.
St. was laid before. the council. It was moved, seconded,
and carried that the said street be placed on the paving
program provided a right of way of 50 feet is obtained.
It was moved by hTr. Barwick, seconded by NIr.
Jelks that the extension of NE 3rd. Avenue one block
north of Atlantic be paved at once, and. that 330 feet of
sidevaalY, be laid and that since this is an emergency
proposition the City Pa2anager, and City Clerk accept the
best bid they are able to obtain on the constru.otion, and
have the work begun at once. The motion was carried.
Permits for construction in the fire zone were
granted as Yollows:-
Clivia Thompson - repairs to residence -
to post ~30.C0
John :M1'.Hall - hot 6,P.lock 101, Office
concrete block construction -built up
root - to cost X1500.00 - h.E.Dowling,
Current bills having been referred to the
finance committee were audited by them, and referred back
to the council and ordered paid.
- ~ C~~ b ay o r.
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