HPB-07-01-1998 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD ATTENDANCE LOG 1998/1999 MEETING DATES DEBORA JOHN SUSAN SHANE BETTY TONY 09/02/98 P P P P P A 09/16/98 P P P A P P MEETING DATES DEBORA JOHN SUSAN SHANE ' BETTY WILLIAM TONY 10/07/98 P P P A A P P 10/21/98 11/04/98 P P P P P P P 11/18/98 P P A P P A P 12/02/98 P P A P P P P 12/16/98 C AN C E L E D 01/06/99 P P P A P A A 01/20/99 P P P P P P P 02/03/99 P P P P P P A 02/17/99 P P P P A P P 03/03/99 P P P P A P P 03/17/99 P A P P P P MEETING DATES DEBORA JOHN SUSAN SHANE MARYLOU WILLIAM TONY 04/07/99 C AN C E L E D 04/21/99 P A P P P P P 05/05/99 C AN C E L E D 05/12/99 A P P P P P P 06/02/99 A P P P P P P 06/16/99 P P A P P A A 07/07/99 _ 07/21/99 08/04/99 08/18/99 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD ATTENDANCE LOG 1997/1998 MEETING DATES DEBORA JOHN SUSAN ANTHONY I BETTY VERA ' TONY 09/03/97 P P P P P P P 09/17/97 C AN C E L E D 09/30/97' P P P P P P P 10/15/97 R E SC HE DU LE D 10/22/97 A P P P A P P 11/05/97 P P P A P A P 11/19/97 P P A P P P P 12/03/97 A P P P A P P 12/17/97 C AN C E L E D 01/07/98 P P A A P A P 01/21/98 P P P A P P P 02/04/98 P P P A A A P 02/18/98 P P P IIIP P P MEETING DATES DEBORA JOHN SUSAN SHANE BETTY VERA TONY 03/04/98 P P P P A A P 03/18/98 P P P P P P P 04/01/982 P A A P P A A 04/15/98 P P P P P _ A P 05/06/98 P P P P P P P 05/20/98 P P A P P A A 06/03/98 A A P P A P P 06/17/98 P P A P A P P 07/01/98 A P P A P A P 07/15/98 C AN C E L E D 08/05/98 A A P P P P P 08/19/98 C AN C E L E D 1 Meeting date rescheduled due to holiday. 2 Meeting canceled due to lack of quorum. DELI BEACH heal All-America City AGENDA 1993 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Meeting Date: July 1, 1998 Type of Meeting: Regular Meeting Location: First Floor Conference Room Time: 6:00 P.M. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Historic Preservation Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Such record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. Pursuant to F.S.286.0105. 1. CALL TO ORDER (Roll Call) II. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS A. COA-274 Continuation, The Check Cashing Store, 48 West Atlantic Avenue, New Construction, Old School Square Historic District. William Holtel, Authorized Agent, Paul Hauser, Owner. Approval for Exterior Light Fixtures on the North, East and West Elevations. Approval for Globes for the Parking Lot Pole Lights. B. COA-328 Continuation, Masonic Lodge Building, 40 E. Atlantic Avenue, Old School Square Historic District. Jerry Moore, Ferrin Signs. Approval for a Sign for Yama Japanese Restaurant to be Located on the North Facade. C. COA-327 Continuation, The Rectory, 14 S. Swinton Avenue, Old School Square Historic District. John Szerdi, Authorized Agent. Approval for Exterior Paint Colors and Roof for the Cottage to the South of the Rectory Building. HPB Meeting July 1, 1998 Page 2 III. REPORTS AND COMMENTS A. Reports from Historic District Representatives B. Board Members C. Staff IV. ADJOURN Pat Cayce Historic Preservation Planner POSTED ON: June 25, 1998 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLIC HEARING MEETING DATE: JULY 1, 1998 LOCATION: FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM I. ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chairperson at 6:00 P.M. Upon roll call it was determined that a quorum was present. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairperson Johnson, Susan Hurlburt, Betty Diggans, Tony Keller MEMBERS ABSENT: Debora Turner, Vera Farrington, Shane Ames STAFF PRESENT: Pat Cayce II. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS: A. COA 274-Continuation: The Check Cashing Store, 48 W. Atlantic Avenue, New Construction, Old School Square Historic District. Paul Hauser, Owner, William Hotel, Authorized Agent. Item Before the Board: The action requested of the Board is that of approval for exterior light fixtures on the north, east, and west elevations, and globes for the parking lot pole lights. It was moved by Ms. Hurlburt, seconded by Mr. Keller and passed 4-0 to continue COA 274-Continuation for the exterior light fixtures to allow the applicant to return with drawings of a proposal to construct a valance which would extend downward from the canopy to conceal the fluorescent fixtures from view. It was moved by Ms. Hurlburt, seconded by Mr. Keller and passed 4-0 to continue COA 274-Continuation for the parking lot pole lights, and requested that the City Engineer determine what affect opaque globes would have on the lighting requirements (photometric data) for the parking lot. B. COA 328-Continuation: Masonic Lodge Building, 40 E. Atlantic Avenue, Old School Square Historic District. Jerry Moore, Ferrin Signs, Authorized Agent. Item Before the Board: The action requested of the Board is that of approval for a sign for Yama Japanese Restaurant to be located on the north facade. It was moved by Mr. Keller, seconded by Ms. Hurlburt and passed 4-0 to approve COA 328-Continuation for the sign for Yama Japanese Restaurant as follows: 1. The sign text is to be split so that YAMA and Japanese Restaurant are centered over the windows; 2. The YAMA letters have been reduced from 27" to 24" and will be open channel aluminum painted aqua to match the building's trim as close as possible. The neon tubing is to be white; and, 3. The Japanese Restaurant letters are to be 12" plate aluminum painted black and are to be italic as depicted in the original proposal. C. COA 327-Continuation: The Rectory, 14 S. Swinton Avenue, Old School Square Historic District. John Szerdi, Authorized Agent. Item Before the Board: The action requested of the Board is that of approval for exterior paint colors and the roof for the cottage to the south of the rectory building. It was moved by Ms. Hurlburt, seconded by Mr. Keller and passed 4-0 to approve COA 327-Continuation for the following: 1. The exterior paint colors to be all Sherwin Williams as follows: a. Accent (mullions & doors) - Island Cay/1747 b. Accent (gable trim) - Deco Coral/1810 c. Trim (eaves, shutters, railings, & corner boards) - Star Sapphire/1615 d. Body -Acapulco Sun/1607 2. The roof is to match the Rectory; 3. The 15 light glass French style front door replacement for the cottage; and, 4. The use of metal louvered shutters for both the Rectory and the cottage if hurricane rated wood shutters are not available. D. COA S-57: 102 S.E. 7th Avenue, Marina Historic District. Dan Sloan, Owner. Item Before the Board: The action requested of the Board is that of approval of exterior paint colors. It was moved by Ms. Diggans, seconded by Mr. Keller and passed 4-0 to approve COA S-57 for exterior paint colors to be all Benjamin Moore as follows: 1. Body - Mayflower Red/PH-49 2. Windows, Gable Ends, & all Trim - White 3. Shutters - Black Forest Green/096-46 4. Chimney & Column Capitals to be left natural -2- 07/01/98 E. COA 351 Pre-application: Vacant Property, Lots 1 and 9, Block 59, Southeast Corner of N.W. 1st Avenue and N.W. 2nd Street, Old School Square Historic District. Lloyd Hasner, Owner. Item Before the Board: The action requested of the Board is that of providing comments and direction for a development proposal for the construction of two mixed use two-story buildings and associated parking lots. The Board gave the following comments and direction: 1. Felt that the style of the buildings were generally appropriate to the historic district; 2. Suggested that clapboard be used on the second story; 3. Recommended that the tile accents be eliminated; 4. Suggested that shutters be used where appropriate; 5. Suggested a simpler railing for the balconies; 6. Recommended that the parking lot paving be other than cement or asphalt, and if possible utilize pavers combined with sod; 7. Recommended that the handicapped access ramp be relocated from the N.W. 2nd Street facade to the south facade, or access be accommodated from the parking lot; 8. The site plan should indicate where trash receptacles will be located and how they will be screened; and, 9. Did not enthusiastically support art work in the front of the buildings as it may affect the residential character of the historic district. III. REPORTS AND COMMENTS: A. Reports from Historic District Representatives None B. Board Members None C. Staff Mrs. Cayce informed the Board that porte cochere for Dominono's restaurant is being re-built to match the original and has been staff approved. Mrs. Cayce informed the Board that the Ficus tree at the home on the west side of N. Swinton Avenue between N.W. 1st and 2nd Streets has been damaged and is being replaced with an Oak tree. -3- 07/01/98 IV. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Board, Ms. Hurlburt moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M., seconded by Ms. Diggans and passed 4-0. The undersigned is the Secretary of the Historic Preservation Board and the information provided herein is the Minutes of the meeting of said body for July 1, 1998, which were formally adopted and approved by the Board on August 5, 1998. Diana'Mund If the Minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated above, then this means that these are not the Official Minutes. They will become so after review and approval, which may involve some changes. -4- 07/01/98 . ..................... Project Name: COA 274 Continuation, The Check Cashing Store Project Location: 48 West Atlantic Avenue ................. .. . ........... . The action requested of the Board is that of approval for: • Exterior light fixtures mounted on the canopy of the north, east and west elevations; and. • Globes for the parking lot pole lights. 11,11.111111111111111.1111•111WAIONGIRAMDIEBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII To paraphrase LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(7) Development Standards, construction of new buildings within historic districts shall meet the same compatibility standards of a noncontributing building. Any material change in the exterior appearance of any existing noncontributing building, or appurtenance, shall be generally compatible with historic buildings or sites adjoining or reasonably approximate to the new construction. And, pursuant to Section 4.5.1(E(2)(b) Appurtenances, includes light fixtures. Exterior Building Lights The Historic Preservation Board approved the site plan and elevations for the Check Cashing Store on December 19, 1996. The neon tubes which have been installed under the cantilevered eyebrow canopy were not shown on the approved elevations and were not approved with the COA. However, when the plans were presented for a building permit the lights were indicated on the electrical plan, and were approved by the Building Department. Parking Lot Pole Globes White opaque globes for the parking lot pole lights were approved along with the site plan and elevations at the Meeting of December 19, 1996. Clear globes with futuristic light reflectors inside have been installed without approval. Meeting Date: July 1, 1998 Agenda Item: II-A HPB Staff Report COA-274 Continuation Page 2 NEMMENNEANALYSIS ti .:..THE G � N aF Y LLGIFI T S .......::.::.:. .....::...::::: The Design Guidelines state on page 42 that functional elements of a structure include lighting and hardware. Therefore, if lighting fixtures are to be added as a part of the facade they must be depicted on the elevations. As most commercial buildings use only lighted signs, which are approved by formal review, and/or ground level accent landscape lighting such as up-lights which reflect on buildings and trees and are reviewed with the site plan, it is not unusual for a commercial project to be presented without facade light fixtures. However, when an applicant wishes to install light fixtures on the facade, those fixtures must be reviewed through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. Nine double bulb fluorescent fixtures each approximately 8' long have been installed under the canopy; 5 are on the Atlantic Avenue facade (north); 3 are located on the east facade canopy and 1 on the west. The fixtures have a plastic cover over the bulbs but when viewed after dark appear to be bare bulbs. The illumination produced by these fixtures is intense and is visually intrusive to the Atlantic Avenue streetscape. Landscape up-lighting is not an option on the north and west facade as the sidewalk is continued to the building's walls. It might be possible to install simple contemporary wall mounted fixtures which would direct light to the underside of the canopy. White opaque globes were approved for the pole fixtures in the parking lot. The applicant provided staff with a Xerox of the proposed globe, however, the quality of the copy was so poor that it was impossible to discern the details and approval was not given. After repeated requests, a clear copy was provided. However, by this time the existing globes had already been installed without approval. The globes are clear acrylic with a 3 tiered silver colored reflector inside. The reflector detracts from the simplicity of the globe and is especially visible in the daytime. The lighting specification sheet notes that the globes are available in "Opal". If "Opal" means "opaque white" the applicant could change the globes to produce the approved fixture. HPB Staff Report COA-274 Continuation Page 3 The West Atlantic Redevelopment Coalition's architectural review committee and the Community Redevelopment Agency are opposed to the fluorescent fixtures on the canopy and have requested that the matter be discussed by the HPB. 1. Continue with direction. 2. Approve the canopy lights as installed. 3. Deny the canopy lights. 4. Approve the pole globes as installed. 5. Deny the pole globes. ><�<>» > ><<> � > > >> ><<_R;EC><�J�N� ''I+t>ICJ�.A......1..4.1�............................................. Based on failure to make positive findings to Section 4.5.1(E), and the Design Guidelines deny: • The exterior canopy light fixtures; and • The globes for the parking lot pole lights. file u/ww/coa274s3 r j Desi 'nSP ,E Impact Resistant Acrylic or Polycarbonate . :. 7.sic %. =:s:" Spheres-35 to 250 Watt " ❑ Wide variety of styles,sizes and mounting ± •I '- -t. configurations provides maximum flexibility. �'' Four color choices complement any architectural style. • ,14-----; \114 , ❑ High performance SP-70 reflector system provides .11 I \� outstanding photometric performance. I 1 1 I M r' Photometric Data: ,62'/sThrJG-- Distribution:Type V(R)Refractor Distribution:Type V(BO)Opal Distribution:Type V(SP 70) Lamp:100W MH(8,500 LMS) Lamp:100W MH(8,500 LMS) High Performance Reflector Bulb/Base:ED-17/Medium Bulb/Base:ED-17/Medium Lamp:150W HPS(16,000 LMS) Report No.:SPC7837R Report No.:SPC7837P Bulb/Base:ED-17/Medium Report No.:SPC7837A d'e'L 3 2 2 2 8 of A'0 Illj i cE ^ = a 1 1 jj i j 1 1 j 2 2 l l l I i 3 :.... I I 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 Lbv3003I De1:a TO Mdre!S Neat le23d01 oeZce10 Wm,:144,42 .300.41 0,aele**OR. CONVERSION CHART-Footcandles are initial Mounting Ht. A B C D E F 8' 7.80 4.68 3.12 1.56 0.78 0.39 10' 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 12' 3.45 2.07 1.38 0.69 0.35 0.17 15' 2.20 1.32 0.88 0.44 0.22 0.11 20' 1.25 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.13 0.06 Specifications: Sphere:Thesinglepieceseamless Optical System:The clear,bronze Ballast:Ballastsshall be post-line Finish:The exterior fixture corn- acrylic or polycarbonate spheres and smoke globes shall be outfitted or core and coil mounted in head. ponents shall be pretreated,primed, (14°,16°,18",20',22")shall be with prismatic shock resistant All CWA ballasts(+10%to-10% baked,covered with a high solids sealedto casting with neoprene gas- borosilicate glass refractors. lamp power regulation)are rated polyester finish and baked again. keting and retained by a heavy- installation:Field installation to for -20 degree F operation. All The double baked finish shall meet gaugealuminum clamp.Opal,clear, bracket or pole shall be accom- non-CWA ballasts shall be HPF or exceedallAAMArequirements smoke and bronze globes are avail- pushed without having to remove ballasts.The fixture shall be factory for1,000 hour salt spray exposure. able in either acrylicorpolycarbon- or disassemble anyfixturecompo- pre-wired,completely assembled Optional anodized finishes shall ate.The fixture shall be U.L.listed nents.Thecastaluminumfitter,with and electronically tested prior to be applied over brushed aluminum "suitable for wet locations." integral tenon shall fit4°roundalu- shipment.Quick-disconnects are surfaces of a uniform grain. minum poles or 3.5"round stems. standard. Other sizes shall be available upon request. /- 18 PHOTOMETRIC DATA \ . LAMP (1) 175 WATT M.V. LUMENS 8500 ' /, - FOOTCANOLE BASED ON ONE y �1 LUMINAIRE 10'0' MTG. HT. .. :SOFOOTCANDLE DIAGRAM ... X s:::. ' -, .-"'"'Z'10 F , O ,,;tip .1.: • 1- 2 `n..., . r Z tl `n a 0 1 2 3 4 - r DISTANCE tN UNITS OF MTG. tfT. 1 -.t_, `FIXTURE SPCCIFICATION$ 1 1 1. 1-4--24- OIL Whits Laxan or Arytrc _T_ Globe _ ,, • 2. Usdium or IrtogtM Sas. Porcelain f Sock* k ='' IIII/ _, Cas#Alum. Twist Lock Fitter 4. "Cast Alum. Tenon �# S. 4 5. 4- Dia. Extruded Mum. Post 111 S tl. •Mpn Power Factor Post Luna Ballast . • AU Ka:aware Shot Be Corrosion d RasAstant i ! • Ali E3ectncat Components SRai Se Lt.L Ustad [ram a 4y �Y-- • B ` 5 e,2//q/f ,_ i'? , IRDI._ L1 (-I- Hi" O tALC_ CITY ( — ATTORNEY — _Q BUILDING - - a a a -c I ¢ < MAR71N LUTHER KING JR. BLVD. N.E. 2ND ST. i 1 - p .a , Z N w _x xsill _ "- v -' CITY `� Z �' z I., _ L 111 HALL w N - i i u r QI i I N.W. 1ST ST. N.E. 1ST ST. I I LU w I 3 z —'z z COMMUNITY OLD Z Z z CENTER SCHOOL SQUARE TENNIS STADIUM I I ATLANTIC AVENUE I I ( POLICE SOUTH I Nom COMPLEX COUNTY ""' . COURT IHOUSE N= I a . 01 W EW 1 I I I I S.W. 1ST ST. S.E. 1ST ST. Mk O 1/1Ifi ~ti z t r p" co Ix-. x N _ v• I S.W. 2ND ST. S.E. 2ND ST. 3 to An r vi 3 N -iimi- C.O.A. # 8274 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FL ♦ -- DIGITAL 84SE MAP SYSTEM -- MAP REF: L14019 Project Name: Yama Restaurant, Masonic Lodge Building, Project Location: 40 E. Atlantic Avenue The action requested of the Board is that of approval for a sign for the north Elevation (E. Atlantic Avenue) of the historic Masonic Lodge Building. The Board reviewed this item at it meeting of June 17, 1998 and voted to continue with the following directions and suggestions: • Provide some alternatives to what has been proposed. • Consider the use reverse channel letters to soften the neon illuminated YAMA. • Consider reducing the size of the 27" YAMA letters. • Split the YAMA and Japanese Restaurant so that each is centered over the windows. • Consider the use of a Japanese symbol in neon to suggest an Asian restaurant; and use the same font style for all the text with the YAMA being larger. The applicant has told me that he has revised the sign by reducing the size of the YAMA letters; replacing the open channel letters with reverse channel; and splitting the YAMA and Japanese Restaurant so that each is centered over the windows. 1. Deny with reasons stated 2. Approve as presented 3. Approve with conditions Meeting Date: July 1, 1998 Agenda Item: II-B Staff Report COA-328-Continuation Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It sounds as though most of the Board's concerns have been addressed. However, as the design was not available at this writing, staff is withholding recommendation and suggests Board's discretion. file/u/ww/coa328s5 s ',e/ //11/9-4 P/6n/li �U&V /4Ø' • 21'-111 _I 'Ili 1, r!•'S .t�•lt j?; 1.:�.. it. Thi_JJ ,; r. l t 1 JAPANESE RESTAURANT1)• ),. FABRICATE&INSTALL ONE(1)SET OF 27"OPEN CIIANNEL LETTERS READING:"YAMA"& 12",I/•1" PLATE ALUMINUM LETTERS,READING:"JAPANESE RESTAURANT" OPEN CHANNEL LETTER LAYOUT SCALE:1/2"=1'-O" BOTH FINISHED ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE,W/EXPOSED WI IFFE NEON©OPEN CHANNEL LETTERS. REMOTE PLACED 110VAC 1 AIIdFOKAIEK6IIIAYPRDVED 1 LIE UL VOX. MIA CM/NEL__._ .. _..___-.li W M1IERI'KCOFElECTIOCAL /DISCONNECI'5W1fp1A5KEaD L -... .-.. ...1IE011 TU6111G W/GLASS- fU6E BUProk18.DWBLE I. I • I 1 • L1ALxsAv.LAYPR17rED• •I�I, GroG16fElEAD6Wlnu11 -.'El EC1K0�61f5'DOOrm k- FiIE)b ECg1DUIf.NLOPENIIIGS M131EM 6EAl EDW/SII18llf• A .'' ., (' IIAPANESE RESTAURANT EXIERIOI(ISSIL . ...• . ---TAYC0116/IS+XLIIILYDIOR6E1 I. --.....IUI .___-IUF -..._- I L_ II ...._. .. .. II I A110IOK5.A .MIK(1)Ilk LETIEK • SECTION "[YPICAL N.T.S, • ti ) C'I TEIl ,I� .,.,`"'`i r ' 1„ . t. i'.;.•,.rr 'IIOIE:ELECntICALPKILURY1051G11 (OPEN FACED CHANNEL L- �'•1,II;ry)4�u1 —'•- _. LOCA1KRLdY0T11ER5 —t+lam! ai£" 7---_ STOREFRONT ELEVATION N.T.S. FERR,N Ill/Rt.YAM\JAPANES 1"FSIA1I W'NI _ .. . I,ESAIICAN.sn:,2/rDEAC]LfI_ kaKc.Alomi _ NOTICE TO CUSTOMER DI/E51(:7J p'if10:i2/ Sig" ns SAIEryiI YVlI N10%CIX NI'Hihl N(GRSI(U? .I llbal +-'�• in an l•wluuu•.w„w "t,o SNES:J MIXYiE ... .--- ;ii-i I inn n luiuo�wl lrNuw`�tl�arwi:ii./.;uu '`�IiLSICd7F.ItCIWCiCCX:PEl1 '--- Gull? 1 1.1 vEVull I Fa's.1'In^Ito/ „,,,.n••A'mta'. J .�� SCAIE.AStN'dLl)(A K:98.Y oljlH iiENSIC.JS -.. ........ ..... nrw f:(:AY.t11115 ARII()JAI tlY: ` DESIGN PROPOSAL �alE IIIIS❑Nl15IN(:1V1SCN1{IIU 10 AfSISI IOUIN VISU511lIN(:OIIN I'HOIY)511• IIIE(INIGIN111D1 ANI III YNOI'INIY III II NHIN. 1'INAIgSIUN II/('UI'Y NH NI\'I)1 IIIIS }}-- / /�1�. I)Nl1VINl.IAN()N11 tl1(Ioi.IININ IIINII A 1VN111lu A(:NIIAI(NI 151111 I MIN. III 1l)IIN SAIII� -y< ? �1�.:,II�I I't'""'' I IVE l)N CAII Ilil l)11IC1 111 I INNIN)II�NY INC. (�� ' A.............................................................. E AIN .BSA Project Name: COA-327-Continuation Project Location: 14 S. Swinton Avenue The action requested of the Board is that of approval of exterior paint and roof material for the cottage to the south of the Rectory Building. At the meeting of January 21, 1998 the Board approved the paint colors and roof material for the Rectory. At that time the applicant told the Board that the colors would be the same for the cottage but that the placement of the colors had not yet been decided. The applicant will present the color chips and placement at the meeting. The roof is to be copper with an antique verdigris finish to match the Rectory. The approved colors are as follows: All paints are Sherwin Williams 1. Accent (mullions & doors) Island Cay-1747 2. Accent (gable trim) Deco Coral-1810 3. Trim (eaves, shutters, railings, corner boards) Star Sapphire-1615 4. Body Acapulco Sun-1607 file/u/www/coa327s3 Meeting Date: July 1, 1998 Agenda Item: III-C r _Him II II lu 1 l 1 1L-11___JL_IUI I1 ] 1 IL _ MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DRIVE N.E. 2ND ST. I. w >aCC ¢.Li > w w ¢ w ¢ a 11! - a w — z z r -' - CITY I� HALL— r 0 3 1- N o —' n N 1 — N.W. 1ST ST. N.E. 1ST / ST. 1 Li-I 3 § COMMUNITY —z z CEN TER Z Z Lai il `' L z - > TENNIS OLD STADIUM ¢ SCHOOL SQUARE V ATLANTIC AVENUE 11 I POLICE SOUTH I I // COMPLEX COUNTY I I I I I I - 1 1 COURT HOUSE w - N— w `' > a ¢ > > • 4f 3 L..; S.W. 1ST ST. S.E. 1ST ST. 11 a ' Z z O F. VI - z N W rc _ EN vi n v c — 0 n S.W. 2ND ST. S.E. 2ND ST. i I '-/ 1 — 3 I - j I v' N 1 3 4i vi vi N v' I N 0--simir- THE RECTORY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FL / -- DIGITAL BASE MAP SYSTEM -- MAP REF: LM214 DELRAY BEACH thiri All-AmericaCity 1993 AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Meeting Date: July 15, 1998 Type of Meeting: Regular Meeting Location: First Floor Conference Room Time: 6:00 P.M. The Historic Preservation Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 1998 has been CANCELED. The next meeting of the Historic Preservation Board will be held on Wednesday, August 5, 1998 at 6:00 PM in the First Floor Conference Room at City Hall. „,„,a4-4e: Pat Cayce Historic Preservation Planner POSTED ON: July 9, 1998