HPB 03-02-1990 AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 2 , 1990, 9: 00 A.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 1 . Roll Call 2 . Introduction of Vickie Johnson, Neighborhood Planner for Pineapple Grove. 3 . COA 8-097 Victor Nocera, 122 S.E. 1st Avenue. Install 8 new solid core wooden doors on south side of building. 4 . COA 8-099 Danielle Baudouin, 1023 Nassau Street. Reroof with same material as existing roof. 5 . COA 8-062 Continuation. Hank Allen, 332 S.E. 7th Avenue. Reroof . 6 . Anita Shannon, interpretation of proposed use change for house and cottage, 201 N.E. 1st Avenue. 7 . Acceptance of designation report for 19 Andrews Avenue for Local Register of Historic Buildings. 8 . Discussion of Design Guidelines contract. 9 . Discussion of Old School Square Historic Arts District. 10 . Approval of Minutes : October 20 , 1989 November 17 , 1989 December 4 , 1989 December 8 , 1989 December 15 , 1990 11. Unfinished Business 12 . New Business 13 . Adjournment WM DATE: FEBRUARY 28 , 1990 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD FROM: PAT CAYCE SUBJECT: AGENDA AND COMMENTS FOR MARCH 2, 1990 SPECIAL MEETING, 9 : 00 A.M. 1. Roll Call 2. Introduction of Vickie Johnson, Neighborhood Planner for Pineapple Grove. 3 . COA 8-097 Victor Nocera, 122 S.E. 1st Avenue. Install 8 new solid core wooden doors on south side of building. I have on file the completed COA, the filing fee and a notarized agent authorization form. These doors were installed and painted without approval of the HPB and without a building permit. However, compared with the broken glass jalousie doors formerly in place, they certainly present an improvement to the overall appearance of the building. 4 . COA 8-099 Danielle Baudouin, 1023 Nassau Street. Reroof with same material as existing roof. The applicant requests approval to reroof in the same style shingle, material to be fiberglass instead of existing asphalt. Color to be the the same as the existing roof . 5 . COA 8-062-Continuation Hank Allen, 332 S.E. 7th Avenue. Reroof . The applicant' s existing roof is white cement tile. He proposes to remove the tile and reroof with asphalt or fiberglass. He describes the roof as "leaking badly" and cites the additional cost of reroofing with tile as his reason for proposing the change of material. The house has an interesting three gable configuration on the front elevation which gives prominence to the roof as an architectural feature of the building. • Wig I explained to him that the HPB did not usually grant approval for this kind of material change, and suggested that he get estimates for the waterproof sealer system. He did not seem to be receptive to this avenue of approach. Shortly after I spoke with him, I received a building permit application from Paul E. Hahn, roofing contractor, for the reroof of 721 N. Swinton which came before the Board some time ago. The HPB did not approve the material change from tile to asphalt and suggested the applicant consider the sealer method. I contacted the roofing contractor and the sealer will be used at 721 N. Swinton. I mention the above to remind the Board what action was taken on a similar COA and what the outcome was. 6. Anita Shannon, interpretation of proposed use change for house and cottage, 201 N.E. 1st Avenue. Ms. Shannon is a skin care professional. She proposes to buy the Mackel house and cottage, located at the corner of N.E. 1st Avenue and N.E. 2nd Street. The property is currently in the RO zoning district which does not permit this type of use. David Kovacs suggested that Ms. Shannon come before the HPB to discuss this and get your opinion as to whether this would be a business that would be appropriate in the HAD district. 7. Acceptance of designation report for 19 Andrews Avenue for Local Register of Historic Buildings. Pat Healy is nominating her house for inclusion in Local Register. The designation report is enclosed. If the report is accepted, the public hearing will be held at our regular meeting, Friday March 16, 1990. . 8. Discussion of the Design Guidelines contract. The contract is enclosed. Stan Weedon will update you on the progress. 9. Discussion of Old School Square Historic Arts District. Stan Weedon will present this item. 10 . Approval of minutes. 11. Unfinished Business. a. Financial report, This Old Town Preservation Conference. Expenses $3 ,357 . 27 Income 3 , 520. 27 Loss to Reserve Fund $ 27 . 00 b. Community Block Grant Fund Application When Lula Butler spoke to the HPB on November 17, 1990 she stated that this is the time of year for her department to apply for this grant. With consensus approval of the HPB, I will send a memo to Lula requesting that her application for C.B.G. funds include "funding for rehabilitation of homes in local historic districts, when the recipient qualifies for such assistance" . 12 . New Business a. Consider what action to take on the enclosed letters from Old School Property Owners Association. 13 . Adjournment ..11.110 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1990, 9: 00 A.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 1. Roll Call: Chairman Patricia Healy : Present Diane DeMarco : Present Alice Finst : Present David Martin : Absent David Nathanson : Present Rose Sloan : Present Spencer Pompey : Present Staff Present: Pat Cayce, Historic Preservation Planner Stan Weedon, Assistant Planning Director 2. Introduction of Vickie Johnson, Neighborhood Planner for Pineapple Grove. Pat Cayce introduced Ms. Johnson, who informed the Board that she would be preparing the neighborhood plan for Pineapple Grove. The first work product is a detailed land use inventory. 3 . COA 8-097 Victor Nocera, 122 S.E. 1st Avenue. Install 8 new solid core wooden doors on south side of building. MOTION: To approve as submitted. Made: David Nathanson Seconded: Spencer Pompey VOTE: Healy : Y Finst : Y Nathanson : Y Sloan : Y DeMarco : Y Pompey : Y MOTION: APPROVED 4. COA 8-099 Danielle Baudouin, 1023 Nassau Street. Reroof with same material as existing roof. MOTION: Made: Alice Finst Seconded: Spencer Pompey VOTE: Healy : Y Finst : Y Nathanson : Y Sloan : Y DeMarco : Y Pompey : Y MOTION: APPROVED 5 . COA 8-062 Continuation. Hank Allen, 332 S.E. 7th Avenue. Reroof. MOTION: To approve as submitted; the material is to be cement tile. Made: Alice Finst Seconded: David Nathanson VOTE: Healy Y Finst : Y Nathanson : Y Sloan : Y DeMarco : Y Pompey : Y MOTION: APPROVED 6 . Anita Shannon, interpretation of proposed use change for house and cottage, 201 N.E. 1st Avenue. MOTION: To recommend to the Planning and Zoning Board that the use be determined to be a similar use as those which are allowed as professional offices. Made: David Nathanson Seconded: Rose Sloan VOTE: Healy : Y Finst : Y Nathanson : Y Sloan : Y DeMarco : Y Pompey : Y MOTION: APPROVED COMMENTS: The applicant expressed that the proposed business was skin care, nails and hair removal and that the business would eventually be in the cottage adjacent to the car wash. Norm Radin spoke in favor of the use as a cottage industry/business which is the type of business which the Pineapple Grove Association is trying to attract to their neighborhood. Mr. Clemmer Mayhew also spoke in favor of the use. Upon questioning by Mr. Weedon, the applicant indicated she would be the only employee and that her business was one which is professionally licensed by the State. The applicant was advised that if the Planning and Zoning Board interprets the use as a similarity of use she must still appear before the Historic Preservation Board for a Certificate of Appropriateness. 7. Acceptance of designation report for 19 Andrews Avenue for Local Register of Historic Buildings. MOTION: To accept the nomination report and set a public hearing for March 16, 1990. Made: Alice Finst Seconded: Rose Sloan VOTE: Healy : Y Finst : Y Nathanson : Y Sloan : Y DeMarco : Y Pompey : Y MOTION: APPROVED COMMENTS: Chairman Healy stepped down for this item. 8 . Discussion of Design Guidelines contract. Mr. Weedon informed the Board of the progress and status of this item. 9 . Discussion of Old School Square Historic Arts District. Mr. Weedon presented a detailed analysis of the uses vs. existing zoning as they relate to the proposed zoning of the proposed District, and led a discussion on the proposed uses within the OSSHAD. The Board upon discussion and consideration rm 41 determined by consensus that duplexes should be eliminated from the list of allowable uses in the Old School Square Historic District. Ms. Sloan, having left during discussion, was not present for this vote. Mary Lou Strollo from Old School Square spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance. The Board elected to postpone further discussion to their meeting of March 16th. 10. Approval of Minutes: October 20, 1989 November 17 , 1989 December 4, 1989 December 8, 1989 December 15, 1990 The Board approved all of the minutes as presented except for the minutes of December 8, 1990 which were approved with an amendment that item 1(c) specify Clemmer Mayhew. 11. Unfinished Business No Discussion 12 . New Business No Discussion 13 . Adjournment The Board adjourned by consensus. PUBLIC NOTICE The Delray Beach Historic Preservation Board has been invited to Patricia Healy-s home for coffee and rolls: Friday, March 2, 1990 8:00 A.M. 19 Andrews Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 •