10-01-26 Adjourned Regulara
October 1st, 1926.
The Council met at four P. 1.. in adjourned
ar session with the I,:ayor presiding. Councilmen Barwick,
, Jelks, O'Neal and Sundy were present.
Communications from Jackson L. Barwick and T. I,;.
'Neal requesting that their names be omitted from the ballot
or the General City election on October 5th were placed
efore the Council. It was regularly moved, seconded and
arried. on roll call that the requests be complied with and
he Clerk be instructed to omit said names from the printed
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
or, roll call that a request for a bailding permit in Block
1Q,$, repairs to cost X2,000.00 for damage done during storm,
bft ,granted, construct -ion to be frame.
Irir. Hanksand I:Ir. Preston of the 21orida Power
and Light Company presented checks totaling $192,719.00 as
partial sale price for the light plant, the remaining payment
of w105,000.00 being field in trust until a marketable abstract
on the power plant property was obtained. The remaining
x15,000 had been previously paid to the City.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
unanimously on roll call that the Irayor and Clerk be requested
to eramiiine the collateral for deposit of approximately
X207,000.00 received from t;e Florida Power °: LiOht Company.
The Council adjourned to S P. in. Octo':)er 4th,
,City ler