HPB-07-07-1993 p AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Meeting Date: July 7, 1993 Type of Meeting: Regular Meeting Location: 1st Floor Conference Room Time: 6: 00 P.M. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Historic Preservation Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Such record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. Pursuant to F.S.286 .0105. I . CALL TO ORDER II . APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 16, 1993 III . PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None IV. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS A. COA 8-209, 232 N.E. 5th Terrace, Claudia & Stephen Echols, Owners. Noncontributing duplex, Del-Ida Park Historic District. Re-roof with change of materials from cement tile to white fiber glass shingle. B. COA S-036, 123 S.E. 7th Avenue, Jeannie McDonough, Owner. Noncontributing single family residence, Marina Historic District. Re-roof with change of materials from cement tile to grey fiber glass shingle. V. DISCUSSION AND ACTIONS ITEMS None Historic Preservation Board Agenda July 7, 1993 Page 2 VI . REPORTS AND COMMENTS A. Reports form Historic District Representatives B. Board Members C. Staff VII. ADJOURN POSTED ON: July 1, 1993 Pat Cayce, Hist c Preservation Planner MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1993 Location: 1st Floor Conference Room 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 I . ROLL CALL: The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 6 : 00 P.M. Board Members: Christine Bull Present Margie Miller Present Daniel Carter (Vice Chair) Absent Sandy Jamison Present Pat Healy-Golembe Present Buck Miller (2nd Vice Chair) Absent Rose Sloan (Chair) Present Staff Members Present: Pat Cayce, Planning & Zoning Department Diana Mund, Planning & Zoning Department II . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 16, 1993 Meeting Margie Miller moved for approval of the minutes for the June 16, 1993 meeting, seconded by Pat Healy-Golembe. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes; Margie Miller - Yes; Rose Sloan - Yes . Said motion passed 5-0 . III . PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None. IV. CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS: A. COA 8-209 : 232 N.E. 5th Terrace; Del-Ida Park Historic District; Claudia & Stephen Echols, Owners; Bob McNab, McNab Roofing, Authorized Agent. The Board moved to approve COA 8-209 for a re-roof with a change of materials from cement tile to white fiber glass shingles. Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA 8-209, seconded by Christine Bull. The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - No; Margie Miller - Yes; Rose Sloan - Yes . Said motion passed 4-1. B. COA S-036: 123 S.E. 7th Avenue; Marina Historic District; Jeannie McDonough, Owner. The Board moved to approve COA S-036 for a re-roof with a change in materials from cement tile to grey fiber glass shingles . Sandy Jamison moved for approval of COA S-036, seconded by Margie Miller. The vote was as follows: Christine Bull - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - No; Margie Miller - Yes; Rose Sloan - Yes. Said motion passed 4-1. V. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS: None. VI . REPORTS AND COMMENTS: A. Reports from Historic District Representatives : Gene Fisher informed the Board that the City Commission had given tentative approval for the Swinton Avenue Beautification Plan at their July 6th meeting. Susan Brown and Gene Fisher requested that the Board consider making Osceola Park a historic district. The Board said that they had previously discussed this and were in favor of it but, they would first need about 50% of the homeowner's support. B. Board Members: Mrs . Sloan asked if the glass block on the home at Swinton Avenue and N.E. 3rd Street was part of the Board' s approved plans. Mrs. Cayce was not sure but would check on it. C. Staff: Mrs . Cayce asked the Board for nominations for next month's Historic Preservation Awards and Board Members nominated the following: * Eric Zago - 11 Dixie Boulevard. - 2 - 7/7/93 111.111 VII . ADJOURNMENT: Sandy Jamison moved for adjournment at 6 : 50 P .M. , seconded by Pat Healy-Golembe . The vote was as follows : Christine Bull - Yes; Sandy Jamison - Yes; Pat Healy-Golembe - Yes; Margie Miller - Yes ; Rose Sloan - Yes . Said motion passed 5-0 . The next meeting is scheduled for July 21, 1993 The undersigned is the Secretary of the Historic Preservation Board and the information provided herein is the Minutes of the meeting of said body for July 7 , 1993, which were formally adopted and approvedr��i��%j//////��f/l by the Board on July 21, 1993 . Al/L„..- Di a Mund If the Minutes that you have received are not completed as indicated above, then this means that these are not the Official Minutes . They will become so after review and approval, which may involve some changes . - 3 - 7/7/93 k �.----. APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 100 N.W. 1ST AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 The Historic Preservation Board meets on the must bestiand nd third Wednesday of each month. This application 15 days prior to the next available meeting. Terr. Address of Property 232 N.E. 5thiGaiift Delray Beach, Florida Affix One Clear Picture r.T. -.- 'v.~a ' ,, i t ' --1111170k ` . . IIII IIII'Ili(IIIm ,IIII Iiillinlinin • t k STAFF REPORT HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING JULY 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM 4 COA 8-209 232 N.E. 5TH TERRACE STEVEN AND CLAUDIA ECHOLS, OWNERS NONCONTRIBUTING DUPLEX, DEL-IDA PARK HISTORIC DISTRICT ITEM BEFORE THE BOARD The action before the Board is that of granting approval of COA 8-209 to allow a cement tile roof to be replaced with white fiber glass shingles. BACKGROUND The Historic Preservation Board is required to review, through the COA process, the re-roofing of a building if the requested change requires removing the original material (e.g. cement tile, barrel tile, wood, or metal) and replacing it with fiber glass or asphalt shingles. The Design Guidelines state that such changes are inappropriate. Inappropriate changes to the exterior of a building, whether contributing or noncontributing, cannot be approved by staff. ANALYSIS This duplex was constructed of c.b.s. in 1961. Cement tile roofs were installed on these simple, vernacular buildings to add emphasis to the roof line which is a prominent component of the exterior design. Typically, the installation of a synthetic roof is half the cost of cement tile. The applicants are requesting the replacement for economic reasons. RECOMMENDED ACTION Board's discretion. / =Mil APPLICATION FOR A STAFF APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 407-243-7284 Address of Property /023 S.E. 77/f /1 COA-S d5 C Affix one clear picture 4 k .- • STAFF REPORT HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING JULY 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM 4-B COA S-036 123 S.E. 7TH AVENUE JEANNIE MCDONOUGH, OWNER NONCONTRIBUTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME, MARINA HISTORIC DISTRICT ITEM BEFORE THE BOARD The action before the Board is that of granting approval of COA S-036 to allow a cement tile roof to be replaced with gray fiber glass shingles. BACKGROUND The Historic Preservation Board is required to review, through the COA process, the re-roofing of a building if the requested change requires removing the original material (e.g. cement tile, barrel tile, wood, or metal) and replacing it with fiber glass or asphalt shingles. The Design Guidelines state that such changes are inappropriate. " Inappropriate changes to the exterior of a building, whether contributing or noncontributing, cannot be approved by staff. ANALYSIS This residence was constructed of c.b.s. in 1953. Cement tile roofs were installed on these simple, vernacular buildings to add emphasis to the roof line which is a prominent component of the exterior design. Typically, the *installation of a synthetic roof is half the cost of cement tile. The applicant is requesting the replacement for economic reasons. RECOMMENDED ACTION Board's discretion.