HPB- 01-08-03 MINUTES `�,�.4 c� AGENDA v = HISTORIC PRESERVATION leke46 ��P BOARD MEETING CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Meeting Date: January 8, 2003 Type of Meeting: Special Meeting Location: Planning & Zoning Conference Room** Time: 6:00 P.M. The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Doug Randolph at 243-7127(voice), or 243-7199(TDD), 24 hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers. if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Historic Preservation Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Such record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. Two or more City Commissioners may be in attendance. I. CALL TO ORDER II. REVIEW/UPDATE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION DESIGN GUIDELINES A review/update of the current Historic Preservation Design Guidelines by the Historic Preservation Board and a representative from Janus Research. III. ADJOURN Wendy Shay, Historic Preservation Planner POSTED ON: December 31, 2002 ** Denotes New Location MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DATE: January 8, 2003 LOCATION: PLANNING & ZONING CONFERENCE ROOM I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 6:15 P.M. Upon roll call it was determined that a quorum was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Lou Jamison, Gail Lee McDermott, Gloria Elliott, Rhonda Sexton, Jim Keavney, Francisco Perez-Azua, William Branning. STAFF PRESENT: Loretta Heussi OTHERS: Ellen Uguccioni, Janus Research Consultant, Thuy Shutt (CRA) II. DESIGN GUIDLEINES UPDATE Ms. Uguccioni gave an overview of the design guideline update. A review of staff comments was also presented. Topics included: reviewing the certificate of appropriateness process, the demolition process, storm protection and shutters, the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and variances. Ms. McDermott mentioned the addition of conservation districts. Ms. Uguccioni stated that without an ordinance in place that the city could not proceed with the establishment of a conservation district and that the separate design guidelines would be established for such a district when necessary. Mr. Perez-Azua discussed the improvement of the graphics from the original and that additional graphics would aid in its ability to guide historic property owners. Ms. Uguccioni concurred and stated that new graphics will be provided. Mr. Perez-Azua and Ms. McDermott stated that more information should be provided for the historical overview. Ms. Uguccioni concurred and stated that the new overview will be more comprehensive in its development history. Ms. Shutt asked if the Land Development Regulations will be amended to include changes made in the design guidelines. She also stated that the historic preservation design guidelines should be copasetic with the design guidelines being prepared for the downtown area. Ms. Uguccioni stated that an ordinance change would probably be necessary which would require the Land Development Regulations to be amended. Further she asked about the consulting firm working on the project and stated that she will work to coordinate the two design guidelines. Ms. Caroline Patton (public) expressed her concern over the demolition issue and how that would be addressed. Ms. Uguccioni stated that it will be addressed, however, an ordinance change may be required to alter the demolition process. Ms. Jamison requested that a district update be completed to include the West Settler's District. Ms. Uguccioni concurred. Ms. McDermott discussed the maps to be included and stated that she felt a more user friendly version should be developed with the boundaries of each district and each individually listed site clearly delineated. Ms. Uguccioni stated that staff was coordinating the development of the maps. Ms. Patton inquired about the properties which were designated and how the design guidelines may help historic property owners in general regardless of their designation status. Ms. Uguccioni stated that the design guidelines were universal in that respect. Ms. Elliott stated that more information could be included on sites around the City for use as a guide to the historic properties. The Board felt that such information was better suited in a guidebook rather than the design guidelines. Ms. Uguccioni felt that that information was provided in the surveys. -2- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Uguccioni and John Bennett (Public) felt that a designation process should be added. Ms. Jamison stated that the process for designating a district as well as the certificate of appropriateness process should be included. Ms. McDermott inquired as to whether a designation runs with the property. Ms. Uguccioni confirmed that it does. Ms. Jamison stated that it is not in effect until approval by the City Commission. Ms. Uguccioni stated that it was specified in the City's historic preservation ordinance and that owner's consent must accompany the request. Kathy Appleton (public) requested that the Local and National Register process be clarified. Ms. Patton requested clarification of the ordinance and the demolition process. The Board stated that clarification was requested from the City Attorney's office by City Staff. Ms. Shutt suggested that relocation of a building was an option. Ms. Uguccioni stated that relocation was a means of last resort and that it related to the integrity of the district as well as the building as to whether relocation was appropriate. Ms. Elliot suggested means to encourage local designation for buildings up for demolition. Ms. Jamison stated that only designated buildings could be eligible for a stay of demolition per the direction of the Board. Ms. Appleton requested clarification of the ordinance to ensure that the Board could refuse a demolition request. Ms. Uguccioni suggested that the Board make a motion to request such a clarification. Ms. Sexton suggested that the Board mandate that developers pay for relocation fees. Mr. Perez-Azua stated that such requirements could be requested during the building permit process and the site plan approval process. -3- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Jamison inquired about new construction within the historic districts. Ms. Uguccioni stated that compatibility must be in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation however, the new construction style may be contemporary. Ms. Shutt stated that the County guidelines had a good definition of "compatibility" and that such a definition should be added for use in these guidelines. Ms. McDermott asked that better graphics be included in the "Architectural Styles" section. Ms. Shutt asked about the inclusion of the "Minimal Traditional" style. Ms. Uguccioni stated that prominent Delray Beach styles would be included and that line drawings would best represent the major architectural characteristics. Ms. Sexton inquired about which styles would be included and if historic styles outside the districts would be included. Ms. Uguccioni stated that all historic architectural styles either in or outside of the districts would be included. She then inquired about appurtenances and stated that such topics as walls, fences, etc. will be included. Ms. Uguccioni also expressed concern that consistency of materials be ensured when replacement in-kind was necessary and that such issues as window repair and replacement be addressed with care. Mr. Branning questioned the in-kind replacement of roofing materials. Ms. Uguccioni stated that any such replacement should be done to match what was originally there or use a prevalent material found in the area. Ms. Sexton inquired about shutters and the materials to be used. Ms. Uguccioni stated that issues such as materials and use of shutter dogs would be addressed. Ms. Uguccioni and Mr. Perez-Azua expressed concern over in-kind replacement of windows and whether aluminum frame were appropriate in any circumstance as the scale is obscured when using aluminum over wood. Mr. Branning expressed his concern over the expense associated with replacement of wood windows. -4- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Mr. Perez-Azua stated that it was the owner's responsibility when purchasing a historic building. Ms. Shutt stated that replacement should only be mandated when supported by documentation of original materials used. Ms. Sexton requested that appropriate standards be included for signage and that the Board would benefit from more direction. Ms. Uguccioni led a discussion on pools and their location on historic properties. Ms. Jamison and Ms. McDermott expressed their concern for lighting locations and whether decorative fixtures should be permitted on the interior of a property if not viewed from the right-of-way. Ms. Uguccioni stated that the issue will be addressed. Ms. Jamison requested that fencing samples be brought before the Board. Ms. Shutt stated that public art work in the historic districts should be addressed due to the recent development of the Cultural Loop. Ms. Uguccioni requested more information and stated that she will research the topic further. Ms. McDermott requested that further information be included regarding landscaping requirements. Ms. Uguccioni inquired about approved colors and the Board's color chart. Ms. Jamison suggested that colors are a matter of personal taste and that perhaps the chart should be eliminated for the use of test patches. Ms. Jamison also stated that a review of the matrix be completed and that landscaping proposed over the minimum requirements be addressed. Mr. Bennett stated that the Historic Preservation Board works in the same capacity that the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board (SPRAB) works in that it should review all aspects of the project including aesthetics. Ms. Uguccioni reminded the Board that their goal is to make decisions based on retaining the historic characteristics of the City and not specifically on its aesthetics qualities. Ms. Jamison stated that the same guidelines will apply to all designated properties. -5- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Uguccioni led a discussion on hurricane protection. Mr. Perez-Azua suggested that impact glass may be necessary and that the new code often requires it. Mr. Branning inquired about ADA issues and whether the guidelines will cover such issues as ramps and other exterior improvements. Ms. Uguccioni concurred that they will be addressed. Ms. Shutt stated that some information regarding the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) façade easement program should be included. Ms. Sexton suggested that the ad valorum tax exemption information be included. Ms. Uguccioni concurred. Ms. Jamison inquired about the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Ms. Uguccioni stated that they will be listed and referenced where applicable. Ms. Jamison mentioned the inclusion of more images. Ms. Uguccioni stated that in printing it may become a budget constraint however, it was for the City to determine the number of illustrations to include. Ms. Uguccioni also stated that a glossary was being compiled from the City's Land Development Regulations (LDR) and the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Mr. Perez-Azua stated that there should be a cross reference between the LDR's and the design guidelines. Ms. Uguccioni also stated that an index and related appendices will be included. Mr. Bennett stated that such references such as the design guidelines are most helpful when compiled in a binder for ease when updating or amending. Ms. Shutt stated that a subscription may be the best option in addition to availability on CR-ROM. -6- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Jamison stated that a public meeting will be held to review the draft and that copies will be made available prior to the meeting for all those interested. Ms. Shutt mentioned that the West Settler's Advisory Board Meeting would be a good opportunity to present the draft as well. Ms. Jamison concluded that representatives from each district should be present and made available for comment. III. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. The information provided herein is the Minutes of the meeting of said body for January 8, 2003, which were formally adopted and approved by the Board on February 19, 2003. If the Minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated above, then this means that these are not the Official Minutes. They will become so after review and approval, which may involve some changes. -7- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DATE: January 8, 2003 LOCATION: PLANNING & ZONING CONFERENCE ROOM I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 6:15 P.M. Upon roll call it was determined that a quorum was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Lou Jamison, Gail Lee McDermott, Gloria Elliott, Rhonda Sexton, Jim Keavney, Francisco Perez-Azua, William Branning. STAFF PRESENT: Loretta Heussi OTHERS: Ellen Uguccioni, Janus Research Consultant, Thuy Shutt (CRA) II. DESIGN GUIDLEINES UPDATE Ms. Uguccioni gave an overview of the design guideline update. A review of staff comments was also presented. Topics included: reviewing the certificate of appropriateness process, the demolition process, storm protection and shutters, the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and variances. Ms. McDermott mentioned the addition of conservation districts. Ms. Uguccioni stated that without an ordinance in place that the city could not proceed with the establishment of a conservation district and that the separate design guidelines would be established for such a district when necessary. Mr. Perez-Azua discussed the improvement of the graphics from the original and that additional graphics would aid in its ability to guide historic property owners. • Ms. Uguccioni concurred and stated that new graphics will be provided. Mr. Perez-Azua and Ms. McDermott stated that more information should be provided for the historical overview. Ms. Uguccioni concurred and stated that the new overview will be more comprehensive in its development history. Ms. Shutt asked if the Land Development Regulations will be amended to include changes made in the design guidelines. She also stated that the historic preservation design guidelines should be copasetic with the design guidelines being prepared for the downtown area. Ms. Uguccioni stated that an ordinance change would probably be necessary which would require the Land Development Regulations to be amended. Further she asked about the consulting firm working on the project and stated that she will work to coordinate the two design guidelines. Ms. Caroline Patton (public) expressed her concern over the demolition issue and how that would be addressed. Ms. Uguccioni stated that it will be addressed, however, an ordinance change may be required to alter the demolition process. Ms. Jamison requested that a district update be completed to include the West Settler's District. Ms. Uguccioni concurred. Ms. McDermott discussed the maps to be included and stated that she felt a more user friendly version should be developed with the boundaries of each district and each individually listed site clearly delineated. Ms. Uguccioni stated that staff was coordinating the development of the maps. Ms. Patton inquired about the properties which were designated and how the design guidelines may help historic property owners in general regardless of their designation status. Ms. Uguccioni stated that the design guidelines were universal in that respect. Ms. Elliott stated that more information could be included on sites around the City for use as a guide to the historic properties. The Board felt that such information was better suited in a guidebook rather than the design guidelines. Ms. Uguccioni felt that that information was provided in the surveys. -2- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Uguccioni and John Bennett (Public) felt that a designation process should be added. Ms. Jamison stated that the process for designating a district as well as the certificate of appropriateness process should be included. Ms. McDermott inquired as to whether a designation runs with the property. Ms. Uguccioni confirmed that it does. Ms. Jamison stated that it is not in effect until approval by the City Commission. Ms. Uguccioni stated that it was specified in the City's historic preservation ordinance and that owner's consent must accompany the request. Kathy Appleton (public) requested that the Local and National Register process be clarified. Ms. Patton requested clarification of the ordinance and the demolition process. The Board stated that clarification was requested from the City Attorney's office by City Staff. Ms. Shutt suggested that relocation of a building was an option. Ms. Uguccioni stated that relocation was a means of last resort and that it related to the integrity of the district as well as the building as to whether relocation was appropriate. Ms. Elliot suggested means to encourage local designation for buildings up for demolition. Ms. Jamison stated that only designated buildings could be eligible for a stay of demolition per the direction of the Board. Ms. Appleton requested clarification of the ordinance to ensure that the Board could refuse a demolition request. Ms. Uguccioni suggested that the Board make a motion to request such a clarification. Ms. Sexton suggested that the Board mandate that developers pay for relocation fees. Mr. Perez-Azua stated that such requirements could be requested during the building permit process and the site plan approval process. -3- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Jamison inquired about new construction within the historic districts. Ms. Uguccioni stated that compatibility must be in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation however, the new construction style may be contemporary. Ms. Shutt stated that the County guidelines had a good definition of "compatibility" and that such a definition should be added for use in these guidelines. Ms. McDermott asked that better graphics be included in the "Architectural Styles" section. Ms. Shutt asked about the inclusion of the "Minimal Traditional" style. Ms. Uguccioni stated that prominent Delray Beach styles would be included and that line drawings would best represent the major architectural characteristics. Ms. Sexton inquired about which styles would be included and if historic styles outside the districts would be included. Ms. Uguccioni stated that all historic architectural styles either in or outside of the districts would be included. She then inquired about appurtenances and stated that such topics as walls, fences, etc. will be included. Ms. Uguccioni also expressed concern that consistency of materials be ensured when replacement in-kind was necessary and that such issues as window repair and replacement be addressed with care. Mr. Branning questioned the in-kind replacement of roofing materials. Ms. Uguccioni stated that any such replacement should be done to match what was originally there or use a prevalent material found in the area. Ms. Sexton inquired about shutters and the materials to be used. Ms. Uguccioni stated that issues such as materials and use of shutter dogs would be addressed. Ms. Uguccioni and Mr. Perez-Azua expressed concern over in-kind replacement of windows and whether aluminum frame were appropriate in any circumstance as the scale is obscured when using aluminum over wood. Mr. Branning expressed his concern over the expense associated with replacement of wood windows. -4- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Mr. Perez-Azua stated that it was the owner's responsibility when purchasing a historic building. Ms. Shutt stated that replacement should only be mandated when supported by documentation of original materials used. Ms. Sexton requested that appropriate standards be included for signage and that the Board would benefit from more direction. Ms. Uguccioni led a discussion on pools and their location on historic properties. Ms. Jamison and Ms. McDermott expressed their concern for lighting locations and whether decorative fixtures should be permitted on the interior of a property if not viewed from the right-of-way. Ms. Uguccioni stated that the issue will be addressed. Ms. Jamison requested that fencing samples be brought before the Board. Ms. Shutt stated that public art work in the historic districts should be addressed due to the recent development of the Cultural Loop. Ms. Uguccioni requested more information and stated that she will research the topic further. Ms. McDermott requested that further information be included regarding landscaping requirements. Ms. Uguccioni inquired about approved colors and the Board's color chart. Ms. Jamison suggested that colors are a matter of personal taste and that perhaps the chart should be eliminated for the use of test patches. Ms. Jamison also stated that a review of the matrix be completed and that landscaping proposed over the minimum requirements be addressed. Mr. Bennett stated that the Historic Preservation Board works in the same capacity that the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board (SPRAB) works in that it should review all aspects of the project including aesthetics. Ms. Uguccioni reminded the Board that their goal is to make decisions based on retaining the historic characteristics of the City and not specifically on its aesthetics qualities. Ms. Jamison stated that the same guidelines will apply to all designated properties. -5- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Uguccioni led a discussion on hurricane protection. Mr. Perez-Azua suggested that impact glass may be necessary and that the new code often requires it. Mr. Branning inquired about ADA issues and whether the guidelines will cover such issues as ramps and other exterior improvements. Ms. Uguccioni concurred that they will be addressed. Ms. Shutt stated that some information regarding the Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) façade easement program should be included. Ms. Sexton suggested that the ad valorum tax exemption information be included. Ms. Uguccioni concurred. Ms. Jamison inquired about the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Ms. Uguccioni stated that they will be listed and referenced where applicable. Ms. Jamison mentioned the inclusion of more images. Ms. Uguccioni stated that in printing it may become a budget constraint however, it was for the City to determine the number of illustrations to include. Ms. Uguccioni also stated that a glossary was being compiled from the City's Land Development Regulations (LDR) and the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Mr. Perez-Azua stated that there should be a cross reference between the LDR's and the design guidelines. Ms. Uguccioni also stated that an index and related appendices will be included. Mr. Bennett stated that such references such as the design guidelines are most helpful when compiled in a binder for ease when updating or amending. Ms. Shutt stated that a subscription may be the best option in addition to availability on CR-ROM. -6- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 Ms. Jamison stated that a public meeting will be held to review the draft and that copies will be made available prior to the meeting for all those interested. Ms. Shutt mentioned that the West Settler's Advisory Board Meeting would be a good opportunity to present the draft as well. Ms. Jamison concluded that representatives from each district should be present and made available for comment. III. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. The information provided herein is the Minutes of the meeting of said body for January 8, 2003, which were formally adopted and approved by the Board on February 19, 2003. If the Minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated above, then this means that these are not the Official Minutes. They will become so after review and approval, which may involve some changes. -7- HPB Minutes 1/8/03 DRAFT: FOR DISCUSSION ONLY TABLE OF CONTENTS: DELRAY BEACH DESIGN GUIDELINES Acknowledgements Credits Masonry Vernacular Section I. Bungalow Purpose of Design Guidelines Minimal Traditional Introduction Mission Why Design Guidelines? Mediterranean Revival A Brief History Monterrey Historic Sites Survey Art Deco Art Moderne International Section II. Ranch Local Historic Districts and Individual Sites Section V. Design Principals Old School Square Marina Facades Del-Ida Park Foundations Nassau Park Roofs/ Dormers/ Chimneys West Settler's Materials List of Individual Sites Windows Doors Section III Shutters Process and Procedures: Site Planning Role of Historic Preservation Landscape Board Parking Historic Designation Criteria Fences and Walls Local Historic Designation Signage Certificate of Appropriateness: Lighting Process (Alterations, Additions/ New Construction) Section VI. Certificate of Appropriateness: New Construction Process (Demolition) Appeals Section VII. National Register of Historic Hurricane Protection Places Nomination Process Section VIII. Section IV Compliance with the Americans Common Architectural Styles: with Disabilities Act (ADA) Frame Vernacular Draft:Tables of Contents Revision • Delray Beach Design Guidelines Page 2 Section VII. Federal Tax Consequences Section VIX. Local Tax Incentives Section X. The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation Appendix "A" Delray Beach Register of Historic Places Appendix "B" Glossary Appendix "C" Resources/ Bibliography Index Prepared By: Ellen J.Uguccioni Janus Research,Consultant