08-27-26 Regular AdjournedAugust 27th, 1926.
The Council met in regular adjourned session, the
Mayor presiding. Councilmen Barwick, Jelks and O'Neal were
present. Councilmen Evans and Sundy were absent.
Mr. A. L. Miller, Director of the Band, addressed the
Council in regard to band appropriation for the coming season.
This was referred by the Mayor to a committee as follows:
Messrs. Barwick, O'Neal and Jelks.
As requested by the Council the Mayor issued the
following police order, that one minute parking only be
allowed on the West side of Southeast First Avenue in the
vicinity of the Post Office Building from Atlantic Avenue to
the alley and that no parking kt all be allowed on the East
side of Southeast First Avenue from Atlantic Avenue Sou,,th to
the alley.
It was moved by Mr. Jelks and seconded by Mr. Barwick
that Mr. L. A. Adkins be employed as City Engineer at a
salary of $275.00 per month, effective September 1st. The
motion was carried unamiously on roll call.
Mr. Barwick, Chairman of the Committee on Sanitation,
recommended the cleaning up of vacant lots in the old City
limits from the Canal up to and including Southwest and North-
west Second Avenue. It was then moved by Mr. Barwick that an
Ordinance be prepared by the City Attorney requiring lots to
be cleaned as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr.
O'Neal and carried on roll call.
It was moved, seconded and carried on roll call that
the Clerk be authorized to write to the applicants for the
position ofCity Engineer informing them of the Councils
action. ,r3
The Council adjourned 0-1.00U,