05-10-26 Regular~. _. 74 P:ay lOth,l926. COUNCIL. CIiAt`;TBER The council met in regular session with the mayor presiding. Councilmen, Barwick,Evans,Jelhs and O'Neal were present. Councilman Sundy was absent .__ The minutes of the revious meetings were read and approved. PZr.B.E.Clutter, appeared before the cot5i'1~. and requested the refunding of the money expended by' the Ocean City Development Co., in installing the water distribution s,;°stem in Del Ida Park. It was moved by M - i~ir. Evans that the matter of refunding the same be referred to the ~l~ater and bight Committee with power to act. The council was requested to confer with former members of the water and bight Committee in regard to the agreement with Mr. Clutter. The motion was seconded by P,~Ir. Jelks, and carried on roll call. It was moved and seconded that ..J.C.kx~.derson be permitted to operate a lunch wagon on the public street.. South west 1st,St.,between Block 21 and 22. The 'mot ion was carried. r It was moved by PtLr. Jelks, seconded by yir. O'Neal that the engineers be instructed to include amisiete in the specificatigns for paving as an alternate proposition. The motion was carried. It was moved by Pair.. Jellcs, and seconded by T;ir, O'Neal that the plans for the vaater system be app roved with corrections as made by tY7e council, and that the tank be placed on the city hall property in block 101, and that the council define the distribution system as stopping outside the power house. The motion was carried on roll call. It was moved by T~~T.r. O'Dleal, seconded by T?r.Jelks and carried on roll call that i:~r.C.T.Baker be instructed to act as engineer for the vrater plant including pumps,wells, etc. It was moved by hr. O'Neal,seconded by ar.Jelks, that the present bids for construction of a portion of the,.'. water distribution system be returned to the bidders and that new bids be asr~ed for the entire distribution system, bids to be opened I:Tay 24th, 1926. The motion was carried on roll call. ,~_ . ~~~. :T. ~; 75 It was moved,and seconded that the city enter into a new contract with :r.O.Helland for furnishing electric current to the Delray Ice Co., accordir.~ to the ratais recor;:mended by Iar.C.T.Baker, ,;.nd agreed upon by P,~r. Helland,and that the city attorney be instructed to draw up a contract. The motion was carried on roll call. It was moved by Par. Jelks,and seconded by T:1r.Evans that the ordinance requiring all trains to stop before crossing Atlantic Avenue be rescinded and that the rescinding ordinance take effect on date of receipt of check covering cost of maintaining, watchman to P,Zay 1st. The motion was carried on roll call. _ It was moved by I:ir. O'Neal that the city manager be authorized to construct an electric line to the mattress factory south of tovm, providing Irs. Benjamin gives the city a 90 day note to cover the cost of same, and the money be refunded ?,^_r. Benjamin at a later date. The motion was seconded by I~rr. Barwick, and carried on roll call. ~'iN 0?~DI?d_9S?CE PRO~IIDI27G FOR TIT_%' PAYIII~G OF C"RTAIT_ PT'>IG?TATT_''~D STREETS II`I THE' CITY OE ?)FI,RAY,FI,ORIDA,was placed on its second reading;. It was rnoved,seconded,and carried unanim- ously ts:at the rules be suspended, and the ordinance be read for the second time by caption only. After being read by caption only the ordinance was read for the third time and in full, On its final passage those voting; in the affirmative vrere, Z.h.Barwick, A.C=.F:vans, 'P1.0. Jelss T . i.~. 0' Ne al, tyre ordinance was declared adopted. It was moved by I,ir. O'Neal,and seconded by `~ Prir. Barwick that the city manager be authorized to construct an electric line to the golf course, the cost o° the line from the new power house site to the golf course to be paid from golf course f•.nds. `lhe motion was ea.rried 'on roll call. It was moved by Lir. O'Neal, seconded by .ir.Jelks, that a deposit of x'7.50 be required of all new water customer; The motion was carried on .roll call. ". request for J.C.I{een's house on Dade I'~Ir. O'Neal,and on second be of frame, composition I!irs.TYary S.I,upton. permit for 200.00 - repairs to St., - was granted on motion of of i1T'. Jells. Construction is to roof, and permit was g°anted to